Pregnancy Shenanigans

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A short headcanon in which Yuuji tries not to kill his brothers. Keyword: TRIES.

Ryoumen Sukuna/Itadori Yuuji


Ryoumen and Sukuna taking care of their little brother who's heavily pregnant with their child. Even before he goes on bed rest, the two serve his every whim, becoming glorified servants and Simp Lords for their hormonal Omega.

Ryoumen and Sukuna swap days on who'll go to look after the company and who'll stay with Yuuji. They become more territoral, to the exasperation and bemusement of Yuuji.

One time, the two almost toss Gojo out from a window because the white haired man got too close to Yuuji. The scolding the two got from Yuuji was amusing - well, to Nobara and Megumi that is. Gojo was still terrified and shaking, his arms wrapped around Yuuji's waist as he knelt on the floor and wept into Yuuji's gown.

That actually pissed the twins off, but they couldn't do anything about it, fearing that any more bullshit from them at that moment will have Yuuji tossing their asses out the window instead.

So, they just watched as they wife cooed at his "beloved" sensei, petting him like a glorified pet. Gojo, the bastard, just grinned at them.

When Yuuji reaches the eight month mark, his brothers forbade him from doing absolutely anything.

It's funny to see two grown men running over his room when he rings a single bell, ready to serve his ever whims, even though they have maids and butlers to do just that.

Yuuji MILKS them dry of their energies. Even the downright disturbing requests, all he has to do is pout at them whilst rubbing his large bump to make them do what he wants in a second.

Nobara and Megumi, who witnesses how he controls his brothers with just a bat of his lashes, patted his back in respect, encouraging him to do more. 

Yuuji takes their advise to heart by ordering (not ask) Ryoumen to go get him a snack at around 1:38am, miles away from their home while he makes Sukuna massage his feet as he sat on the soft, massage chair Gojo sensei got for him.

It was their children that were beating Yuuji's insides unprovoked, so they have to suffer as well, one way or another.

So when Yuuji was delivering the triplets and he's crushing their hands in his and promising them castration and violent death, they just take it with a heavy grain of salt and smile warmly at him. All be it shaky ones.

Yuuji's unpredictable, so they don't know if he'd carry  out his promise when he's calm and NOT in pain. The two twins just coo at him, encouraging him with love and looking silly in the eyes of almost everyone there.

Hey, they're the ones having their hands crushed, so they give zero fucks if them behaving like the world's greatest clowns with their huge ass body sizes - Ryoumen especially. That one has zero shame when it comes to being lovey dovey with his baby brother.

When the two see the triplets, they fell in love all over again. Ryoumen has two of them in his large arms while Sukuna has the last in his. Said last has on a fierce scowl for someone who was just born minutes ago. Sukuna wouldn't be surprised if he turns out to be his child.

"Nii sama. Nii san."

Yuuji calls out to them, drawing their attention and making them settle their eyes on the pinket on the bed. The expression on Yuuji's face, ESPECIALLY his smile, has them freezing in fear.

"If you two dare knock me with this amount of kids again, I'll be giving you two vasectomy MYSELF, and trust me, I won't make it painless." Their not so sweet Omega says with with a warm smile, his amber eyes cold as ice.

Ryoumen and Sukuna just nod rapidly in understanding, scared shitless and praying to the gods for mercy.

Unfortunately, said gods aren't merciful and the next time finds Yuuji knocked up with five kids. 

If it weren't for the two using their cute daughters as shields, Yuuji was ready to commit MURDER.

Their son, the devil that he is, just pouted when his mother doesn't toss their asses out a window. Sukuna would be proud if he wasn't so terrified by the blood thirst his five year old possessed.

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