Elixir of Temptation

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A short headcanon featuring Omega!Yuuji and his Alphas Gojo and Getou.

Gojo Satoru/Itadori Yuuji/Getou Suguru.


Satoru watched as Yuuji fed their son from his beautiful milkers. His muscled pecs of before were now soft and swollen with life giving elixirs. 

Getou was by the corner burping their son's twin sister, before proceeding in cleaning her up of any breast milk residuals and placing the dozing babe into their large crib.

With a pout, Satoru kept on looking as their Omega fed their son and gave the babe his attention. The pinket had a soft look on his face as he hummed softly to the white and pink haired babe and released a handful of his sweet peach Omegan scent, putting the babe at ease as well as slowly putting him off to sleep.

Once Renji couldn't eat anymore, Yuuji placed him on his shoulder and started burping him.

"Ne, Yuuji kun~" Satoru called out silently. 

Yuuji turned his head and settled his eyes on his mate. Once he saw the expression on Satoru's face, he heaved a sigh. "Yes, Satoru san?"

"Ne~ When is going to be my turn?~" 

Yuuji cocked a brow. "Your turn for what?"

"To be fed of course." Satoru's pout increased.

Yuuji blinked in confusion. "There are leftovers in the fridge,  Satoru san. You can feed yourself perfectly with them."

Like a child, Satoru said with a perverted grin, "Sure there are, but I want to be fed with those." He pointed a finger at Yuuji's naked chest.

Yuuji, finally catching on, spluttered, a heavy blush settling on his face. "Satoru san!" He hissed out.

"What?" The Alpha pouted.

"These are for the babies!"

"But I'm YOUR baby, Yuuji- ow!"

Getou, who had had enough of Satoru's flirting, slapped the back of the Alpha's head.

"Control yourself, Satoru." The Alpha, who's back length hair was up in a messy pony tail, said in an exasperated voice.

"That hurt, Suguru~" Satoru said with a huge pout, massaging the back of his head.

Suguru just grunted before heading over to Yuuji. He gently took Renji from his arms and did what he did moments ago with his twin sister.

With a huff, Yuuji stood up from the soft and comfortable couch. He raised his arms and stretched, working out the kinks in his muscles. His action had a little bit of milk coming out from his swollen nipples, and with a gulp, Satoru attacked.

Yuuji let out a yelp when his right nipple was taken into Satoru's warm mouth whilst the Alpha had the other between his fingers.

"Sa- Satoru san! Stop- ah!"

Satoru started sucking, drawing out precious milk from that nub, using his teeth to softly bit on it. He let go of Yuuji's nipple and grabbed the Omega's pec, giving it a good squeeze as he sucked the other. He moaned around the nipple, enticed by the taste of its gift. His action had Yuuji epping, making the Omega to clasp his hands over his lips to prevent himself from moaning out loud.

"Satoru! Stop!" Yuuji moaned out lowly, using a hand to push Satoru's head away from his sensitive  boobs - and failing. He had a heavy blush on his cheeks and his eyes were glossy.

Satoru, who finally had it in his heart to have mercy on his mate, gave one final hard suck - which had Yuuji bitting the bottom of his lip to prevent him from moaning out loud - before moving back. 

He looked up and regarded Yuuji, who was panting. The white haired man had a little bit of milk on his lip and his eyes were shining with lust. Satoru licked his lips slowly, intense eyes never leaving Yuuji's amber's. With a smirk, he said with a rough and deep voice, "Delicious."

If Yuuji's head could explode due to embarrassment, he would have been a walking time bomb because his mates, ESPECIALLY Satoru, were not ones to hold back.

"As expected of my- ouch!"

Getou's fist came down hard on Satoru's head, making the Alpha to let of of Yuuji's pec.

"Ease up on him, you lust glutton."

Satoru laid his hands on his head and snapped his head towards his co-Alpha.


"Shut up." The dark hair Alpha gave him another hit to the head. "Don't wake our children up with your stupidity."

"But~" Satoru whined like the child he was, voice low.


Both Alphas paused in their argument and turned their heads turned towards Yuuji. The Omega's teary expression had Satoru dying inside and out, blood slowly tickling down his nose, whilst Getou's face lit up with a blush.

"Satoru, you idiot! I hate you!"

Satoru could hear his heart scattering into pieces.

"Sleep on the couch, you pervert!" And with that, the Omega hurriedly left the room, making the two Alphas unable to see the sly smirk Yuuji had on his lips.

"Yuu- Yuuji! Wait!" Satoru's facial expression took that of horror. "Please, wait! I'm sorry!" The Alpha scrambled after Yuuji, loudly calling him out his name.

Suguru heaved a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. A moment not too soon, whimpers filled the room and the Alpha threw his head back and groaned.

That motherfucking idiot.

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