Colors of the Wind

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A short headcanon featuring Yuuji as Disney's Pocahontas ❣

Ryoumen Sukuna/Itadori Yuuji; Gojo Satoru/Itadori Yuuji


Pocahontas AU in which Yuuji's the son of the tribe leader. He's meant to marry his cousin, Sukuna, but the two get on each other's nerves at any given second. 

Although they clash, they suit each other perfectly, Yuuji's sweet and calm nature balances Sukuna bloodthirsty and crude nature.

The perfect union between the finest warrior in the land with the beautiful Omega who has a connection with the spirits.

But then came Gojo and his crew in their ship. The thirteen year old Omega falls for Satoru, sneaking out to see the man under the willow tree.

Of course, when Sukuna finds out, he's furious.  Both of them try to kill each other, but they're evenly matched.

Sukuna gets an upper hand when Satoru becomes too cocky, thereby letting his guard down a little. With a sadistic grin, Sukuna, who's straddling Satoru, gives the Alpha a nice punch that sees him knocked out.

When Satoru wakes up, it's to see himself tied to a pole, many eyes on him. The Alpha just greets them enthusiastically, getting a frown from some of them.

Before Sukuna could deal with him by silting his throat open, Yuuji intervenes, telling everyone that he has fallen for the Alpha. 

Of course Yuuji's announcement causes mayhem, the loudest being from his betrothed. Their arguments are put to a standstill when Satoru asks what can he do to show his loyalty in getting the chance to court Yuuji.

"Die." Sukuna states with a deadpanned expression. His answer has Satoru pouting, the Alpha whining and irritating him.

Before Sukuna could make do of his plan, Yuuji steps close to Satoru, giving the Alpha a certain look.

"Is there anything you like to say, Sato san?" Yuuji asks, his voice and expression soft.

Sukuna splutters when Yuuji utter that nickname. He looks at his uncle with indignation on his face and said chief just shrugs, making Sukuna to groan internally in despair. 

Of course. Jin would always stand by Yuuji.

Sukuna heaves a tired sigh under his breath before focusing his attention back on Yuuji, who's already untying Satoru.

Whilst rubbing his wrists, the man tells them of his captain's plan to kill them all. Chaos ensure and it's the sheer force of Sukuna's and Jin's growl that silences them.

Satoru promises to help them take down his corrupt captain and convince the others to go back home if he stays with Yuuji.

Sukuna of course immediately refuses, as did some of the others, but a general meeting with Jin, Yuuji and the elders has them seeing reason.

Yuuji promises that his and Sukuna's relationship hasn't changed, that he still loves the grumpy Alpha and that the wedding will soon hold. He and Satoru are his, and he has enough love to give to the both of them, equally.

They all device a plan of attacking the invaders in the night. Said plan works with just minimal casualties on both ends, with Sukuna almost decapitating the captain of the crew if it wasn't for Satoru's interference. He states that the government will deal with him, them having given him clear instructions that if the land is inhabited, they're to introduce themselves peacefully and leave if the Natives prove did not accept their presence.

A week later sees the departure of the ship with a chained up ex-captain, who's absolutely screaming heaven and hell until he's gagged like a pig. 

With Yuuji by his side, the two watch on a tall mountain as the ship disappears into the horizon.

Satoru is integrated into their society, being thought their ways. Before he completed his training, Yuuji weds and Bonds with Sukuna, and the two spend Yuuji's Heat together.

When Satoru finishes his training, Yuuji's already one month pregnant with Sukuna's child, so the two have to wait a year before the two can Bond with each other.

With Satoru there, trading with his people, who come in little quantities, becomes easy for them. While Sukuna is made the Chief of the Tribe, Satoru is made a somewhat Ambassador between them and his people.

Between Sukuna and Satoru, the two keep him full and pregnant, making the Omega to give birth to six children before he even reaches the age of seventeen.

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