chapter 40

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kalila entered inside the washroom while grabbing her tampon packet , she was again on her periods and the fact that she wasn't even home made her frown , she was still at aamir's house but she was planning on soon departing for her home town so that she could meet her parents , she knew that it wouldn't be long before Loki finally gets to her so she decided that she would better get taken away by him after she had gave a final visit to her parents and she was very eager to meet her bhabhi cause she really wanted to wish her good luck and spend some time with her family which she knew she wouldn't have much of after she would be taken away . she sighed before opening the tampon packet when she opened it she saw read the phrase written on the paper that was covering the sticky wings of the pad , 'look around happiness is trying to catch you .' the phrase said making kalila chuckle at the words , "don't know about happiness but someone is surely trying to catch me ."she said sarcastically to her own self and she did her buisness and then exited the washroom , when she walked out she saw aamir sitting on her bed with a nervous face . "and what brought us here ?" kalila asked raising an eyebrow with a big smile, he looked at her and smiled back before getting up and walking to her . "I have something to tell you.."aamir started but before he could even utter a word his phone rang making them both look at the caller's name, 'farhan' the caller name made him sigh as he picked up while mouthing a sorry towards kalila who waved it off . "hell..oh long ?..okay I will get her out ..yeah try to buy us some time ." aamir said his tone was anxious and was showing his worriedness too well ,this made kalila have a little panic too . before kalila could ask what was wrong he already gave her an answer , an answer she wasn't ready for . "loki is here, he is outside farhan's house trying to get information about you ." aamir's words made kalila stunned for a minute she didn't knew what to do or what to say and then her fear kicked in her brain started to work on plans to get her out of here . "okay you get your stuffs I will take you somewhere
safe ." Aamir ordered but kalila shook her head in a no , "you don't need to take me anywhere, I am not putting your life at risk listen i already have everything packed i will just get it . i know the routes of this places quite well by now so I will provably find a place to hide at and then I will go back to my home town , I am no way going back to him before I meet my family ." she declared ,her speech had clearly made aamir realise that at no cost will she let him help her to get out of this city or even out of the area . so he just nodded and quickly pulled her into a hug , "thank you for everything you did for me ." kalila said while she felt her eyes sting a little and tried to stop herself from crying . "so it's already a good bye hmm?" he said and chuckled lifelessly his eyes were also turning glassy, kalila was about to pull away from the hug when aamir again spoke up , "I never thought I would have to say good bye to you so soon ." Aamir admitted as a tear slipped his eyes , kalila looked up at him and smiled before wiping the tear that had slipped. "this is the thing about goodbyes aamir , they never feel right no matter how much time people spend together when the time for parting ways come they feel that it was just yesterday when they meet ." kalila said as she chuckled to lighten the mood though there was no happiness in her chuckle , aamir could sense it . "please say thank you to others on my behalf , you guys made me feel home when I wasn't. " she requested and then she pulled away from Aamir and started for the cupboard to get her bag.

"I have feelings for you .." aamir's words made kalila stop dead in her track , she knew she didn't had much time to waste but the thing that aamir said was something she felt guilty for . "I.." kalila started but aamir interrupted her , "please don't say anything I just wanted to let you know about my feelings , I understand that it's not possible for us to be together but atleast you know that you have someone who will always be ready to stay by your side even when the world is burning. " he confessed making bite her inner lip to stop herself from crying . she quickly grabbed her bag and walked to aamir and placed her hand on his cheek . "if I would have meet you in any other circumstances and with a different me , I can strongly say that we would have ended up together.." she trailed off and smiled at him , it was a tired and sad smile the replica of which was on aamir's face . "Allah hafiz." and with that kalila left from their to get as far away as possible .

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