A Witch's Deal

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A short headcanon featuring Witch!Yuuji and Prince of Hell!Getou.

Getou Suguru/Itadori Yuuji.


Yuuji is a witch who is ostracised by his coven because he's simply too weak. Endless bullying and mockery. His grandfather dies because the coven doesn't lend a helping hand, even when Yuuji begs them on his knees.

Alone, he buries his grandfather with his parents, under the harsh and cruel rain.

With with despair and rage, Yuuji goes to his family's basement and unearths a deadly grimore.

Yuuji does the one thing that is against the laws of Pure Blood Witches: doing Blood Magic.

He manages to summon a Prince of Hell, not knowing that it will work. He's even more shocked to learn that it's the 1st Prince, Getou.

Yuuji hesitates at first, scared shitless by the sight of the muscular demon with large wings and great horns.

Even with his frightful extras, Getou iss ETHEREAL. His long black hair floats with an invisible wind, his skin is beautifully pale, and his body is TONED.

Yuuji struggles but his curiosity gets the better of him and he looks down. His face flames up as he sees the size of Gerou down there.

With Getou whispering softly into his ears, and the rage in his heart, Yuuji sells his soul to Getou for power. Unlimited power. He never wants to be weak again.

To seal the deal, Getou takes his virginity, tarnishing his pure soul and body with his demonic essence.

Getou makes Yuuji's sense come alive. He shows the teen the height of pleasure, making him scream and moan into the empty night.

The very next day, which is Samhain, sees Yuuji slaughtering his coven. He turns the town into a murder town, blood and body parts splattered everywhere. 

Yuuji fills a pool with their blood, bathing in it. Getou appears then, coming out if the blood bath head first. He pulls the teen into a deep kiss, and in the pool of the blood of his coven, he fucks the teen - his wings out and spread behind him.

After that day, Yuuji doesn't see Getou again. The Prince goes back to Hell and continues his Princely duties.

When Getou comes back 16 years later, it's to Yuuji still looking like he did years ago. Not only that, they have a son together.

Yuuji welcomes the frightful demon with a warm smile, pulling the tall being into a hug. Their 15 year old son just stares at them by the corner, unsure of what to do.

Yuuji being Yuuji has been telling Sukuna all about his father, never skipping a detail.

Getou is shocked to learn that Yuuji is a Bearer. Bearers are beings of pure magic that can get pregnant and give birth to the greatest of offsprings, no matter the gender. The last known Bearer is Solomon, who's ruling Hell with his Lord, Lucifer. The Consort and the Fallen Angel have a son together, and to say Satoru is strong is a great understatement. 

Getou couldn’t believe that he has hit a huge jackpot.

Wanting to know his son more, as well as abide to Yuuji's wishes of Sukuna finishing his human schooling, Getou leaves the two on earth and visits three times a week.

When Satoru, as well as Lucifer, finally has enough of his disappearance, Getou finally takes Yuuji and their son to Hell and introduces them to the Demonic Royal Family.

Yuuji and Solomon get along swimmingly, both of them of cheery nature and finally happy to meet their own kind.

Satoru and Sukuna, well, not so much. Getou and Lucifer watch in amusement as Satoru cheerfully annoys the scowling Sukuna, who looks minutes away from beating the shit out of Satoru.

The Fallen Archangel (Lucifer) and the Fallen Angel(Getou) give each other amused glances before watching their family with fond expressions.

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