chapter 35

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the bell jingle as the door opened to the small cafe , as soon as kalila entered inside the smell of coffee embedded her senses making her feel warm and relaxed, she scanned the cafe to find her friend who had already spotted her and was waving towards her , she smiled walking to where her friend Aseel was and took her seat opposite him . "asalamoalikum ." she greeted taking grinning at her friend who chuckled before greeting her back , "walakumsalam,  I almost didn't recognized you woah you have changed alot ." aseel stated making kalila chuckle , "ah man don't talk like you are my grandma and you are talking as if you didn't changed. you look like you went through puberty Allah knows how many times." her jokes made aseel laugh and loki grit his teeths , who was seated at a blind spot hearing their conversation from the ear piece as he had already planned everything thoroughly placing voice recorders below each table that was in the cafe , he had hid the fact from kalila well because he knew he would get in lot of trouble if kalila came to knew . "I am surely gonna making him regret coming here ." loki mumbled to himself while chris and tom observed him and exchanged glanced gulping in fear .

"so how's everything?" kalila questioned aseel as they both placed their orders and started with their chats again , "well pretty much settled , I own a software company now and also playing football at international level." he answered making kalila's eyes go wide , "wow so you finally made it all come true pretty nice to hear that , you must have been having fun. " she interrogated while looking at him with a smile , "not really it was fun at start but now it's starting to get boring and with ammi nagging me to get married is no help ." aseel answered  making kalila chuckle , "well that can be real pain ." she agreed while aseel nodded his head in agreement , "you still the same on matter of girls?" kalila questioned as she eyed her friend with curiosity who just shook his head while smiling , "wait! are still the same arghh man just grow up .." her taunts only made aseel laugh as there order arrived  meanwhile loki was getting more and more pissed as he saw them laugh and make jokes , "loki I guess we should just leave , you are getting worked up for no reason they are just friends. " tom suggested as he saw loki clench and unclench his jaw hearing there conversation out , loki payed no heads to tom as he was too busy to care . "I am telling you ..I have a feeling that we are going to have to deal with a dead body today ." chris whispered to tom who just rolled his eyes at chris's words .
"so still you do run away when girls approach you , I take my words back you don't seem to have changed you are still the same ." kalila complained while scowling at her friend who just gave her a smile in reply , "ahh I feel bad for you mom , she might not even get to see her grandchildrens, poor aunty." kalila teased aseel who just rolled his eyes in reply,  "if you feel that bad how about helping me ?" aseel retorted back making kalila chuckle, "hmm tell me who you like I will talk to her on your behalf. " kalila assured her friend who smiled at her words. "Loki loki you can't kill him get back to your senses . " chris tried to make loki understand who could go and kill aseel any second meanwhile tom held on to loki for preventing him from doing anything stupid , "who does he think he is ?, what does he means by my brown sugar should help him !!" loki was beyond livid making both his friends panic, "loki calm down , if you do anything stupid just think about kalila , she would be way moved , do you want to push her away ?" tom tried to feed some sense into loki who was way worked up but Tom's words did helped as he tried to calm himself down . "i guess it's time you listen to your mom and get married, just do it man . atleast i would finally get the opportunity to see you get wedded . ah you will invite me right ?, even if you don't i will crash at your wedding." kalila warned while aseel just nodded his head in agreement , "ofcourse how will my wedding be even possible without you ." aseel answered making kalila a bit hesitant but she laughed it off, "ah i forgot to ask, how come you suddenly planned to come see me?" she changed the topic as it caused her a little discomfort, "hmm i had my reasons ." aseel stated making kalila raise a brow at her , she saw him shuffle a little in his chair as if he was nervous before he spoke up again . "i can't be patience anymore ,i am gonna kill that bastard." loki declared as he was overboarded with jealousy , "if you don't sit right now you might miss out on something important ." tom stated in a serious making loki look at him , "don't you wanna see if kalila is on your side or not?" tom questioned making loki hesistant as he settled back down , "i am sure he will kill you if kalila decides against him ." chris commented making tom glare at him , "god save you ." chris mumbled as he saw both of his friend look at him . "i see you must be here for some buisness and trying to tip me off just say it clearly that you don't want to tell me it's totally fine , why go with that 'I HAD MY REASONS' ?" kalila taunted aseel making him laugh at her while he shook his head at her behaviour,  "your ways can never change okay fine i will tell you then ." he answered as he couldn't keep up with kalila anymore , "remember once you told me that when everything is settled of, you will have achieved your dream , i would have achieved mine then you would be with me ." aseel reminded kalila who got uneasy as she could quite make out what was coming , "i guess it's time ." aseel's words made kalila's heart beat at an abnormal soeed as she started to get nervous , "ah..umm.what do you mean ?" kalila questioned him hesitant in reply to which aseel placed his hand over kalila's and looked at her with nervousness writted all over his face . "after your master's gets completed..will you marry me ?" aseel's confession made kalila go stunned all that was running through her mind was loki's face , that's all she could see . she quickly pulled away her hand from aseel as she got back to her sense, "i thought you knew that me marrying someone is a choice that only my parents can make ." kalila tried to use an excuse to get away from the situation, "i know i know that really well , that's why i came here after seeking your parents permission you know what they said ?, they said if our daughters agrees to marry you we don't have any objection ." aseel completed with a smile as he looked at kalila with shinning eyes who was lost for words . "so kalila will you marry me ?" aseel asked her again but she was too lost to answer it felt to her as if her throat had ran dry . she couldn't think of anyway to say anything.  "she can't marry you." loki's voice made both kalila and aseel's eyes snap towards him , "loki?" kalila asked in a confused manner as she saw loki standing along side chris and tom. "who is he ?" aseel questioned kalila who looked between loki and him, "i am her boyfriend. " loki answered on kalila's behalf as he walked to beside her and placed his hand on kalila's shoulder,  "That doesn't seems to be the case ." Aseel answered back as he folded his arms and glared at loki , "what does it seems like to you?" Loki hisses at aseel as kalila was still speechless and just looked between the two guys making weird faces , "kalila why does it seems to me like this guy is troubling you ?" Aseel asked her his face turning soft the moment he turned from loki to kalila , kalila opened her mouth to answer before which loki had already gave a reply . "And why does it seems to me that you are the one troubling my brown sugar?" Loki's gaze was so intense that it could boar a hole throw the wall , "I told you we need to deal with a dead body today ." Chris whispered to tom who just rolled his eyes at his friend's chicken like behaviour,  "can't remember when you became such a chicken ." Tom taunted while looking at chris with pity. Meanwhile the argument between loki and aseel started to heat up further , "brown sugar ?, is that supposedly a nickname for kalila?" aseel questioned while eyes signaling towards kalila who sighed trying to compose herself , " nothing to do with you." loki retorted back folding his arms and narrowing his eyes at aseel , who just waved it off with an eye roll, "seems like you don't know that kalila is not someone to have chessy nicknames ahh you might not know her well ." aseel smirked while looking at loki with a sinster look in his eyes as if he had just gained victory , maybe that was the last string for loki as he leaped towards aseel and grabbed him by his collar an involuntary scream left kalila's mouth as she stood up from her chair with her eyes wide and her fingers clasped against her mouth , she knew everyone was staring at the scene. "wanna know how well i know her ?" loki stated out slowly as he glared at aseel who was unfazed by loki's glare , "loki leave him please ." kalila pleaded as she pulled on loki's shirt , she was way overwhelmed and she could feel warm tears leaving her eyes . "sorry brownie but not gonna let this bastard walk out alive of here ." loki's words made kalila panick as she knew how well loki meant his words , "let's see who kills whom." aseel said as he grabbed loki's collar making kalila's panick rise to it's limit,  "are you two dummies just gonna watch ?" kalila asked tom and chris who just stood there watching the scene, "he told us not to interfere ." tom stated as his face clearly showed that he was enjoying the show , "break them apart now !" kalila demanded making both chris and tom look at her bewildered to say kalila was raged would be an understatement, "this couple will surely get us dead." chris whispered to tom as they both tried their best and ripped both loki and aseel apart as soon as loki was pulled away from aseel kalila walked infront of loki who was ready to unleash at aseel any moment . "loki please let me handle this ." kalila most likely begged as she placed her hand on loki's shoulder trying to calm him down , "don't you dare interfere . " loki warned kalila , he was beyond livid and kalila  knew that well but she couldn't just let them be or else she knew how easy it would be for loki to kill aseel . "do you think he will leave if i am not the one telling him what we are ?" kalia tried to bargain loki into believing her which seemed to work a little , "just let me tell him what's going on between us and i assure you he will leave ." she assured loki as she cupped his face softly in her hands and gave him a reassuring smile , loki looked at kalila for a moment or two and then sighed calming down. kalila knew she had gained his agreement and turned to face aseel , "aseel what he said is right , he is my boyfriend and i can't marry you." kalila confessed making aseel go limp as tom lossen his grip on him , aseel shook his head looking at kalila. "then why don't your eyes say it ?, you don't seem like you are happy  confessing that ..what is it that you are hiding ?" aseel questioned kalila who found herself speechless again , he was making her question herself . "why does it seems to me like you are rejecting me not because you love this guy but it's something else ?" aseel questioned her while he looked at her with a concerned look on his face , "i am not hiding anything he is the one i want to be with , that's the truth." kalila stated as she looked away from aseel and bit her bottom lip trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to leak out any second . "you are lying, I can still through you kalila , what is it that you are trying to hide ?, is this guy threatening you ?, tell me , you know i can protect you . i came here because i want to protect you , just tell me what this.." before aseel could complete his sentence loki's fist had already collided with his jaw making him fall back down as chris moved out of the way cleanly m kalila gasped as she moved forward to grab loki from doing any further damage . "loki stop it please. " kalila's voice came out smaller than she expected as tears ran down her cheeks , "what are you trying to imply that i am threatening my girlfriend?" loki gritted out as aseel steadied himself and wipeded the blood that had splurted out from his mouth as a result of the punch , "you seem to prove to true asshole ." aseel spitted out as he stood back up , "what did you just say ?" loki questioned as he again started to walk towards aseel , making kalila's stomach flip , "loki just stop it !!" kalila shouted driving everyone's attention towards him specially loki's which made him feel guilty the instance he saw tears in her eyes and the way she was sobbing . "have you guys gone mad ?, can't you hear what i have been saying since then ?" kalila shouted glaring at loki and then aseel , she turned towards loki and started to speak again . "you didn't i tell you that i will talk to him ?, do you just want to start a fight with every men who will say something to me ?, what are you trying to prove doing that huh ?" kalila's words made loki clench his jaw as he looked at her with an anger in his eyes but didn't say anything,  "and you aseel , what makes you think that i am not happy?, i am more than happy with him , you just had to make it all hard , can't you just believe what i said and stay silent ?" her small blurt out question made aseel go stunned , "but.." aseel started only to be cut off by kalila again , "but what?, does it matter if i am lying or not ?, you have to accept it that i am saying no. is that such a big of a problem?" kalila questioned him as she blurted out what all was builting up inside her , once it was all out she sighed trying to calm herself down as she felt a hand being placed on her shoulder . she looked towards her side to see loki standing beside her calming her down as he rubbed her back and pressed his lips to her forehead . "it's okay ." he whispered to her as he turned her around and pulled her into his embarace . kalila sighed and closed her eyes to compose herself and once she was composed she opened her eyes and pulled away from loki maintaining an eye contact with him. "you won't harm him promise me ." kalila demanded making loki smirk,  "only if he proves to be harmless , that's on you i guess ." he whispered to her as he gave her a evil grin making kalila clench her jaw . she knew inorder to prevent aseel from being in trouble she had to be harsh to him and remove any strings that might be attached to her . "aseel i know you expected that i would wait for you all those years but i am not the type to wait you should have known ." kalila said as she turned to face aseel and gave him a forced smile . aseel was to lost for words as he just looked at kalila with a hurt look in his eyes , "you promised me ." he said softly as his words were full of only one emotion disappointment . kalila felt her eyes turn glassy again as she did her best to push the tears back afterall saying goodbye to your first love never comes easy , she bit her inner cheek inhaling deeply as she looked at loki who had a smile on his face making her heart sink a little . "will you always make me regret expecting something from you?" she questioned loki in her brain as she felt a tear left her eyes , "i guess i was the one stupid , i again expected that i could change you." she sighed looking one last time at loki before turning back towards aseel ,  "i am sorry i couldn't keep that promise . so there is only one thing i would request you to do .." she trailled of smiling as she felt loku place his hand on her waist pulling her closer to him. "leave." kalila requested as she looked back at aseel while a single tear left her left eye. aseel smiled back at her before sighing and retreating from the cafe. "thanks to you he will see tomorrow. " loki said to kalila who looked up at him with a sad smile . "thanks to you too. " she mumbled softly as he looked at her with knitted eyebrows. "me?" loki questioned puzzled as kalila nodded her head. "for making me realise that I don't have a choice."  kalila's inner voice made her sigh as she looked down at the ground .

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