chapter 11

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Kalila woke up to see that the room was empty and it was only her inside the room, she looked at the night stand to notice there was a glass of water along with a note, she felt her throat was extremely dry as to how many days she had been out of for, she looked at her clothes and noticed that they were changed into a shirt, she quickly dranked the glass of water and then pulled the note to read it.

Brown sugar ,
You have been sleeping for two days and I know you will be wanting to run away again but this time let me make it clear, you try to run one of your family or friend get's into accident, you successful run away even after that I will get you but one of your beloved will be no more in this world and I think I don't need to repeat this, now you might be wondering about your clothes, the maid changed it because I knew if I would have done that may be you would have been on your periods, don't worry you are still untouched but won't be once I come back to you, I know you might be wanting to pray Sallah so There is a praying mat in the wardrobe next to all the ladies clothes which are yours Of course, make sure you don't walk to much because your feets are still injured.
                                      ~ Loki

Kalila read the note and rolled her eyes, she was still happy in the inside that Loki hadn't touched her while she was out, it made her Feel a bit Good about loki, maybe he wasn't So bad After all, she tried to get off the bed and noticed that there were Home slippers beside the bed , she quickly slipped them on and made her way to the washroom, yeah it hurted to walk but wasn't so bad after all, as she entered inside see saw that the window was no more, it had been replaced by a marbled wall, "seriously you really had to do that? " she asked no one in particular, it only made her feel more likely to a caged bird to be there, it suffocated her to stay like this but she knew that this was it, after all she wouldn't want her family getting in trouble because of her at the most, so now she had decided that she couldn't run away as she started the shower tears started to fall out of her eyes and she started to cry her eyes out in the shower which lasted for about an hour after that she went to the wardrobe and looked through the clothes to find something that will be good enough to cover her full body so that it will be right to pray in, as she was looking through the drawer's she saw that one of them had an abaya which was sky blue coloured and was good enough, she wore that abaya and then tied her hijab with a scarf that was beside the abaya, then Kalila started to pray her Sallah once she was done and it was time for her to make dua she uppered her hand in a praying position and started to speak in her mind.

'ya Allah please save me from this situation, I don't know what I did that made me end up here but I apologize for my sins, I don't want my family to get into any of this so please Allah help me please help me, send someone to save me or give me the strength to save myself, you know everything ,you are creator of the world Allah, so please save me from this person who claims to be so in love with me that he can't let me go, I clearly see Allah that this isn't love but no one knows more than you so please do something and save me and my innocence from falling into the hand of this man, please Allah please.'

Kalila prayed as tears ran down her eyes, she knew that if loki wanted to do something to her she wouldn't be able to object because her family's life will be at sake of her words as he mentioned before her no determines her family's life, she didn't wanted to lose her purity like this not in this way, she didn't wanted to be forced to do something like that but all she knew that only a miracle could save her so here she was praying god to do a miracle and save her from this, once she was done with the prayer she got up and started to change, first she grabbed a pair of pajamas which were plain white in colour and then she grabbed a shirt which was coming till her mid thigh and she started to button the shirt's button, "prefer that shirt with the buttons down. " loki said from behind Kalila making her jump she quickly used her hand to cover her body and turned her back to loki, "pervert. " Kalila whispered under her breath and did the last of the button then turned to face him, "I thought you Atleast had manners of knocking before coming in? "Kalila mocked while folding her hands, "coming in one's room doesn't requires to knock before entering . " Loki said with a poker face while Kalila rolled her eyes, "that's when you live alone. " Kalila said and moved towards the door to leave the room and walk into the bed room, "so you agree on living here good choice. " Loki said with a obvious smile as Kalila passed from beside him, "do I have the choice in that, you are gonna force me anyway. " Kalila mummered under her breath as she entered to the bed room and started to search for the comb, "do you have comb ?" Kalila asked Loki while she searched the drawer near the dressing table, "no. I use my fingers to style my hairs. " Loki joked making Kalila turn to look at him with a 'had to do that? ' look on her face , "of course I have comb, that's such a wrong question to ask. " loki commented while handing Kalila the comb, she just rolled her eyes and started to comb her hairs , "you need to get a haircut I think. " Loki said while observing Kalila and she just continued her chores while ignoring loki completely, "like she you look like rupanzel with those long hairs if yours and I think those will be trouble for both of us. " loki said while eyeing her hairs, Kalila just finished brushing her hairs and then turned to face Loki, "my hairs, my choice. " Kalila stated making Loki piss, "I suggest you talk to me with respect. " Loki said in a cold tone making Kalila realise that he was starting to get pissed and it was best if she didn't tested his limits, she lowered her gaze to her hand and then thought to herself, 'should I say sorry?,  Nahh why would I say that he probably kidnapped me and is now asking me to talk to him with respect like for real, Arghh Kalila please don't get yourself in trouble you know this wouldn't end well. ' Kalila argued to herself in her mind and then looked up at loki, "I am sorry but I can't just keep my mouth from making an idiotic comment. " Kalila stated while babbling and then face palming as to what she had said, "I see you are arguing with yourself again aren't you? " Loki asked Kalila while bending to come in level with her and she nodded while looking away towards the side, "for instant I will let it be but your better figure out what to do about that habit of yours. " Loki said making Kalila look at him in disbelief, "then I won't be me. " Kalila whispered while looking down with a slight pout on his face, "wait.. Wait wait weren't you the mature type then why am I seeing a different you now? " loki asked her while she just smirked at his question, "because you never knew me for real now does that makes you reconsider your decision? " Kalila asked him while raising an eyebrow and giving a creepy smile, it seemed to her that she had forgotten what was going on and what had loki done to her life what she remembered for now was that she was having fun talking to him, "no absolutely not, I knew about this behavior of yours but wasn't it for the ones you were close too? " loki asked her back with a smirk making her blush and take a step away from Loki, Loki saw that she was uneasy but she looked so cute that way that Loki wanted to go further , "why don't we go and eat?, you haven't eaten for like three to four days ." loki suggested and grabbed Kalila's hand before she could even speak, he started to guide her out of the room while Kalila just stayed silent and tried to pull her hand out of his grip In every now and then, "I thought I hostage here ." Kalila stated as they exited the bedroom and Loki pulled her to him, he placed his hand on Kalila's waist and started to make his way towards the dinning room, "I never said you are a hostage, you can go out if you want but all you need for that is to make me agree to let you go out . " Loki said while tightening his grip on Kalila's waist making her yelp, she tried to remove his hand from her waist and even tried to dig her nails into his hand but no use, "you know i was thinking about how those nails of yours will mark my skin when we make out in the bed and you hold me tight while I pound into you mercilessly. " loki whispered in Kalila's ear making her feel goosebumps and disgusted, she tried to pry his hand away from him body but at last she gave off and Loki eventually let her go after they enter inside the dining room, Kalila walked to the furthest from Loki and took a seat only be get daggers glared at her, "what now I can't even sit where I want? " Kalila snapped at Loki who just stayed silent and glared at her while tapping his fingers on the table, it was like a silent warning for Kalila to rethink her decision , "afan ,wasn't that the name of the guy who confessed to you that he had a crush on you? " Loki asked Kalila while still tapping his fingers on the table, Kalila looked up at him in shock and got wondering for a minute as to how he knew it then she realized that probably her phone was hacked and every chat of her hand been went through, "you know I was thinking if I should check if he still likes and should clear him, he is a cop after all and could be a trouble you know. " Loki said while licking his lips and then  placed his hand below his chin, "he is a dickhead." Kalila mumered within her breath and then got up from her chair and walked to the one next to loki's she pulled the chair one chair away from Loki's but loki pulled her and got her settled on the chair towards his right, "right lady should be at the right seat. " loki whispered in her ear and then sat back straight while Kalila just glared at him, "bring on the food, Lisa I am hungry. " loki chirped happily while Kalila just kept her gaze on the table and placed her hand on either side of the cutlery set, "since when have you been stalking me? " Kalila asked Loki while still looking down at her plate, "possible an year or two...nope not two maybe an year and half. " loki said making Kalila's mouth drop open, Loki chuckled seeing Kalila's reaction while Kalila was just trying to comprehend on what she had just heard, "you have been stalking me for so fuck.. " Kalila was saying but loki cut her off, "don't you dare to abuse infront of me again. " loki threaded Kalila while placing his hand over Kalila's mouth, she just glared at him . "now let's start eating. " loki said as there meal was placed infront of them, Kalila just looked down at her food and mumbled to herself, "yeah now I can't even swear,  why should I listen to him? He kidnapped me after all. "Kalila mumbled while looking down at her food, "because you know that's for your best. " loki stated while smiling at kalila who just gave him a glare and turned to eat her food, "there is no bacon or any other meat right? " Kalila asked the lady who had just served her the food and she nodded, "Sir has already informed us that you don't eat any other non-vegetarian item other than eggs and chicken. " the lady said while Kalila could see Loki smile to himself, she rolled her eyes and started to eat her food, clearly she was starving it had been a really long time since she last ate proper food . It was surely more than five days since she had a proper food so without a word she quickly devoured her food and then mumbled a thank you to the lady who served her food, "that thanks should be mine. " loki scoffed as he saw Kalila smiling at the lady, "why were you the one who made that food? " Kalila asked back while Loki just shook his head in a no with a smile, it was really hard for Kalila to understand loki, it made her feel that he had multiple personalities disorder from the way he acted and the way he spoke they all conveyed different things, "well everything here belongs to me so you better not talk to me like that. " loki warned as Kalila waved him off with a fake look of understanding, "okay then thanks for the food ." Kalila thanked him as she got up from her seat only to be pulled back by Loki, "you are not moving till the time i have finished my food. " loki said sternly while he made Kalila again settle on her chair she wanted to object but then she thought it would be useless, so she obeyed. "how's your feet? " loki asked Kalila while she played with her hairs whilst  ignoring loki, "I asked you something. " loki warned while clenching his jaw tight, "one shouldn't talk when they eat. " Kalila said while scrunching her nose and making Loki melt at her behaviour, he was surely pissed but he was quite amused too to see her behavior, "just answer and don't push my limits. " loki warned while Kalila resisted from getting him more pissed, "it's not that bad, the pain is still there... a little ...maybe ." Kalila said while trying to pressure on her feets to see if she still had pain in them, "weird the doctor said that the Injection would make the pain lessen. " loki talked to himself making Kalila frown, "my feets were better when I woke up but then you dragged me down here without even thinking about my feets... Wait they gave me injection?? " Kalila asked Loki while banging her hand on the table making Loki flinch and look at kalila with anger, "yes and please don't behave like hooligans. " loki said while Kalila sat back on the her seat with a shocked face, "you had so many small pieces of glasses in your feet that the doctors had to inject you two to three injections so that you don't get infection and also so that you can...wait... you are crying?? " loki was stunned to she that Kalila had tears in her eyes while she hiccuped and shook her head in a no, "they injected me. " Kalila repeated as tears fell from her eyes, Loki was so much shocked and confused that he didn't knew what to do so he got up and pulled Kalila into his embrace, "it's okay. " loki whispered while kissing Kalila's forehead who was just to stunned to react to Loki getting close to him, "I am sorry. " Kalila said once she had finally composed herself, she pried herself away from Loki's embrace while she felt her cheeks heat up with embarrassment, "it's okay but what did you cried for? " loki asked Kalila while she just shook her head in a no, "nothing ." Kalila stated while looking down at her hand , Loki wanted to know the answer but he didn't wanted to push kalila further so he just rolled his eyes and ate his food. Then when he was done he asked Lisa to take away the plates, "you impressed me with your good behavior so I think I will give you a reward. " Loki said with a smile playing on his lips and Kalila looked at him as if she was not interested at all, Loki rolled his eyes before sighing and then pulled out Kalila's phone from his pocket.

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