chapter 14

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"where are you going? " loki asked Kalila while accidentally grabbing her injured wrist which made her cry out in pain, "sorry. " loki whispered as he let go Kalila's wrist immediately while she hissed in pain, "it's okay. " she said still wincing a little, "where are you going? " loki asked Kalila and she looked at loki, "to the washroom. " she answered plainly while Loki sighed, "okay be back here in three minutes. " Loki commanded while Kalila gave him a unsure look, "no I won't. " Kalila replied back boldly while Loki gritted his teeth in anger, "why wouldn't you.. " Loki started to speak out of anger that Kalila never listens before she interrupted him, "unless you want your bed sheets to become Japan's flag you won't ask me to come back in three minutes ." Kalila blurted out in a swift while Loki was blank by what she said , he wasn't quite able to make out what she just told him. "are you hurt?" loki asked her and Kalila sighed thinking how a person so witted as him couldn't make out what she meant, "I am not hurt, I am just simply on my periods. " Kalila stated while loki's face flushed red thanks to the room dimly lit Kalila couldn't see that, "now if you will excuse me I need to go. " Kalila said and sprinted off to the washroom, "the tampons are in the right drawer next to the washbasin. " Loki shouted to inform Kalila , he knew that she would ask that so he already told her before she could even ask, he felt a bit good about there conversations and about the fact that she wasn't hurt but there was something that concerned him, Kalila had a really good amount of blood loss in the past days and now she was on her periods so it was a life risking situation for her, she was already too weak and now she was gonna be even more weak if she didn't payed attention to her health, this worried Loki he knew she wasn't the type to care about herself so loki made an inner promise to himself that he will take care of her in this time after all this is the time ever girl wants someone to take care of them.

Kalila walked back into the room and laid on the bed on her sides, "is it normal or are you bleeding too much? " loki asked Kalila while she tried to keep her eyes open, "I am bleeding even less than my normals don't know if that's a problem ." Kalila babbled half mindedly and yawned, "no because of your stupid self harm act you already have lost a lot amount of blood so if you bleed less it's common. " loki said monotoned while Kalila resisted the urge to make a snacky comment, "yeah it was my stupid act which caused so much blood loss and what about that heinous crime you did? " Kalila mumbled absentmindedly, this words made Loki losse his mind and he pulled Kalila towards him he pinned her beneath himself in a swift motion and as an instinct Kalila placed her hand on his shoulder to maintain a distance between them both, "what are you referring as a crime? " Loki asked Kalila in a warning tone while his green eyes bored throw Kalila's brown one's, "let me go. " Kalila hissed as Loki started to lower his body towards Kalila's, "answer me. " loki ordered while he glared at kalila, "you forced yourself on me against my consent so it's a crime now move the tampons are already too small In length for me to sleep on my back and now you are starting to put pressure on my body I don't know how it will affect me. " Kalila ranted out while she shut her eyes tight , Loki blinked at her words and then removed himself from top of Kalila, "isn't it the brand you use on regular basis ?" loki asked Kalila and she nodded her head slowly as she sat up while folding her legs , " then how has it became small suddenly? " Loki asked Kalila who sighed while rolling her eyes , "yes I use the same brand of tampons but the size I use is extra long so that I can sleep in whichever position I like plus it's comfortable in everyday work too. " kalila explain while playing with her fingers and Loki mouthed an oh, "now if you are totally clear I would like to sleep. " Kalila said with a lip tight smile and then laid back on the bed, she closed her eyes as she heard no response from Loki. Then suddenly she heard movement from behind her and opened her eyes to scan the room only to end up with seeing loki standing at the end of the bed, "I will be back soon get some sleep. " Loki said and exited the room while Kalila just scowled, " I never asked you when you will be back. " Kalila said to herself and then shrugged, "any way it's good that he isn't here would be easier for me to sleep. " Kalila said to herself and laid back on the bed , she shut her eyes and soon sleep took over her.

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