Love Eternity

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A sad AF headcanon featuring Druid!Yuuji and his lovers, Werewolf!Sukuna and Vampire!Toji.

Itadori Yuuji/Ryoumen Sukuna/Fushigoro Toji.


Yuuji is a human who lives in a cottage on a hill by himself. People in the village see him as strange, being up there alone, but his smiles has them softing to the teen.

Yuuji meets Sukuna when the Werewolf collapsed on the road to his cottage, injured and battered. 

With his insane strength, Yuuji threw the unconsciousn werewolf over his shoulder. He cleans up Sukuna, trying hard not to blush at the red head's impressive body and large package.

He use what little magic he possesses to heal Sukuna heavy wounds, draining himself in the process. Exhausted, he covers Sukuna up and lies down on the floor.

He sleeps by Sukuna's side, still dressed in his kimono, allowing the Werewolf to take the futon.

The next morning, Sukuna wakes up and his on guard. Yuuji manages to calm him down, but the Werewolf still stares at him with distrust. 

Yuuji introduces himself and tells the Werewolf that he's a Nature Druid - albeit a weak one.

Yuuji convinces Sukuna to stay with him in the cottage for one week for Yuuji to clear his system of the wolfsbane and sliver.

That one week, Yuuji manages to make Sukuna fall in love with him. Sure, the red head is impassive, arrogant and scowling everytime, but to all except the oblivious pinket, Sukuna is smitten. 

One week soon turns to one month and Sukuna is practically living with Yuuji. Yuuji doesn't complain, happy to have company. He now cooks with enthusiasm, wanting Sukuna to eat only the best.

Sukuna hunts for him, bringing only the best meats. He also helps Yuuji in cooking, well, he tries. He only ends up dirting himself and the kitchen. Even though it's a wound to his pride that he couldn't cook, at least he has Yuuji laughing and smiling.

Toji joins their group when he comes to look for his frenemy after a month and some weeks of not hearing from the Werewolf. 

When he sees Yuuji - who comes outside to see who Sukuna is arguing with, dressed in a light blue kimono with pink flowers - the cloaked Vampire is gone.

He dashes over to Yuuji, goes down on a knee and kisses the back of Yuuji's palm before looking up at the blushing pinket with a roughish grin.

His attempt at being flirty has Sukuna grabbing the back of his collar and flinging his ass into the small forest behind Yuuji's cottage.

Yuuji just watches in bemusement as two feral beings proceed in destroying his backyard. Having enough, he strides over to them and grabs their ears.

The angry pinket drags their asses back to the cottage and has them going on their knees before it.

The two watch in awe as Yuuji regrows what they had destroyed, but he collapses as a result. Sukuna and Toji are already moving before he even touches the ground.

Well, more like Toji dashes over and takes the pinket into his arms.

Sukuna glares hotly at him and Toji's reply is to stick his tongue out at him.

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