Lily of the Valley

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A short headcanon featuring Sacrifice!Yuuji and his Lord Sukuna.

Ryoumen Sukuna/Itadori Yuuji


AU in which eight year Yuuji was sacrificed to Sukuna. Dressed in bridal clothes, Yuuji was dropped at the large doors of Sukuna's Temple.

The Omega thought he'd be eaten like the others, but for some reason, Sukuna left him alive.

Yuuji grew up in the Temple, trailing after Sukuna like a duckling. He did everything to satisfy his master, even learning to be a better cook than Uraume. 

As the Omega grew, he grew in beauty, and it wasn't long before Sukuna started taking notice of Yuuji.

When Yuuji's Heat circle began at the age of thirteen, Sukuna was there. He was the one who took his virginity, and Yuuji was never happier.

For a Curse such as himself, Sukuna was gentle with Yuuji. The four armed Curse embraced Yuuji with such gentleness and care that it shocked Yuuji when he got a small glimpse of the fuzzy memory. That made the teen fall in love with Sukuna more, his dedication to the King becoming greater than Uraume's.

Being fertile and young, Yuuji expected to have conceive immediately, but after one year and many Heats, no hope.

"Do not be discouraged, gaki." Sukuna said, taking Yuuji's chin with his thick fingers and lifting his face up. He and the Omega were sitted in the room leading out to the zen garden; Yuuji sitted in a seiza style while Sukuna sat with his legs crossed. 

The Curse had a kiseru in one of his hands, the smooth aroma of herbal smoke whiffting into the air.

"I am but a Curse filled with malevolent power, so conceiving a child is far fetched, much less with a mortal."

Yuuji's eyes teared up at that and Sukuna found himself hurriedly correcting himself.

"What I mean, gaki, is that it would be difficult for a child to come from our union. 'Tis one of my punishments for becoming the King of Curses. You are not at fault."

Yuuji grabbed Sukuna's large hand that held his chin and stared up at the Curse with a determined expression, his eyes burning with the flames of passion. "Then we keep trying. I care not for the interference of the gods. I won't give up until this Temple is filled with our children, Sukuna sama. So buckle up, because you have a lot of work to do."

Sukuna blinked twice before a loud chuckle left his lips. He leaned down and placed his forehead on Yuuji's, getting a giggle from the Omega.

"So commanding. Makes me wonder who's the Master here."

"You, of course, Sukuna sama." Yuuji chuckled out. The fourteen year old gazed up at the behemoth with eyes twinkling with mirth. "I'm just here to nag at you once in a while."

Sukuna chuckled at that, bringing his consort to his chest and holding him there with one arm.

The two stay like that, enjoying the breeze and staring at the garden.

It wasn't until Yuuji was seventeen that he finally convinced. At first, he thought he was just sick, but Uraume's confirmation to his pregnancy dashed the idea of sickness.

Yuuji and Sukuna were in different states of shock, both not believing that their wishes have finally came to pass.

Yuuji was pregnant.

Sukuna went into full Alpha mode from there on. Although his presence wasn't suffocating, he still sticked close to Yuuji; be it in a mortal disguise as the Omega went into town to stretch his legs, or when he was doing some unnecessary chores in the temple.

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