chapter 27

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"so as we were discussing, the product our company are going to launch this time is .." loki's assistant went on explaining about the project that was being discussed with all the investors, it was an important meeting for it has to be one of the biggest project of the odinson industries and the investment were a important one to keep the industry on top of the most profitable business industries. as the presentation progressed loki started to address all the investors , "so gentlemen's as you have just been told about the over all benefits of this project I would like to tell you all that your investment percentage will decide your profit in the future.." loki was cut off as the door to his study opened to reveal kalila , she was looking down at the ground and her face was covered by her hairs which fell in front of her face as her head hanged down , loki looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. before he could even open his mouth to ask her what was wrong see came running to loki and started to cry while hugging loki tight as she was in his lap in a minute . loki panicked as he heard muffled sobs , "brown sugar are okay ?, did something happened?, did someone say anything to you ?.. did anyone scolded you ?.. are you hurt ?" loki rambled out questions as he didn't heard a reply from kalila who just sobbed while holding onto loki tight . meanwhile all the other people who were there In the meeting just watched silently as loki continued to try calm his brown sugar down . "we will continue this meeting sometimes later ." loki said in a serious tone which made everyone obey him without even a second thought, then he quickly shut off his computer and placed his hand on kalila's back , "what happened darling?, if you won't tell me then how will I help you with it?" loki asked kalila softly while he pulled her away from him and wiped her tears as he saw her sniff and her bottom lip quiver as she hiccuped , "why do ....they..... treat me I am.... some traitor ?" kalila asked loki as her voice crack and she again started to cry and sob , "who said that ?" loki asked kalila slowly and lowly his voice was far more restrained , anyone in their right state of mind could sense how angry loki was . "I will ...tell you if you ...promise me,... that you won't do anything?" kalila said as she forwarded her palm toward loki while she sniffed and looked up at loki with slight teary eyes , loki let out a frustrated sigh while rolling his eyes and placed his left hand on kalila's right cheeks .

"you are crying because of who ever it was and still you don't want me to do anything?" loki asked her in a mocking way as he looked at her with wide eyes , his blood was boiling at the thought that kalila never wanted to do something even after the thing was hurting her and the fact that loki had to see her cry because of it all and still not do anything made him lose his mind . "yes please cause if you do something it will only bring me guilt and nothing else so promise me you won't. " kalila said as she placed her hand over loki's hand that was placed on her cheek , loki sighed before nodding in understanding. "I promise I won't ." loki answered while closing his eyes and breathing even to calm himself, he then opened his eyes and smiled at kalila . "now would you tell me what it is?" loki asked her and she nodded her head before sniffing and loki placed her on her lap so that she was comfortable . she started to play with her fingers in her lap as she opened her mouth to speak and loki waited patiently. "since the day i have returned to college everyone who ever saw you with me is talking about the thing that I am probably in the college cause you got me there , they all go on talking about the fact that you are like a ..sugar daddy who got me into such a good college cause according to them a girl like me could never go there , the people who used to even act friendly towards me are now just giving me dirty looks along side some girls who have some liking to you go on saying I did some things to get you to like me ." kalila said and bit her bottom lip to hold in a sob ,

"I just don't get why people like throwing around their opinions without even knowing what the truth is , why do they even say anything about me when they don't know how hard I have worked to get to that college to be in the place I am in , i distant myself from every relationship I held dearly just to achieve the opportunity to get out of my cage , to see the world and live my life the way I wanted . while I saw others getting the ones who cared about them and they even got to experience the kind of teenage love everyone wanted at that time, I literally cried at nights cause i didn't had anyone to share my feelings with at the end of day I had only myself but I just stopped myself everytime I saw myself getting deviated only so that I could get to live my dream , it wasn't easy and I am not saying that their opnion matters to me but the thing is that I just feel frustrated, this all just pull me down . I did not go through all that insult and hard work just to hear that my hard work wasn't the thing that got me here but it was because I am in good terms with you.." kalila started to cry as she had finally let it all out , she had been frustrated about this thing for a really long time . loki took a minute to process all that kalila had just said he couldn't even stop thinking about all kind of pain it caused to kalila but at the same side he wanted her to be more stronger and knew that no matter what she said as to how strong she was, it was clearly see through that she was far more innocent and fragile . loki didn't said anything and just pulled kalila into a hug while kissing her forehead repeatedly and rubbing her back . "remember my brown sugar that these people don't need to know the truth you know how hard you worked and what all short of things you gave up on just to be here , it is just you who need to be proud of yourself and if that's not enough I really am here for you to make you believe that, i am proud of you kalila afraz malik , I am proud of everything you did , i am proud of you for working so hard and not giving up , i am proud of you that you didn't let yourself get distracted, I am proud of you that you didn't just accepted the bad times as your faith and settled for it , I am proud of you cause you tried to get the freedom you deserved at all cost and I am proud of you for making your life decisions yourself and not letting your dreams go to ruins . " loki said as she pulled kalila away from him and smiled at her before placing a slow gentle kiss to her forehead , kalila just looked at him with teary eyes as she suddenly hugged him tight while she placed her head in the crook of his neck and smiled while she felt loki hugged her back . "thank you. " she said softly as she slightly pulled away and looked into loki's eyes , "you know you can do anything. just stop worrying about what others have to say about it. " loki told kalila and she nodded back with a big smile , "you can become a good consoler you know?" kalila teased loki making him smirk , as they both got back to reality they both realized just how close they were, loki looked into kalila's eyes then down to her soft plumpy pink lips and then back into her eyes, he saw kalila looking directly at him and then he saw her lean in with her eyes closed taking the signal loki leaned in and softly pressed his lips on hers in a slow passionate kiss as his hand was placed in her hairs and her's on his neck as they pulled back kalila looked away shyly as her cheeks tainted red and loki just chuckled at her reaction "look at me brown sugar. " loki demanded the dominance in his voice made kalila obey him and she turned her head to look at him with those intoxicating brown eyes of hers , "you enjoyed it ?" loki asked kalila while she just raised an eyebrow at his words , "you had a meeting today right then why you didn't went to office. " she asked him trying to change the subject , "It was an over sea thing so it would have been in a video conference I thought I will attend it from home so I changed my plans ." loki answered as he knew that she would only end up Running out of here if he pestered her to speak about how she feel , "so were you having that meeting..when .I.. " she trailed off with a sudden hit of realisation as she saw loki nod his head , "I am so sorry, i shouldn't have bragged in that like that , what will people think about you?, it will probably affect your image and it was an important meeting arghh why am I so stupid?!, I should have waited.." loki shushed kalila as he pulled her swiftly to him and hugged her close while he just covered her mouth with his hand to stop her babbling. "it's okay brownie , I am very thankful that you straightaway came to me cause it would have angered me if you kept it to you anymore , just remember I am here for you and only you and those meetings aren't as important as you so stop worrying brown sugar ." loki assured her as he just held her close to himself and kalila just smiled to herself and placed her hands onto Loki's neck and closed her eyes snuggling into him comfortably. "brown sugar ?" loki called and kalila hummed , "would like to go to my office with me?" loki asked kalila who just hummed again and loki rolled his eyes , "atleast say something. " he said out frustrated only to feel light taps on his hand which turned his attention down to see that his hand was still clamped onto kalila's mouth as she looked at loki with narrowed eyes , loki grinned sheepishly before removing his hand from her mouth . "firstly atleast have some patience and secondly I don't think a bad idea though if you plan to bore me out with those meetings of yours I am surely saying no ." kalila said making chuckle , "no I am not gonna have any meeting or things , I just want people at my company to know that you are mine aside the fact that I know how much you love seeing new places so it would be fun cause my office has a very good view of the city .." loki trailed of with a smirk and he pulled kalila closer to him if that was even possible as they were already so close , "lastly I don't wanna have patience when it's something that involves you ." loki answered as he looked deep into kalila's eyes and whispered it to her before moving his head down and kissing her neck sloppily making kalila bite down on her inner lip to hold on a moan that threatened to erupt out . "do you I make myself clear?" loki asked kalila with a low growl and he worked his way up to her earlobe and kalila nodded not able to speak cause she knew if she would speak she would probably end up moaning or whimpering. "when do you plan in taking me ?" kalila asked loki as she moved a little away from him and loki smirked knowing he was starting to get her worked up . "I plan on taking you right here and right now beside I can take you at any place you want me to ." he purred in her ears making her shiver and pushed him away from her making him chuckle . "okay okay sorry I will take you day after tomorrow ." loki said as he saw her glaring at him and then sat back to let her rest her head on his chest . "okay ." kalila answered as she got comfortable on top of loki and yawned . "you wanna sleep ?" loki asked her and she nodded slowly while closing her eyes and curling up into a small ball on loki's lap who sighed before wrapping arms around her securely. "then sleep I will wake you up when it's time ." loki whispered softly as he kissed her forehead and gentely patted her back like he was trying to get a little kid to sleep . kalila felt so secure and safe in his arms that she was soon drifting into sleep , although see wanted to see her life without him she couldn't deny that she loved the way things were right now though few things weren't at the right place but it was still comfortable and nice.

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