chapter 41

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"I.. I.. want to see them .."

"I told you , I will catch you. "


"I know you are hiding there come out."

"I have feelings for you .."

"loki is here."

Kalila sat up gasping for air as her eyes took in the familiar yet unfamiliar surrounding, where was she?, this place,this bed, these walls filled with Polaroid, the baby pink painted walls. "Kali you woke up?!" Yara's disbelieving yell made kalila's head whip towards her, she looked at her eyebrows furrowed and her stomach pounding as if she was having a labor pain. She clutched her stomach gritting her teeths as  her eyes clenched shut under the pressure, she felt Yara's hands being placed on her shoulder while a panick overtook her. "Is something happening to you?, should I call for the doctor?, is it your stomach?,  should I get you something?" Yara blurted out questions her body language speaking panick as she helped kalila sit up, who shook her head with a raging intensity. "No don't!..just tell me where am I?" Kalila questioned as her eyes shoot up towards Yara, she could feel the pain subdue as if it was a reminder shot for her body to make her realise that she was alive, "you are in your room at your house." Yara informed as she sat beside her with a calm face and a soft smile, "which house?" Kalila questioned her voice timid to even say this out loud but she was beyond confuse, there were so many placed she had lived at in this little meanwhile.

Which house was this one?, loki's house?, mawra's house?, aamir's house?, or or her parents house?, Yara needed to specify her words cause her last answer has only added more to Kalila's concern. "You are at home Kali with us your family." Yara explained as she grabbed kalila's hand and held it between her both hands giving it a reassuring squeeze, kalila just looked around her face blank as she looked at all those Polaroids she had made once, all those memories that this particular space contained, her teenage was within these walls, all the happy giggles, all those inside jokes, all those crush talks, all those friends coming over, all those silly siblings fight, all those tears, all those silent stares in the darkness, all those sobs she had tried to subdue. These walls had seen a part of her that she had locked from the whole world, so when she felt all those memories flashing infront of her eyes she couldn't hold back the sobs that left her mouth.

"Hey hey..what's wrong?" Yara questioned concern getting grip on her body as she turned around to face kalila who just shock her head smiling at her cousin with a big smile on her face, "I can't believe I am back home." Kalila confessed her voice disappearing as she engulfed Yara into a hug who stiffen at first but melted quickly as her hands wrapped around kalila's shaken frame. "Who brought me here?" Kalila questioned as she pulled away from the hug looking at Yara with a serious expression on her face, Yara looked away not knowing how to answer her.

But her silence was enough for kalila to figure out who it was and the realization made her gasp, "no he didn't..please tell me it was not him.." she trailed off as she saw Yara sigh in defeat as her head slowly moved up and down in a silent yes making kalila scramble back as she hugged her knees close to her chest, why would he do that?, did he let her go?, no no he wouldn't have care to find her if he meant to let her go?, why did he bring her here then?, Does he wants to make her regret running away by doing something to harm her family?, loki was not this heartless..he wasn't right?, did he bring her here cause she had begged him to let her see her parents before she passed out?, was he really this thoughtful?

All these questions were driving kalila mad and the only one who could give her an answer was Yara, so she looked at her with eyes narrowed as her face held a look of determination making Yara scratch the back of her neck in nervousness, "tell me what happened. " kalila demanded as she moved closer to Yara who just sighed before looking down at her hands,

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