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A short headcanon featuring Alpha!Megumi and some Zen'in drama.

Fushigoro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji


AU in which Megumi was betrothed and expected to marry an Omega of highborn but he fell in love with Yuuji instead.

Their love was met with obstacles. The only person who supported them was Toji, Megumi's father, but unfortunately he couldn't do anything.

Megumi threatened the head of the Zen'in clan that if he doesn't marry Yuuji, he was either going to run away with the Omega or kill himself. 

And so, they came to a compromise.

Megumi married the woman he was betrothed to before taking Yuuji as his second wife a month later.

Not once did Megumi lie with her. She had a whole wing to herself, far away from Megumi and Yuuji.

Yuuji, being Yuuji, tried to be friendly with his co-wife, but all his attempts are met with sneers and looks of hate and contempt.

Unfortunately, the condition for Megumi to become the heir of the Zen'in clan stipulated that he had to have a child with his first wife, so Megumi swallowed his disgust and slept with her. That was the first and only time.

The woman fell pregnant, but her moment of shine was taken away by the news that Yuuji was pregnant as well.

Yuuji gave birth to twins, both boys. The woman gave birth to a girl.

The Zen'in clan, being the bigoted bunch they were, gravitated to Yuuji. The support they showed for Megumi's first wife vanished into thin air and they focused their attention on Yuuji.

All Megumi had eyes on were on Yuuji and his son, but his kind hearted Omega convinced him (read: forced) him to have a relationship with his daughter.

The Alpha was ready to leave the child rearing to the woman, but Yuuji strongly objected at the unfairness of it all.

The woman at first thought her husband had finally came to his senses and was coming to see her, but Megumi would just ask for his daughter and would either take her away to be with her step brothers, or would play with her there.

The woman's bitterness grew the more and it wasn't long before she was abusive to her daughter. She stopped taking care of the toddler, leaving her care to the maids. It wasn't long before she began to plan Yuuji's demise.

Yuuji fell pregnant again when the children were five years old, and she took that moment to strike.

She forced one of her maids to poison Yuuji's dinner, and came next morning, everyone were awoken by shrill screams of agony.

Yuuji lost the baby. Not only that, the poison dealt with his womb and the doctor advised he and Megumi to give up on having any more children. 

Yuuji was heart broken. For days he just sat in bed sobbing as he clenched his would be baby's kimono.

Megumi became a raging beast. He knew the culprit was amongst them and he threatened to kill everyone if they weren't brought to him.

With the proverbial fire on their asses, it didn't take long for the clan to sniff out the maid, who was about to make a run for it.

The maid confessed that her Mistress forced her to do it. When said was brought in, she was raving mad, spitting out the words buried in her heart.

Megumi was tempted to end her right there and then, but Toji stopped him.

In the end, she and the maid were banished with nothing in her name, not even her family would take her back in, ashamed for what she had done.

As compensation, her daughter was given to Yuuji, making him his. Well, she already was, seeing as her own mother never gave a damn about her and Yuuji took up the role as mother to her.

The disgraced woman was dragged out of the Zen'in compound kicking and screaming for her daughter. Said daughter was with the boys and Yuuji, napping on his bosoms as he held her tight yet gently in his arms.

Weeks later, they got news that the woman and the maid were found dead - one having been beheaded and found with the corpses of her family; he other hanging from a tree.

Robbery and suicide they said.

Everyone knew deep down what truly happened, but they kept their opinions to themselves.


AN: Sorry for the delay minna san lol. I'm not gone, just that I've been updating on Twitter and AO3 more. Well, today I'll be posting the 30 something fic I've written here lol

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