A Vampire's Beloved Pet II

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Short continuation of the short headcanon of "A Vampire's Beloved Pet" featuring Pet!Yuuji, Vampire King!Sukuna and Werewolf King!Satoru.

Ryoumen Sukuna/Itadori Yuuji  and Gojo Satoru/Itadori Yuuji.


Sukuna, sitting like the king he is on the plush chair and sipping the cup of blood in his hand, stares at the scene before him with a smirk. His pet, Yuuji, is being used as the toy he is by his co-ruler, Satoru.

The mortal is on his knees, clinching the sheets tightly and moaning and screaming loudly as the half werewolf pounded into him with the viciousness Sukuna knows him for.

Yuuji has a thick leather collar around his neck that prevents the Werewolf from digging into his neck and killing Sukuna's possession.

"Su- Sukuna sama!" Yuuji wails out before falling into incoherent mumbling and mewls once more.

Sukuna's eyes glow red in pleasure as his pet calls out his name even though he is being fucked into stupidity by someone else. He takes a long sip of his wine again.

Satoru let's out a loud growl as his thrusts increases. He's trying so hard not to give into his animalistic nature and take a chunk out of the mortal's body and devour it. Only the taste of his blood has him going into a mating frenzy and that's insane.

"Don't hold back, shitty glasses."

Sukuna's voice draws him out of his turmoil and he turns his glowing eyes on the Vampire.

"My pet is stronger than you think. Go on. Take a bite." Sukuna's lips stretches into a demented grin, showing his fangs.

Satoru doesn't need more encouragement than that and proceeds in sinking his teeth into the shoulder mortal below him.

Yuuji let's out a scream, his back arching at the mixture of pain and pleasure assaulting his senses.

Satoru throws his head back and moans at the taste of the flesh in his mouth.

It's simply divine.

When he looks back down, he sees that the mortal is convulsing, looking out of it. The smell of semen hits his nose and he realizes that Yuuji came untouched just by having a chunk of his flesh biten off.

He blinks in shock as the mortal regenerates before his eyes.

Sukuna's deep chuckle has him looking at the Vampire with a sadistic grin.

"So, you're the one who took him?" Satoru gives his friend an impressed look.

"Of course. A king only deserves the best." Sukuna raises his glass up, his cheek still resting on his balled fist. "Besides, they wouldn't know what to do with him anyways. His blood and flesh is so divine to be simply kept locked up in a stupid shrine under the protection of the humans."

"As usual, you never cease to amaze me,  old friend." Satoru chuckles. "Only you would kidnap the one prophesied to kill you and break him into your pet."

"I didn't break him. He was already like that. Turned out that he wanted nothing to do with the prophecy bullshit and gladly surrendered himself to me on the condition that I give him he freedom he wanted. And I did. All this is just him being the perfect slut he was from birth."

As if on que, Yuuji rolled his hips, looking up at Satoru with a longing look.

The Werewolf grabs said hips and thrusts harsly into that tight yet loss hole, getting a loud mewl from the mortal.

Sukuna watches as Satoru continues to have his way with his possession, not bothered at all. Because in the end, Yuuji is HIS.

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