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"come on faster we are almost there. "  Kalila whispered to her brother pulling him along with her as they all were panting heavily, "where are we gonna go? " her cousin sister , " I don't know Yara I have no idea. " Kalila shook her head while leaning back on the wall as they all stood in the dark alley, tears started to form in Kalila's eyes , she took in a deep breath and looked up, "this was a bad idea, if we get caught he wouldn't let you guys escape, it will be a end for all of us, I can't let you guys get into trouble. " Kalila said and took in a deep breath, Kalila looked around and then at the construction site that was just across the road , she worked out a plan in her mind and then looked at both of them, "okay afif, yara look around you see that construction site, I am pretty sure we can spend the night there after that we will anyway try to get out of this country ." Kalila explained it to them and they both nodded, "I will check if there is anyone around . " Kalila whispered in a comforting manner,  they both nodded and then Kalila pepped to the side to see if any one was around to there luck it was all clear , she scanned the whole area and then turned back to them, "so there is one camera on the right and that wouldn't turn towards this side for like a minute and in that minute so you guys will have to run , okay? " Kalila instructed them and they both nodded, Kaila pulled them both into a hug and tears fell from her eyes, "I am truly sorry guys I pulles you guys into this all and if he finds us we all won't end good. " Kalila apologized while they both rubbed her back,  "don't apologize kali (flower bud.) it isn't your fault, it was all our fault , we were the one who suggested you to run away from him . " yara comforted Kalila while she rubbed her back,  "we will get out of here appi (bigger sister in Urdu.)  and no matter how powerful that guy is I will protect you. " afif comforted his sister and kalila pulled away to look at him while chuckled , she pated his head,  "my afu has grown up to be a real man now. " Kalila said proud of his little brother and then she looked at the construction site,  "okay then when I tell you guys to run ,run and no matter what don't look in the direction of the CCTV camera." Kalila instructed to which they both nodded then she pulled on her hoodie cap signalling both of them to do the same,"give me that bag. " Kalila said to her brother who quickly passed her the bag. She swung the bag on her shoulder and then pepped out of the alley , "okay at the count of three run with all you have..


With that they all sprinted off towards the construction site, they ran with all the strength they had left after they have been running since evening, all they knew was that if they were found by him it would be a dead end for all of them. Specially for Kalila if he found her this time he wouldn't go easy on Her by any chance, her life will surely turn into a living nightmare. They luckily made there way to the construction site before the camera could capture them, as they all entered the construction site which was surely by it appearance was a housing complex that was under construction phase, they all stood leaning on a wall. "we are safe. " yara said with a smile of relief as they all were panting, "finally we can go back home ." afif said with relief but kalila knew that it wasn't so easy as it seems,  "we aren't safe yet, once we leave this country unnoticed we will be safe. " Kalila said with a serious face and then looked at both of them to see that they looked concerned worried and Were surely scared. "but.. " yara started only to be silenced by Kalila as she heard something,  they all went silent for a while just then they heard the sound of cars pulling around and all of there eyes went wide,  "the fucking hell. " Kalila muttered under her breath and then grabbed both afif and yara by there wrist and started to walk,  "what do we do now? " yara asked Kalila as they saw Kalila scanning the place while she walked, "we find a place and hide ." Kalila whispered and then suddenly stopped,  "that place can be used for hiding the best. " Kalila said pointing at a small underground area which was at a little distance from the wall,  it was covered by the wall and there was a small square shape area which could be a perfect hiding spot, Kalila looked at them both and then nodded , she quickly made her way to that hiding spot along with yara and afif by her side,  "get down stay low , keep your hood up and make sure you don't make a single noise. " Kalila whispered instructed and they got settled along with them in that little area, Kalila sat at the front along with yara at her back behind her was afif, both of them were sitting with there knees hugged to there chest and Kalila sat crouching near the end.  She was scared but she knew if she would let herself get scared noone will be there to save them. "we will go home tomorrow okay? " she comforted her brother who just nodded, this brought a smile to Kalila's face just then her smiled dropped to a scared expression as she heard the sound of footsteps a lot number of footsteps,  "who are you guys ?" a voice asked ,"we mean no harm,  we are just looking for someone who may have ran to here,  she is quite dangerous ." another heavy accented voice said which Kalila recognized immediately to be the right hand of the guy she was running from , James wasn't that his name. "have you by any chance seen her? " James asked the man surely showing a picture of Kalila , "who are you and why should I tell you? " the other voice stated, "we are officers and you need to inform us because this lady is a threat for all of us ,she is gonna be a problem if we don't find her and here is our ID to verify who I am. " James stated with a serious heavy voice,  both yara and afif looked at Kalila with a questioning look as to know about the ID,  "fake ID's " she whispered to which both of mouth an oh, "no I haven't seen her before. " the other voice answered shortly, "you seem to know this place quiet well.. " James was speaking but the other person cut him off, "I was the designer of the map for this construction. "the man informed , "okay so as you know this place the best please look around and let me know if she is here, you will be rewarded if you find her. " James stated in a serious tone , there was silence for a little while, "okay sir please wait here a moment I will look around and let you know if she is here or not. " the other man said and then there was silence which was soon replaced by footsteps which started to echo around,  Kalila could feel her heartbeat increase.
"no one is here. " the guy shouted and then again footsteps were sounded. "no one here too " the guy again shouted then again there were footsteps which soon stopped,  "no one here. " the guy again shouted and then there was footsteps again,  this time the footsteps started to get closer and closer making Kalila to panic she was trying to keep a calm demeanor because she knew if she breaks there will be no one for yara and afif to lean onto , she could almost hear her heart  beat,  then suddenly the footsteps stooped and then appeared a pair of feets with dusty black shoes , Kalila was trembling it was all over now. She looked up her eyes filled with tears, when she looked up she came across a pair of black eyes with a old wrinkled face which was looking at her with a expression less face, she looked at him pleadingly as to as if she was begging him to not tell them that she was here,  she knew what will happen if she was to get caught,  she wasn't worried about what will happen to her but she was all worried about yara and afif as to she knew they could get in a wholesome of trouble for this. "did you found someone? " James voice sounded which only made Kalila tremble with fear, she was shaking violently and the only thing that was going through her mind was that it's all over for her. 'ya Allah help us, ya Allah save us. ' she kept on repeating that in her mind , she waited for it all to end and for her to be dragged back to that hell. "no, there is no one here too. " the man shouted and tears fell freely from Kalila's eyes as she looked at the man with a innocent face, the man kneeled infront of Kalila while placing his hand on her hairs,  "my name is Max and I am gonna help you, stay here okay, I will come back and take you all to somewhere safe. " the man said comforting Kalila and she nodded,  to anyone who would have known her before would have thought that this wasn't the girl they all knew. After that the man left to talk to James, max told him about James that there was no one around and he asked James men's to check the upper floors, they did and found nothing so they all retreated after James had took Max's number saying that they might need it for future investigation,  on the other hand Kalila was hearing it all and was relieved once all the mens left , soon max came back to them and helped them to a upper floor which had a room with a small bed and a sofa, " I use this room when I have night shifts you guys can stay here for the night. " max stated while helping with a sitting place,  "why are you helping us? " afif asked still not ready to believe the man,  "well those where not real cops I knew that once he showed me his ID, my father was a cop and he had taught me how to know which is fake and which is not, so if they were after you, you might be innocent and you can stay here for as long as you want . " Max stated with a smile to which Kalila's eyes started to get blurry,  she was feeling like she was finally out of all that she went through, at a point she had thought that she would never be able to get out of that, "thank you ." yara said to max and then patted Kalila's back,  "we can't stay here for a long time we need to get back to India . If we don't get moving he will find us by tomorrow " Kalila stated making everyone turn to her, "who is after you ?" max asked Kalila concerned and curious, "it's Loki Odinson. " Kalila stated her features holding a scared look. "what?! " max said in complete bewilderment. , "isn't he the CEO of Odinson's industry? " max asked clearly worried and confused, Kalila nodded her head slowly while looking down at her hand,  "everyone knows that but what noone knows is that he is the boss of the biggest mob in the world." Kalila said her voice echoing in the room because of the pin drop silence that had developed. "but why is after you? " max asked Kalila at the question Kalila stiffened and nearly digged her nails into the palm, "it's.. That he.. " Kalila started trying to find the decent word to describe it.

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