chapter 9

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A/N: the next few chapter will be from the time Kalila was kidnapped. And I will only write flashback start and end like this so that you guys don't have a problem in understanding it.

Flashback start's

Kalila fluttered her eyes open while clutching her head in her hand, her head was pounding so bad that she could still feel the world spinning around her, it took a minute for her to gain conscious totally after she was stable she looked around to see that she was in a big room on a king sized bed, it looked liked a room of someone having a lot's amount of money, it was all she could make out from the set up, all the walls were painted in shiny black and emearld green making the room Look royal and dark at the same time, "seriously why so dim colours? " Kalila asked herself in disbelief, the room was well lit but still in Kalila's eyes the colours made the room look dimmer, she got off the bed while cracking her neck, "those assholes could have used chloroform. " Kalila stated hissing in pain and rubbing her neck with her hand, it was a bit swollen where she was injected that only made her frown deeper, the only thing that was running in Kalila's mind was that who was the one who kidnapped her?,  she looked decided to look around the room, first she tried the door only to find that it was locked, "Atleast they know this much. "Kalila commented sarcastically and then moved to the other two doors that were on the left side end of the room, when she opened the first door she saw that it was the bathroom room which was quite too big to be called just a bathroom, "rich people and there weird wishes. " Kalila said with a small scowl on her face, she glanced at the small window that was on a hight, but poor height of Kalila it was not possible for her to reach it except she tried hard to. She closed the door and then turned to the other one as she opened that door she came into a walk-in wardrobe with a huge number of clothes hanged around, there were clothes of men's style which she guessed was surely off the one who had got her here, "carry me to your room so that I get melted by all the rich things you have. " Kalila talked to herself while thinking that the man who ever kidnapped her wanted Kalila to get dreamy with all the rich goodies her had so she would be ready to spend a night with him, "wait so it might be those two guys right? " Kalila asked herself in disbelief and then nodded her head in agreement to herself, she was a pretty much self talker. Then she saw that there were more clothes which were all ladies ones , it confused her but she just shrugged and walked out of the room, as she started to look around the room she heard voices of the door being unlocked and quickly picked up a vase that was kept on a near by table, she tip toed to the side of the door and stood there ready to attack the person who enter inside. A minute the door opened and Kalila highted the vase to smash it into the person face while she started scream it made the person jump and he shrieked a little to before turning to face kalila, Kalila forwarded her hand ready to smash the vase right at the persons head when the person grabbed her hand and pulled looked her in the eye, "carefull that's a expensive one. " the guy said in a deep British accent making Kalila narrow her eyes at him, she had seen him somewhere before but where she didn't knew, then she realised who he was, "oh my God aren't you the one I saved last night. " Kalila said in realization as her grip on the vase lossend and she let go off the vase which resulted into the vase turned to pieces with a big cling noise, Kalila flinched at the noise and then looked back at the guy, he had blueish green eyes , a good height of about 6'2 feet and a slender yet muscular figure along with a face with a sharp jawline and cheekbones, a total definition of a good looking guy,  "so if you are here it means that it was the guy I knocked out yesterday who kidnapped ?, he kidnapped you too? " Kalila asked him while trying to make things clear, she was clearly confused as to why she was kidnapped, "ya Allah I was just helping someone why did I ran into this kidnapping trouble and all. " Kalila questioned god while looking up at the ceiling while the guy stared at her, "you are planning on running away right I guess that?,  have you planned on how we will leave this place? " Kalila asked the guy to which he stayed silent for minute before bursting out laughing , this confused Kalila she looked at him while tilting her head, she was regretting saving him last night, "you think I am kidnapped? " the guy asked her while she nodded, that's when it striked it. "wait you are the person who kidnapped me?" Kalila asked him or herself in disbelief while he composed himself and stood straight infront of Kalila, "and why do you think so? " the guy asked Kalila while folding his arms, "because you knew that the vase was expensive and you also used a key to open the door. " Kalila said getting defensive of him, he was impressed by her bravery and wit, "I am impressed, but one can know that the vase is expensive just by looking around and about the key thing not everyone needs a key for that. " the guy argued making Kalila give that a thought, she knew he was right but that was not the concern at the moment so she shrugged that thought and glared at the guy, "answer me did you kidnapped me? " Kalila asked the guy who just smiled and nodded, "why? " she asked him while taking a step back from him, "because I wanted to. " he stated as if it was an obvious thing to kidnap people, "excuse me?, that's not a reason to kidnap someone. " Kalila said clearly bubbling with anger, she rolled her eyes and forwarded for the door but the guy stopped him halfway through and pulled her into him, Kalila pushed him away as he grabbed her hand, "where do you think you are going? " he asked Kalila as he grabbed her shoulders tightly and turned her to face him, his grip on her shoulder was so tight that it was sure to leave bruises, "I am going home because I don't think that I am supposed to be hear I mean who kidnaps who just saved there ass ?" Kalila blurted out in utter frustration, the guy remained poker face , "plus the fact you don't even know me neither do we have anything to hold grudges against each other. " Kalila said totally frustrated while she tried to free her hand from his grip but dude he was stronger than he looked, "Kalila Afraz Malik stop struggling. " the guy shouted making Kalila flinch and look up at him in shock, her mouth was open and her eyes were wide as she tried to say something but no words left her mouth, "you think I ,Loki Odinson would kidnap someone without any reason? " the guy asked making her even more surprised, "wait you are a business man right?,  then why the fuck are you doing this?" Kalila asked him while hissing a little as his grip tightened on her when she sweared, she glared at Loki while he just looked at her with a smile, "you are always feisty aren't you? " he said with a chuckle while Kalila rolled her eyes, "yeah if you know that then why don't you leave my hand so that I can punch you in the face? " Kalila hissed at him while glaring at loki, who got pissed at Kalila's word, suddenly he grabbed her face and squeezed it hard making Kalila scream in sudden attack, "don't dare to talk to me like that every again. " loki commanded in a slow tone while leaning close to her face, Kalila just rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand ripping it away from her face, "do I look like I am the obey everyone type?" Kalila asked him while moving closer to him and looking at him with courage, both of them were having such a brave aura so they both were waiting for the other to back off but too bad both of them were to stubborn and arrogant, after five minutes had passed like this Kalila finally sighed and then took a step back, "okay let me be the one with a big heart. " Kalila mumered as she took a step back and looked at loki, "okay so Mr. Kahey ka mister?.. (why should I call him mister?)..okay okay let's talk like educated people ." Kalila announced and then waited for Loki to agree, he just smirked and placed his hand on his back, "I never started this uneducated fight. " Loki taunted with a small smile playing on his lips, while Kalila rolled her eyes, "neither you resisted from getting into the fight anyway that's not of my concern tell me why did you kidnapped me and brought me here ? " Kalila said while looking around the room with a 'I don't like it. ' face, loki's face turned into a concerned one as he saw her looking around with such bored eyes, "why you don't like my room? " Loki asked her bluntly making her look at him with wide eyes, "we could change to a new room if you want. " Loki said while Kalila looked at him as if he had lost his mind, "are you mad?, what is that supposed to mean?" Kalila asked him in other shock while snorting, "it means what it means, I got you here because I want you to stay by my side, I had my eyes on your for a long time and had been planning to get you from quite a while so I got you ." Loki stated finally saying more than a sentence or two, from the moment he entered the room, she just look at him with her mouth a little open and her arms folded around her chest, "okay I understand what you mean but I don't wanna stay, I have made it clear in case you want an answer to that. " Kalila said with a straight face and then shrugged her shoulders, "do I said that I needed your consent over that, be more of a listener from now, I clearly stated that I got you here because I want you to stay by my side, I never said that I want you to stay with me so please stay my by side." Loki specifed while Kalila rolled her eyes with a frown, "and who are you to decide that?,  are you my father leave that aside even my father can't force me to stay here?,  or are you some magician who can make people obey?,  listen mister I have no interest in this all so I am making myself clear that I am leaving right away. " Kalila ranted out with a scowl and then turned around to walk out of the room after see saw that loki's face was priceless after her little out burst, "your question remind me something." Loki said as Kalila started to walk to the door ignoring what he was saying, "don't you have a joint family ?" this question of loki made Kalila stop dead in her track, the look on her face was pure horror as she realized what he meant by that she turned around with rage in her eyes and forwarded towards Loki, "don't you dare to even drag them into this. " Kalila warned as she walked to loki, Loki just smiled wolfishly , "then don't do something you shouldn't. " loki warned back making kalila roll her eyes, "okay do it, what will you do to them?,  make my family go bankrupt or even make us lose fame in the society?,  what else can you do? " Kalila asked him while moving closer to him and standing in front of him confidently, her height (5'3 feet ) infront of loki was not so much so it seemed like loki could tower on her with just a single step forward, "I can do alot more you have no idea about that. " loki said in dangerous low tone and chuckled, this only pissed her more , "like I can  send some members of your family to jail or I can get them beated by some of my men's or the best I can just kill them. " Loki whispered the last words in Kalila's ear making her go stun for a moment, after a little while of blankness Kalila composed herself and then looked up at him still daring, "who are you? " Kalila asked him clearly curious and pissed, Loki smirked at her question and then leaned down to the level of her face, "I am Loki Odinson, CEO of the odinson's industry that's what everyone knows but what not everyone know is that i am a gangster who is not to be messed with ." loki said with a serious face and Kalila gave a lifeless chuckle in response, "do you think I will believe that bullshit?, gangster my ass.. " Kalila said with a smile on her face, she wasn't ready to even believe a single word he said and he was sure to make her believe it, "your ass is a gangster too I didn't knew that maybe we will make  good partners ." Loki commented with a sneer in his voice making Kalila clench her jaw, "pervert. " she hissed at him and raised her hand to slap him, but he gripped her hand half way, "If I would have been in your place I wouldn't have made this any harder for us and if you don't believe me I can prove to you who I am. " Loki said with a obvious face while Kalila tried to pull her hand out of his grip, "then prove it ." Kalila said while looking deep into his eyes, "okay I will. " Loki said and pulled out his phone then handed her the phone, she took it with confusion written all over her face and eyebrows furrowed together, "check out the gallery you will know loki suggested and Kalila opened the gallery only to come across a picture of each of her family member and even people she had only met once, her eyes widened in fear as she realized she had been stalked  this long while, as she was still holding the phone it started to ring, it was a video call ."pick up the call and you will know what should do next ." Loki announced as much as she wanted to not listen to him she also wanted to know what was true and what was not so she picked up the call and what she saw made her world spin.

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