Honeymoon Phase

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A headcanon featuring Sukuna being the best husband❣

Ryoumen Sukuna/Itadori Yuuji


Sukuna giving into his Omega's wishes and allows the short man to fuck him. He watches with an amused smirk as his wife moans and whimpers in pleasure as he thrusts in and out of Sukuna's hole, his cheeks flush with a cute blush and his eyes hooded with lust.

Yuuji gives a particular loud cry as Sukuna's velvety walls squeeze around his cute, sensitive cock. His thrusts are shaky but still nail Sukuna's prostate head on, making his Alpha huff and grunt, moaning under his breath once in a while.

"Su- Suku-" Yuuji whimpers out, his hips stuttering as he feels his impending orgasm. The vibrator in his cunt doesn't help matters as it stimulates his prostate at a high frequency. 

On one hand, he's trying to fuck himself on the vibrator, on the other, he's trying to fuck his cock into his Alpha's tight, perfect ass.

"Fuck~!" Yuuji keens, slowing down and trying to catch his breath.

Sukuna takes matters into his own hands after that. He does a quick maneuver that sees Yuuji under him and him straddling his husband.

He starts riding Yuuji's cock, ignoring the pleas of the babbling Omega who has a tight grip on the bed sheets. His intense vanilla and honey scent tells Sukuna all he needs to know that his Omega wants more.

Sukuna leans down and places his hands beside Yuuji's head, trapping his Omega with his huge body.

Due to the stimulation from both ends, it isn't long before Yuuji's cumming with a loud squeal, his back arching off the bed and his cock going deeper into Sukuna's hole to the hilt.

Sukuna watches with lust as Yuuji's expression takes a debauched one. He slowly gets off Yuuji's limp cock, cum tickling down with it.

Without further ado, the Alpha grabs Yuuji's legs, spreads them apart and settles between them.

He uses Yuuji's cum to lube his cock and then slips in besides the vibrator. 

Yuuji's back arches off the bed again at the stretch of it all, his eyes going wide and his lips parting with a silent scream. Said scream tears from his throat as Sukuna sinks to the hilt with a harsh thrust. 

Sukuna takes his time in fucking his perfect Omega to the edge of overstimulation, taking pride in driving his Omega into a crying and babbling mess. He smirks in amusement as Yuuji cums dry with a choked scream, his cocklet twitching and red.

The sound of his balls slapping against Yuuji's ass resonates loudly with the lewd sound of his cock fucking into the Omega's cunt which is leaking slick like a river.

"Al- Alpha!" Yuuji reaches out to Sukuna, his tear filled eyes hooded and drool running down his chin.

Sukuna chuckled, the deep sound making Yuuji whimper. His hips takes to fucking slowly, his thrusts shallow as he reaches for Yuuji's face. He carress Yuuji's cheek gently, making the Omega to keen loudly and leaning into the touch.

Like a snake, Sukuna's hand darts to his neck and wraps around it. Yuuji moans so loud that it vibrates off the walls as Sukuna's fingers find their way around the corner of his neck, his fingers pressing against the right pressure points that makes his sight go white just right.

"You're so pretty like this, gaki. Looking all fucked stupid as I make a mess of you." Sukuna says with a grin. His hips start pistoning faster and Yuuji's squeals and screams come up once more.

Yuuji's trembling so much as if he's being electrocuted by a livewire. His eyes are unseeing and he's about to pass out any moment.

With a loud scream, the Omega squirts all over himself, some of the fluid getting on Sukuna's stomach and face.

The Alpha just licks the speckle on his lips with a feral grin. He proceeds in folding Yuuji, proving how flexible his Omega is.

Yuuji just lays there and takes the relentless thrusts of his Alpha. He can only let out choked moans and gasps. His loose cunt tries to tighten around Sukuna's cock, but the vibrator as well as Sukuna's harsh thrusts makes that impossible. 

Yuuji almost weeps for joy when Sukuna finally cums. The Alpha gives a harsh thrust, burying himself to the hilt.

Sukuna groans deeply as he blesses his Omega with his seed, painting those quivering walls white and planting his essence into Yuuji's womb. He thrusts slowly into Yuuji, riding off his orgasm. 

Sukuna takes his time in cleaning his husband up. He removes the vibrator, getting a whimper from Yuuji, before entering the large tub with him. He washes the smaller male as Yuuji leans on him, cleans him up, dresses both of them into their nightwares before carrying Yuuji to bed.

Sukuna spoons the Omega, who literally passes on once his head makes contact with his husband's board chest. 

With the snap of his fingers, Sukuna switches off the lights and drifts off to sleep.

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