chapter 36

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"I really thought we will have to carry another dead body ." Chris confessed as he and Tom walked into loki's office, loki looked up from the files on his table and chuckled at Chris's words, "you should thank my little cupcake for easing your loads." loki suggested making both tom and chris nod and settled down on the couch in his office, "talking about kalila how's she?" tom questioned loki as he looked at him with curious eyes, loki sighed rubbing his eyes and then looking back at his friends, "she didn't said anything about that incident but she seems distant as if she is trying to avoid me." loki confessed as his smile dropped and his hand fisted tight making his knuckles turn white, "is she not sleeping with you or behaving all rebel again ?" chris questioned worried at his friends expression who just shook his head in no. "it's not like that, she is doing everything right, she is at her best behavior it's just that she seemed just to robotic as if the child inside her has died and she is a mature person." loki shared his concern as he was running his finger through his messy hairs, "that's serious cause i don't remember a time when kalila didn't ended up doing something stupid, you should try talk to her about this." tom suggested to which Chris nodded in agreement, "i did and that ended up with us bickering and saying that all i wanna do is control every single action of her." loki told them as he sighed and scribbled something on his papers, "she took sometime to unravel the truth." chris mumbled to himself but his mumbling was too loud so it ended up with him getting a glare from both tom and loki, "next time i hear you saying that you are going to savannah for the deal." loki threatened point his pen at Chris who gulped at his words, "man this is scary, you mean she didn't even disobeyed you, not even once ?" tom questioned in disbelief as his eyes were wide in shock, "well.." loki trailed off rubbing the back of his neck and drawing both of his friends attention to him, "she just did something and i took her phone from her as a punishment. " loki stated as he pointed at kalila's phone that was placed at his desk, "what did she do?" tom questioned narrowing his eyes at loki, who flushed a little at Tom's words and gwak at him for a moment before gulping and losing his tie, "not something you need to know." loki replied in a cold tone looking back his paperwork making both tom and chris smirk as both of them exchanged a glance. "sure." chris said as he tried to hide a smile. there was a knock on the door making them all look at the door as loki mutter a come in. "Sir I have a bad news." James stated as he stood at a distance from Loki's desk with his face full of worried expression, loki sighed and nodded at him to go on. "Madam is missing." James stated making loki look at him with furrowed eyebrows, "what is she missing?, me?" Loki questioned while looking back at his papers , "no sir I mean we can't find madam." James announcement made loki drop down his papers as he looked back at James but this time his eyes were shocked and desperate. "Did she run away?" Chris questioned as he looked at loki, who seemed like he was questioning himself about the same thing. "Are you fucking mad chris ?, why would she run away?, I think she has been kidnapped. " Tom suggested as he sighed pressing the bridge of his nose with his right hand. "How ? HOW THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN?" Loki shouted as he stood up from his seat and banged his hand hard on his desk . All of there attention was on James who couldn't meet loki's eyes, "like usual we went to get madam from her university but couldn't find her, we searched the whole university but she was not there." James explained with a hesitation , he knew this would anger loki to a great extent and he could do anything when he was angry that's what made him worried. "Did you guys checked the security cameras of the university?" Loki questioned as he tried to get the topic more clear, "yes we did, madam was talking to two peoples before she left we assume they were someone she was acquainted after that she left along with them. We are trying to look into who they were." James informed making loki even more pissed, "shouldn't we try calling her ?" Chris questioned only to get a glare from tom, "didn't loki earlier said that he has her phone ?, what are you ? A sloth? " tom questioned Chris frustrated who just rolled his eyes, "ask someone to look into the cctv cameras near her university and find out who those people were." Loki commanded James who nodded at his words and started to leave , "if they were kidnappers then they would already have made arrangements to remove that data." Tom said to loki who sighed in frustration placing his head in his hand as he tried to think of something, "let's go look into it ourselves." Loki declared as he got up from his seat and dashed out of his office with Chris and tom hot on his tail, they followed closely and stopped just infront of the elevator. "We will find her, don't worry." Chris assured loki who just looked down at his shoes as he fisted his hand tightly making his knuckles turn white, "where are you brown sugar ?" Loki mumbled to himself just then the elevator dinged along side his phone rang , he picked up his phone and connected it to his ears as he walked into the elevator. Loki was too lost to care about who was calling so he just picked up without caring about who was calling. "Hello?" Loki questioned as he stood inside the elevator with his back leaning on the wall and his face having the look of frustration on it, "hello.." the voice from the other side of the phone said and loki's eyes instantly went wide, "hello brownie?, where are you?, did you get hurt?, did something happened?, your okay right?" Loki started to blurt out question as though who wouldn't recognize the voice of the one whom they love the most, both tom and chris were also surprised and happy at the same time, they were anticipating the best to hear from kalila's side and waited calmly. "Calm down loki I am fine, I am sorry I worried you, actually my brother and cousin are here from India, they met me at the university and we came out for lunch, sorry I should have waited for James or informed you at the earliest.." kalila's explanation was cut short by loki who was more than relieved now, "totally fine brown sugar, you don't have to be so anxious, I know you wouldn't intentionally do anything that would worry me. Anyway text me the address, I will come to pick you up." Loki added up as he couldn't feel the strain in kalila's voice, "umm you don't have to... I mean it  they want me to show them around so it might be a waste of time for you." Inara's careful behavior of showing the thought that she understood what responsibilities loki had on his shoulders was not something that made loki feel even a single bit happy, if she would have wanted to stay with him 24/7 he would give up on everything and just stay with her. All he did was for her, and all he wanted was her, yet he seemed to have lost that one chance of having her without even giving it a try. He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose, "address brownie, please." He requested in a soft tone, it was not a command or a negotiation it was a genuine request, he wanted her to listen to him for once and didn't wanted to force her. A moment passed by as loki waited for her to speak, then he heard her sigh a little. "Okay...I am sharing the live location, they wanted to meet you anyway so the sooner the better I guess."  Kalila let out a light chuckle, loki could feel his brown sugar making a comeback by the lightens of her tone yet there was a part of him bad. He knew eventually she would be back to her cheerful self and all he needed to do was have patience except that fact that his patience ran out on things concerning kalila.

"You seriously have a bf?!" Yara asked baffled making kalila chuckle as she nodded her head, although there were a hundred of things she was hiding from them she knew the only description of her relationship with loki was of a girlfriend and boyfriend. "Ya Allah are you even the same girl who used to say that she would marry by her father's choice?"  Yara questioned making kalila go stunned, if loki had not entered her life or more like have forced her into this, see surely would have married someone of her father's choice, someone like aseel maybe, the thought of aseel itself made kalila feel shallow. "Appi are you here?" Afif gently shook kalila to pull her out of her thoughts, she hummed and looked at her brother with a small sad smile. "Ah sorry I zoned out, to answer your question Yara, I still am the same girl it's just that loki some how happened, I didn't planned it but it happened so here we are and also I missed you guys so much." She whined as she gave them a side hug, "we did too, what happened to your phone ?,though I have been meaning to ask that for a while." Afif questioned making a chill run down kalila's spine as she gave him a tight nervous smile, "i--it--i broke it, you know how clumsy I am-- so it just happened." She shuttered as she blurted out and excuse while her face turned a whole new shade of red, both Yara and afif gave her a confused smile and brushed off the topic. They started to make small talks while the whole reason of why kalila didn't had her phone played through her mind.

Loki walked to the living room and settled down on the couch while losing his tie, he sighed and rubbed his hand across his face trying to release some tense from his body, it was a long stressful day and now all he wanted was to stay close with kalila, cuddle with her, have dinner with her and then have a banging orgasm before they both drifted off to sleep. Kalila was still being a little too cautious and it made loki feel irritated, all he needed now was her cheerful smile but the only smiles he got from her was either a forced one or a smile that seemed like it was reserved for some stranger. "Where's brown sugar?" Loki questioned one of the maids as she walked in to hand him a glass of water, it was always his brown sugar who use to get him water when he got home but today she was not anywhere to be seen, "Madam is upstairs, she said she was not feeling well  and asked us not to disturb her." The maid informed, the moment loki registered her words he was no more sitting or even in the living room for the matter he was on his way up the stairs heading towards his bedroom. He was doing the speed walk and when he reached close enough to his room, his feets halted at the sound that just got to his ears. It was not just any sound, it was the sound of  his brown sugars moans. The only thought that came to his mind was of someone else pleasuring his brown sugar and it was enough to make his blood boil, so he didn't even think of Any other possibilities and bragged into the room. Only that what he saw made his face turn red while his eyes were as big as saucer plates, the site of a half naked kalila pleasuring herself was not something loki had expected but it seemed like kalila had all this planned, the smirk on her face spoke volumes and the baffled look on loki's face was giving her what she wanted. "Stop. right. now." He commanded but what came in response was another moan while she moved her fingers faster, she was close and to say loki was also close to losing his patience, "you can't do that. Only I am allowed to do that thing to you." Loki declared as he gave her a warning look making her grin, "I am already doing it." She answered between loud moans as she felt her walls clamp around her fingers, loki could feel his cock harden as the bulge became clear through his dress pants, "you are so gonna pay for it." He challenged as he marched his way towards and as well all know how she was paying for it, a rough sex session along with her phone being taken away is worth messing with loki.

"Brown sugar." Loki's voiced snapped her out of that memory as she saw him standing next to them smiling down at her. "Guys meet my boyfriend." She introduced loki to her brother and sister and to say the most we all know loki loves manipulating people and making them fall in love with him.

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