The Ryoumens

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A short headcanon featuring Mother!Yuuji, Father!Sukuna and Son!Gojo.

Ryoumen Sukuna/Itadori Yuuji and Gojo Satoru/Itadori Yuuji.


Satoru was the son of Sukuna and Yuuji, the famous Itadori twins who were each other's destined mate. He has a crush on his mother and his father, Sukuna, soon found out about it.

Like the possessive bastard he was, Sukuna fucked Yuuji in the living room one day. Their sixteen year old son came upon the sight. Sukuna just sent the white haired Alpha teen a shit eating grin as he fucked his brother into seeing stars.

Seeing this as a challenge, Satoru claimed he was sick the next day. Like the mother hen he was, Yuuji took care of Satoru.

Like the fox he was, Satoru carried out his plan. Yuuji, who was nearing his heat, was easily persuaded into his son's bed by his Alpha scent, which was almost similar to Sukuna's. Satoru had already sent a message to his father.

Sukuna came home and was met with the sound of loud moans, skin slapping against skin and the bed banging against the wall. He walked up to Satoru's room and was met with his son fucking his twin brother/husband in a doggy style.

Yuuji had a debauched look and his eyes were unfocused.

Satoru sent a grin at his father before grabbing his mother and started fucking his mouth with his tongue.

That night, Sukuna got his revenge by fucking the still worn out Yuuji before a tied up Satoru.

When Yuuji entered his heat, father and son fought proved that they were the best by trying to out fuck each other. They had Yuuji moaning, screaming, begging and mewling throughout his heat. They assaulted him with so much pleasure that the Omega's toes curled and he cried uncontrollably. 

On the 3rd day when Yuuji finally got his bearings, he glared tiredly at the two of them. He body was still shaking and he was breathing heavily. 

"When I can finally feel my legs again, I'll kill you both." He panted out.

Sukuna and Satoru looked at each other before they broke out in large, sinister grins. They then looked back down at Yuuji, who gulped in fear.

"And who said you were, brat." Sukuna said, his eyes shining with an unholy light. Satoru mirrored his expression, looking more like his father that moment.

Yuuji couldn't help but whimper and whisper a quick prayer for his ass under his breath.

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