Midnight Summons

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A short headcanon featuring Omega!Yuuji being sacrificed to Demon!Megumi.

Fushigoro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji

Day 6 of FushiIta Week 2021. Prompts: Supernatural AU || Non-Con


Headcanon in which Megumi, a King of Hell, was summoned in the mortal realm for a ritual. He killed the members in irritation, having had his peace disturbed by their greedy, worthless selves.

A muffled scream over the grotesque sound of flesh ripping and blood and guts splattering on the ground as Megumi massacred the cult members with a flick of his fingers caught his attention.

Hanging on the dias with their hands bound in the air was a gagged mortal male, dressed in a white cloth that left nothing to the imagination. From the scent alone, Megumi deduced that the sacrifice was an Omega. A ripe, virgin Omega.

Seeing as this Omega was his sacrifice, Megumi decided that he'd not go to waste.

Right there on the alter, Megumi took the pleading flailing Omega. He first had a taste of him, fucking him open with his tongue. The large, imposing two, almost three, feet Demon moaned at how fresh he was. 

The Omega tasted so sweet and Megumi didn't hesitate to eat him out, lapping at that honey flavoured slick of his.

The Omega was begging him to stop, but his traitorous mortal body proved otherwise.

He made the Omega cum touched with only his tongue working him open. Megumi inhaled the scent of a satisfied Omega, his cock twitching at how tantalising it was. And when he licked up the Omega's cum on his stomach, Megumi's eyes glowed with lust and hunger.

When the Omega saw the sheer size of the demon, he made a strangled cry and tried to scramble away. Megumi grabbed his leg and pulled him back, bringing him over to the edge. 

Megumi spread his sacrifice's legs apart, getting a clear view of that wet, twitching cunt of his. 

Megumi slowly broke into the Omega, who threw his head back with a loud wail as Megumi's cock breached his virginity walls. 

Sure, his impressive length drew a little blood, but the Omega was taking him so well that Megumi was impressed.

It was as if the Omega was born to take him.

He worked the Omega open slowly, watching with rapt attention as the mortal's stomach ripped with every moment of his cock, and how his cunt stretched to accommodate Megumi's impossible girth.

The pressure on the Omega's prostate, which made him wail and scream in unfathomable pleasure, became to much and he came untouched once more.

Megumi didn't let up and still kept on fucking him through his orgasm. The Demon's pace didn't let up, and it wasn't long before the Omega came again.

The King of Hell defiled the pure soul on that alter table until he became a drooling, squirting, incoherent mess that could even form a single word. All the pinket could do was take Megumi's cock and cum and cry on it.

Megumi pumped and pumped loads of cum into him that when they were done, the Omega looked pregnant from it alone. His gaping cunt was leaking cum and it trickled down the stone alter.

When Megumi has had his fill, he left the utterly ruined Omega there, covered with fluids and sweet, and headed back to earth. He left the mortal with the memories of his life changing experience, as well as a gift.

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