chapter 13

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Kalila woke up with a pounding headache and a very uneven feeling between her legs, she tried to sit up while her eyes were still having a blurry vision thanks to the dimly lit room or she would have a different experience if the room was well lit, when she sat up the covers slipped off her body revealing her half naked body , Kalila looked down towards her lap and removed the covers from her lower half to come across blood , it was a mix of dried blood and fresh blood this made Kalila realize what happened last night, her face was emotionless as she thought about how painful last night was for her, it would be a nightmare for her forever . She remembered how she was begging loki to not do that to her but was her pleading useful no it wasn't, Kalila sighed before looking around to see a shrug was kept on the night stand along with a note.

Dear brown sugar ,
You clearly need rest after yesterday's activity so I won't wake you up, take care and remember to wash up ,once you are done go down to the dining room I have already asked Lisa to prepare food for you. I will be home by one in the afternoon so take care till then .


Kalila read the note with a poker Face and then looked at the wall clock which displayed the Time to be 12 in the afternoon, she got of the bed and slipped on the shrug . She started to walk to the washroom every step she took was really painful for her but she didn't even spared a tear to the discomfort, when she reached inside the washroom she didn't even cared to lock the door and just silently walked to the full length mirror which was situated next to the shower room, she stood infront of the mirror next to the stool which she used to try an escape from the window, kalila untied the knot if her shrug and let it slip to the ground . She raised her eyes to the mirror to taken in her self devastated appearance, her whole body looked like it went throw a disaster. The area from her neck to her shoulder blade was totally covered with purple hickeys along with the imprinting of hands on either of her shoulder edges , her face was tear stained and her hairs were messy all around. Then her eyes moved further down towards her lower half, her thighs had dried blood smuged all over them, it made her feel disgusted as she saw some white liquid was also dripping down her thighs. Kalila felt a fresh ,warm, silent tear slipped from her left eye and down to her cheeks , she was numb her screams her protest everything felt useless , to her even her existence felt useless. Kalila suddenly grabbed the stool which was kept next to her and threw it at the full length mirror, this action of her's caused the mirror to shatter into pieces, just the way the mirror broke similarly Kalila also broke she screamed at the top of her lungs and sank down to her knees. "why?. " Kalila asked herself loudly, she hugged her knees close to her chest and started to wonder why was it that she had to go through such a thing?, something she hated the most had happened to her, the thing she wanted to fight for the most had happened to her, she was raped but will anyone believes her?, leave that will anyone know about this ever? She was filled with questions but there was no one who could give her an answer, she cried for a while till the time she didn't had anymore tears coming out of her eyes. then it striked her she will get an answer to her questions no matter what it costed no matter if it even costed her life to her , she was sure to get an answer so she grabbed one of the broken mirror pieces and then sat back while placing her back against the wall, she took in a deep breath while placing the sharp broken glass edge on the vein of her left wrist, she closed her eyes as tears fell from them. "forgive me Allah, I know this is Haram but I find it better to be end this than to live a life with such Shame. " Kalila stated while drawing in a breath and then opening her eyes, "please allow my family health and a happy prosperous life. " Kalila prayed to God and pushed the glass into her skin, she dragged it from the left to the right end of her wrist as blood started to trickle down her wrist, she bit her lip hard to hold in the pain but at last whimpered and then let go the glass once she was done cutting her wrist veins. She sat back while letting go on the glass and closed her eyes, every passing second the face of her family members passed before her eyes. She smiled remembering them all it felt for her as a bless to be born in such a great family but it felt wrong to end up in. Such a situation at the most , slowly kalila was starting to lose consciousness and she felt her eyelids was getting heavier and heavier with time ever just then she heard someone's voice coming from outside, she was so weak that she couldn't even Make out who's voice it was till the time the person didn't came so close that Kalila could see a blur figure, she wasn't quite able make out who it was and she didn't even cared to make out who it was. The person was even saying something but Kalila couldn't make it out soon she slipped out of consciousness and everything grew dark.

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