chapter 16

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There was a pin drop silence as kalila and loki sat in the dining room , kalila was looking down at her food playing with the fork while loki observed her as he took a mouthful of his dish ,
"is it not up to your taste ?" he asked her making her get back to reality as she shook her head lightly and looked down, "then ?" he asked her as he placed his cutlery down on the plate and sat with his one hand supporting his face and the other on the table , kalila hesitated as she clutched the spoon in her hand which didn't went unnoticed by loki ,"I am sorry ,I shouldn't have hit him like that ,it was ..." kalila was apologizing as Loki stopped her ,"you're thinking I will mad at you for hitting tom ?" loki asked her raising an eyebrow and she nodded looking down and biting her lip anxiously ,loki bursted out laughing while she looked at him a little shocked and confused ,"are you not mad for what I did ?" kalila asked him ,he shock his head and looked at kalila with a smile , "if it would have been anyone else I would have been mad and surely they have been dead but you ..." he paused as he turned his gaze to kalila and twirled a strand of her hair in his hand , kalila just looked at him blank while he smiled looking at her and continued ," brown sugar, you are different and you have the right to hit him cause he lied to you." Loki confessed while kalila looked down at her food to hide her blush , "and it isn't always like the smart tom gets slapped ." loki said before bursting with laughter while kalila just chuckled along , "I was angry , I thought out off all people he wouldn't lie to me but he did ." she said with a sigh while loki just nodded his head in understanding, kalila took a mouth full of her food just then loki had a sudden look of realization on his face and he looked at kalila .

"wait you don't like him ?, do you?" Loki asked her while she choked at her food and started to cough ,"are you mad ?!, no ..hell no." she said entering into a coughing fit while loki just handed her a glass of water and patted her back ,"sorry sorry can't just take the risk ." loki said sheepishly as he saw kalila chunk in the glass of water . "it's okay but I am making it clear I have no feelings for any of the men's I know ." kalila declared while again taking a spoonful of her meal, she turned to look at Loki but was a bit shocked as she saw that his face was really close to her and he was directly looking into her brown eyes with his green ones . Loki raised his hand to the level of her mouth and cleaned her lips which had a little of the food stuck on it, but the intensity of the moment was really high, she could feel how his eyes bored trough hers but she cursed her period for the tensed atmosphere, she turned her face away quickly blushing heavily while loki just sat there smirking at her moved expression, he didn't wanted to tease her right now so he stayed quite and enjoyed how she acted when she was shy and awkward. "I am full, can I go sleep?" she asked loki as she took another bite of her food, "you need to finish it all ." loki said while Kalila groaned and pouted looking at him with a baby face, "I can't eat more, I am not even feeling like eating with these cramps going on ." she pleaded and Loki sighed looking down just to avoid looking at her pleading face, "please " kalila mumbled looking down at her plate again and loki sighed, "ok fine but just for today and if your cramps are really bad you must take painkiller ." he conditioned and kalila nodded her head , "I guess sleeping for a little while would help ." she said and got up from her seat ,"good might then ." she greeted with a big smile and loki just nodded his head in understanding, then she left while loki got busy with his dinner .

kalila had just got comfortable in the bed ,when she heard the door knob turning and sighed sitting up on her bed to be a little respectful of who ever was entering inside, "why are you here? " kalila asked loki as she pushed her hairs back from her face and looked at him with a little irritation, loki shrugged making a fake plain face. "what do you mean?, people come to there room for what?, sleeping . so I am here to sleep ." loki declared while kalila just started at him blankly , "ok." she nodded shortly while picking up a pillow and loki looked at her with a raised eyebrow ,"what are you doing?" loki asked her as she was about to step down the bed, "as this is your room then i shouldn't be sleeping here ." she answered and smiled at him which just made loki a little irritated ,"don't you dare to even set your foot down on the floor ." loki warned his voice cold and low enough to make kalila understand that she shouldn't be doing what she was about to do , "this room and everything inside this room belongs to me and that involves you too ." loki said while kalila just looked down and chuckled ,"am i just one of the things that you own ?, like a none living thing that just should be settled in a corner quietly until and unless you need it ." kalila said with a smile that showed different emotions than happiness ,"you are not just a thing but still belong to me ." loki said and kalila just shook her head and laid down on the bed pulling the cover over her as she didn't wanted to argue, loki was quite pissed and happy at the same time , he was pissed thinking kalila ignored him and happy that she didn't fought with him on the part of being his . he clinbed next to her and pulled her to him removing the cover from over her and getting into her personal space . It was quite creepy for kalila to adjust to him being near her but could she do anything?, clearly no so she just took in a deep breath , she stiffened a little at first but then she didn't put up a show maybe because she was too weak to do that and she knew this wouldn't take her to a good state . "What's the speciality today ?, so obedient." Loki remarked with a smile as he softly stroked kalila's hairs and she just was clearly zoned out as she heard him question she just yawned and closed her eyes . "Is it even use to make up a protest when I know that you would end up giving me a threat again ." She mumbled and loki chuckled at her words , "you are clearly a fast learner." Loki whispered in her ear and turned her to face him but instead she kept her eyes closed so that she wouldn't have to look at him . Loki just examined her face and smiled to himself before pressing his lips to her forehead, kalila shuddered a little but relaxed as loki pulled her flushed again himself , he moved his head away a little to look at his brown sugar's face . Her face was so innocent and she looked up at him with doe eyes and a little hesitation.

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