chapter 7

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Time skip

*six months later of the day of Kalila's coming to manali *

Kalila walked out of her washroom In a white shirt and with a towel in her hand with which she was drying her hairs, she saw that the door was open and a pocket was down on the ground this made her sigh and she shook her head , "amma I have told you so many times that you don't need to clean my room. " Kalila shouted while walking and picking the towel off the ground, just when she stood straight she realized it and her eyes went wide, "fuck. " Kalila said while she felt goosebumps on her arms, 'I am gonna be back in three days so stay safe okay. ' mawra's voice ran through Kalila's mind as she realized that marwa had went to Mumbai because Ali was sick,  that meant it was supposed to be only her in the house. "missed me brown sugar? " the voice made Kalila freeze at her spot, the towel feel from Kalila's hand and she decided that she needed to run, just when she got to the door Loki spoke up again. "no use of running brown sugar, there are mens standing just outside the door and if you anyhow escape that also then there are mens outside the house too. " loki informed Kalila his deep British accent showing off and Kalila again froze, tears started to well up in her eyes while her hand fell down from the door knob, "good girl, now come to me. " Loki said softly while Kalila started to shake, it was over now in reality it was all over the moment she thought that this wouldn't happen. "you heard me right ? " loki said in a stern voice making Kalila tremble, she wiped her tears and then turned around, her face was down, she kept her gaze down on the floor and walked in front of loki, she stood there while looking down at her hands , "look at me. " Loki commanded in a serious tone but Kalila still not dared to look him in the eyes, "you know I don't like repeating myself. " loki said while placing his hand below her chin and tilting her head so see was looking him in the eye, tears continued to fall down from Kalila's eyes as her brown eyes meet loki's blueish green eyes, loki's face had a big smile on his face which clearly showed that he was really happy to see Kalila like this, "now didn't I told you that you can't hide from me for long. If you would just been a good girl we wouldn't have ended up In a situation like this. " loki said while placing his hand on Kalila's cheek and smirking, "I am.. Sorry. " Kalila said while trying to avoid looking into loki's eyes, she everywhere possible but not at him, this made Loki losse it and he just squeezed her face making her look at him, "you are sorry for what? " loki asked Kalila with rage in his eyes which only made Kalila shrink, "I ASKED YOU SOMETHING. " Loki shouted making Kalila flinch, tears were running down her face as she opened her mouth to speak, "please.. It's hurting.. " Kalila pleaded as loki's grip on her face tightened, Kalila was already not ready for it all but now she was even more than scared as if something she was scared of the most had appeared infront of her, Loki took a look of Kalila's face and then smiled, this was it he knew that he had finally did a effect on her, so he just let go after taking In a deep breath, "why do you do such things brown sugar when you know this isn't gonna end up well? " Loki asked Kalila softly while cupping her face in his hand and brushing his fingers over Kalila's cheeks, this was what Kalila was scared the most of, his behavior change , he could just be so kind at time that it may make you think like he wasn't the one who did it all bad to you. But Kalila knew that this caring nature wasn't something that stays for long, she knew all that she should be afraid of so she was still scared of him. "you look like you saw a ghost have you really seen one? " loki asked Kalila jokingly with a smile as if he was talking to a little child, she just shook her head in a no slowly, Loki took seat on Kalila's bed making her get anxious, "sit here. " Loki said while patting his thigh , Kalila was trembling she knew what was coming now for her, she just stood there frozed without even moving a single inch, there was a moment of silence before loki grabbed Kalila's wrist tight and pulled her down to the level of his face, "have you forgotten what I did when someone didn't obeyed me? " loki asked Kalila in a warning manner and she just sniffed then shook her head in a no, "then don't make me repeat myself. " Loki hissed at her and then let go off her hand, she slowly sat down on his lap while she kept on sobbing, "Nah Nah don't cry brown sugar you are ruining that pretty face of yours. " loki said while wiping the tears from her face and placing his fingers over her lips, "now tell me what should we do with you? " Loki asked her while staring at her lips for a little while and then looking back at her eyes with a big smile,"please.. *hiccups*..please don't. " Kalila said while trying her best not to cry as this continued, "how about I let you shoot someone for me ?,that can make me happy I think. " loki said while Kalila started to shake her head violently, she started to have an inner panick attack, see never wanted to do something like that at no cost will she do that. "come on brown sugar it isn't much just you have to shoot someone. " loki said while Kalila looked at him with a pleading look while shaking her head in a no,  her mouth open as if she was about to say something but words weren't falling out off her mouth. "James. " Loki called loudly making Kalila flinch, he placed his hand on Kalila's waist while she stayed silent, she knew if she would oppose him touching her it will be of no use because if he wants to do anything no body can stop him.

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