A Prince's Ownership

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A short headcanon featuring Archangel!Gojo and Getou and Demon Prince!Yuuji💖💖

Gojo Satoru/Itadori Yuuji; Getou Suguru/Itadori Yuuji


AU in which Getou and Gojo are Archangels and Yuuji is the Prince of Hell, the precious little brother of the twin Kings of Hell, Ryoumen and Sukuna.

The two were tasked with the mission to kill the human loving demon, but Yuuji's beauty and sun filled personality had them stopping in their tracks.

How could a demon, the direct sibling to the Kings of Hell no less, be so kind and loving?

The two toom to stalking Yuuji. From stalking to outright killing any human or low leveled demon that caught the pinket's eyes.

They finally had enough and they kidnapped Yuuji. Of course he tried to escape them, but in terms of power, Yuuji was lower than them.

They fucked Yuuji that night, driving the small teen to the brink of insanity with their cocks. It filled them with lust and pride that they were the first to claim Yuuji's entire being. It drove them INSANE with greed and happiness that they were Yuuji's first.

They didn't falter or ease up on their thrusts, nailing Yuuji's prostate with rough and precise thrusts, drawing loud squeals, moans and screams from the demon who was turned to a debauched mess.

Yuuji lost how many times they made him cum, fucking him until he couldn't think anyone, filling him with their angelic cums that mixed in his inner chambers. 

When they were done, Yuuji was gone and incoherent. He just laid between the two of them, baring their marks of ownership on his neck.

A week later saw Yuuji showing off his pets to his older brothers, a smug smirk on his lips. He had the two Archangels on collars that put a stop to their powers. In his hands were their chains, holding them softly yet firm.

Ryoumen and Sukuna had looks of amusement and pride as they stared at the three from above their dias. Of course they and Yuuji knew about the hit on the smaller pinket, and it was fun watching their brother leading the two Archangels on,  making them believe that he was oblivious and weak. Now, their cute otouto had two pets to keep him company when they couldn't.

Getou and Gojo had looks of adoration when they were told that Yuuji knew about them all along. In the end, they were only able to fuck him because he wanted them to.

The two archangels didn't hesitate to say fuck it and stay with their lover. Sure, they could easily escape their bonds, but where was the fun in that? Besides, heaven was boring as fuck and they didn't want to leave their pregnant Prince behind.

They stayed by Yuuji's side - well, more like by his feet - and showered the demon with love and affection, pampering him throughout his pregnancy with their children.

Of course, Heaven was in uproar at the news of their desertion and them willingly frolicking with a demon, especially when said demon was pregnant with Hybrids no less, who would no doubt be powerful considering who their parents were.

They tired to go against Hell, but with the brute forces of the Kings and their two best warriors, they lost. Horribly.

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