Cooperate Management

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A short headcanon featuring Office Wife!Yuuji and Househusband!Satoru.

Gojo Satoru/Itadori Yuuji.


AU in which Yuuji's a working wife and Satoru is a stay at home dad. Whilst Yuuji's manages Satoru's multibillion company (the white haired man is too lazy to do it and so he signed his company over to Yuuji, who runs it with the help of Nanami), Satoru takes care of of the twin toddlers, Ryoumen and Sukuna. 

In time, Satoru had to learn how to cook, so as not to stress Yuuji up more. He's not perfect, but he tries. Sure, they have the money to employ a cook, but the two adults wanted to do this they way they're doing. If they couldn't cook, they ordered.

Ryoumen and Sukuna proved to be their father's sons and were little demons 95% of the time. Only Yuuji can control them, the same way he can control his husband. Those three are clearly peas from the same pod, and their stupidity and stubbornness has Yuuji sighing in exasperation all the time.

Another thing Yuuji's boys have is common is their possessive attitude towards Yuuji. Everyone except Yuuji found it troubling and creepy. Yuuji just giggles and hugs them, kissing their cheeks.

Ryoumen and Sukuna are not affectionate, but these two love burying their faces in their mother's chest, dozing off moments later on his impressive pecs. Satoru just pouts at them, wanting to sleep on his wife's boobs as well.

Satoru always joke that he and Yuuji should have another kid, pouting and saying that the twins are clearly defective. Said statement has Yuuji slapping the back of his head and the twins glaring at him with those red eyes of theirs.

Sarou wanted a kid that looked like Yuuji and to accomplish that, he switches Yuuji's pills for supplements. 

When Yuuji finds out that he's pregnant, he almost kills Satoru. The twins just cheered their mother up as Yuuji squeezes the life out of Satoru's neck. When he finds out that he's having triplets he almost massacres the man. When he's giving birth to them, he's cussing Satoru all the way, promising him castration and death whilst he crushes the man's hand.

Yuuji takes a break and leaves the company to Nanami to handle while he recuperates at home, being taken of by Satoru and the kids.

Ryoumen and Sukuna are cautious and unwelcoming of their siblings at first, as expected, but with time, they soon warm up to them, donning on the robes of big brothers who are protective of their younger siblings like they are with their mother.

At least Satoru gets his wish of one of their kids looking like Yuuji, even if said kid becomes so much WORSE than Ryoumen and Sukuna combined.

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