chalter 37

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The ost playing on that screen had kalila enchanted which made her miss on loki who just got home, "again watching the ost?" He questioned in a husky voice as he leaned down to place a peck on her cheek, she looked up at him a little startled and then smiled. "It was the first kdrama I watched." She mumbled as loki took his seat next to her and threw his blazer on the other sofa, "you must be tired, I will get you some water." Kalila announced as she stood up, she turned to leave but stopped when loki gently grabbed her hand and pulled her down to settle her on his lap. "Don't go." His words were simple but it felt like they carried more weight than a whole bunch of confessions, kalila felt herself stiffen a bit but relaxed as he placed his head on her shoulder and hugged her. Since the day her brother and cousin showed up, the prevailing cold war that was going on between them subdued and to some point they were back to their old routine. There was still a little awkwardness from kalila's side but she saw how loki was giving his best effort to make things work out between them and to some point his efforts were lowering her walls, "how was your day?" She questioned as she massaged his scalp gently to ease him up, "the usual, busy boring and tiring." He answered as he pulled away and looked at her, he cupped her face in his hands and stroked her cheeks gently. "I missed you." His sudden confession made kalila's heart Flutter a bit and she looked away to hide the redness of her cheeks, "don't look away from me brown sugar." His voice sounded pleading as he again turned her face towards him by grabbing her chin softly, he attached his forehead to hers and looked straight in her eyes, "I know what I did was wrong but can you please forgive me." He pleaded, his eyes were honest and kalila could see how much he meant his words. "I already forgave you loki." She answered a bit hesitant as she pulled away from him and tried to get off from his lap only to be pulled towards him in a swift moment making her clash against his hard chest as she supported herself by placing her hand against his chest and looked up at him to see him looking at her with a concerned look on his face, he took hold of her right hand and pulled it up to his lips and placed a kiss on the back of her hand. "Don't lie to me brownie, I can see your feelings through your eyes, you're words can hide your feelings but your eyes they tell me everything." His words would be the death of kalila, she could feel her ears heat up and her heart was already on it's high pace , the moment it had a chance it would jump out of her rib cage. Not able to form words she looked away trying to compose herself, "it's overwhelming loki.. I try to make my mind wander off from what all happened but it's like the moment I start forgetting all of that and try to give us a chance, you do something I don't expect you to do." She worded out not making eye contact with him, she felt him stiffen at her words but soon his head got placed on her shoulder which made her look back at him. "I too feel that way brownie, I don't understand how to strain my anger, I have lived all my life letting this anger do all the work for me, it turned out well always but then again love is not something that can be achieved by anger. I am sorry, I can't promise you that it won't happen again but I can promise you that I will try my best to contain myself if something happens."  His words were honest and had a case of sincerity that made her legs turn to jelly, she sighed staying silent for a moment while she closed her eyes to give it a thought why is she even trying, deep down she knew well that she had already forgave him, the moment those words left her mouth he was already forgiven. "Promise me you won't try to be like a helicopter partner." She conditioned as she laid her palm infront of him while giving him her infamous expectant doe eyes, he had to look away from her as he couldn't handle how she looked so cute in her eyes, he turned back with a smile on his face and grabbed her hand with his intervening there fingers together. "I promise to give my best to it my love."  The last two words made kalila's heart skip a beat while she looked at their intertwined fingers which were pulled closer by loki as he placed a chaste kiss on her knuckles  making her turn into a tomato. "So what's the plan for today?" He questioned her raising an eyebrow and smiling brightly, his bright smile took her by surprise it made her inside feel fuzzy and warm. "Umm nothing much, I am gonna visit afif and Yara in an hour, I hope you don't mind." Kalila spoke as she looked at how his face got a little dimmer but he smiled nevertheless pecking her lips, "should we have dinner then?" She questioned to distract loki as he eyes were intently on her lips making her panic, she knew if she wasn't successful with her distraction they would be naked within the next five minutes and he would have his way with her which could be a little bump on there just smoothing road. "Yeah let's go." Loki announced and saw kalila open her mouth to speak again but silenced her by placing his lips against hers in a soft kiss, he saw her clutch his shirt tight from the corner of his eyes as her eyes Flutter closed. He smiled against her lips placing his hand on her back and pulling her closer in a slow manner. He knew he was addicted to her and the fact that he had earned her forgiveness made him feel giddy. He had determined that he would try his best to make it up to her, no matter what it takes.

"Guys!" Kalila screamed as she peep through the slight ajar Door of the apartment in which Yara and afif were, since there meeting with loki, he transfered them to one of his spare apartment cause he wanted them to be safe saying that there were people out there who could try things considering they are Close to kalila. There head shoot up at her voice as they looked at the entrance with a big smile on their face and walked to her as she slid inside the room closing the door behind her. The moment she stepped a foot further into the house she was tackled down by the two with hugs, she chuckled looking at them. "We missed you sooooo muchhhhh." Afif confessed as he tighten his hold on her making her laugh, "I thought we would stay together." Yara whined as she pouted sitting up and helping them both sit up, they all sat on the floor crossing there legs and looking at each other with the brightest smile they could muster up, "i just met you guys like 4 hours ago and I had to go to uni today there is truckload of work that needs to be turned in." Kalila explained with a groan making them press there lips in a straight line while they gave her sympathetic looks, "why don't you ask for an extension deadline?" Afif questioned making kalila smile at him while she pulled his cheeks, "I am not some important figure who has a national crisis to deal with that they would grant me a special extension." She answered while she pulled her hands back as she saw how he glared at her, "hmm someone could have used connection...I know have a certain someone who could play a card for you.." Yara suggested as she bumped kalila's shoulder who just rolled her eyes at yara's words, "I would rather die than use connections to earn my academic validation." She declared in a determined tone making Yara scoff, "and here goes kalila afraz malik." Yara sang making kalila chuckle at her words, "anyway you didn't tell us much about loki." Afif pointed out making kalila stiffen a little while she rubbed her neck awkwardly, "there's nothing to tell." She answered making them both narrow there eyes at her, "what?!" She questioned getting back in a defensive way as she looked at them with wide eyes, "there's nothing to tell." They mimicked making her tilt her head to the side and then Groan in annoyance, "okay fine, tell me what do you guys wanna know?" She questioned as she straight looking at them with a genuine smile, "how did you guys met?" Yara questioned making kalila chuckle nervously, what should she tell them that 'oh one day he decided to kidnap me and that's how i met your brother in law.'  She couldn't clearly say that so she did some brainstorming and then she was ready to answer. "He saw me first, he said he was leaving after some meeting of some kind and he forgot his purse and sat in his car not realizing, I saw it and gave it back to him and he says it was that moment that he knew that he had found the one he wanted an eternity with." Kalila stated trying to piece things out as carefully as she could so that they wouldn't notice any flaws, she sighed in relief as she looked back at them to see they were convinced. "And when did you guys started dating?" Yara questioned making kiareh think, "well he tried twice or thrice to ask me out and at last I said yes and we have been dating since." She trailed off laughing to make them stop questioning her about that moment, it hurt her to think about to the time there relationship started, it was one of her worst nightmares. The way loki and her were in the start she never wanted to go back to that time ever, "does he treats you well?" Afif questioned sounding concerned, he was her brother so it was only right for him to be protective over her. She just timidly nodded her head and showed a small smile, "yeah he takes care of me so much that sometimes he reminds me of daddy, you remember how he used to hover over our heads all the times and and how he used to be like no, not there, no not here." Kalila trailed off chuckling but both of them exchanged a worried glance looking at each other with concern in their eyes. "Kali do you think he is kind of you know maybe obsessive?" Yara questioned making kalila shake her head instantly, "why would you say that he is perfect, he is just like daddy." She answered her voice getting lost by the end of the word making there panick rise, "something is wrong with him ?, isn't it?, Don't you dare try to defend him." Afif warned as he saw her opening her mouth with a competitive look in her eyes but saw her head fall as if she realised he was speaking the truth, "but he isn't bad to me, why would you guys think like that?" She mumbled as she fidget with her fingers while Yara sighed rubbing her face with her hands, "appi all the three of us know, that you might love daddy as a father but as a partner , we all know that daddy is controlling and is kind of possessive, I mean he is way over protective and I don't think I need to explain it to you how it's a red flag." Afif stated as he grabbed her shoulder giving it a slight squeeze , kalila glanced at both of them debating and thinking of a comeback but she couldn't deny that they were right. "I know." She answered shortly while she saw yara inhale a long breath, "okay now tell us the truth what's the real shit?" Yara shoot at kalila who stayed silent for a minute as her eyes glisten with tears and then she broke telling them everything that had happened till now. To say she was a mess would be an understatement.

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