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A short headcanon featuring King of Curses!Yuuji and his pets.

Itadori Yuuji/Gojo Satoru/Nanami Kento/Fushigoro Megumi.


Canon divergence where Yuuji swallows all of Sukuna's fingers and somehow absorbs the King of Curses into his very being, making him the new King.

He starts a bloody world domination and rules as the supreme ruler.

He keeps Gojo, Nanami and Megumi as his pets - not that they mind. There is no day that the King isn't on his throne, his legs crossed and cheek propped in a fist, that his pets aren't by his feet. They all wear baggy harem pants of their color with gold collars with chains. Said collars have jewelries that fall on their naked chests.

To say the King love his pet is an understatement. He is ready to kill for them, and they too are ready to kill for him.

One time, a human dared to speak up against Yuuji, and Satoru made quick work of them, splattering them all over the throne room. Yuuji just patted Satoru's head in thanks.

One would think that a being of his status would be the one fucking his pets. Well, he does that, but he's more on the taking side.

Yuuji takes pleasure in making his pets beg for him, all nibbling at his skin and trying to prey his clothes off of his body.

The King takes pride in driving them crazy with pleasure, working his muscles around their cocks and draining them dry.

One too many times the council have the displeasure of seeing their King riding one or two of his pets, his hands holding their chains tight and using them to being them closer. 

With the King's wide domain, one would think that having a family would be difficult. But that isn't the case.

The King births five children for his pets, each bearing the powerful energies of their parents. When they grew, they possess the King's sinister nature, taking pleasure in death and chaos.

For a monster, the King is a great parent and lover.

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