Devil's Peach - The Rescue

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Satoru and Suguru looked nothing short of enraged beasts as they looked at the sight before them. Shoko had her hands clasped over her lips as she looked on in horror.

Yuuji looked as if he was brutalised. He looked like a human canvas painted with purple and red bruises on literally everywhere on his skin. The teen was on his knees and he was tied up in a shibari bondage, his arms behind his back. Said shibari also had his cute cock tied at the base, and it was also holding a vibrator in place. He had a ball gag in his mouth - drool escaping from the holes as he breathed through his mouth - as well as a blind fold on. Toji's collar was still wrapped around his neck, and the chain was in the Assassin's hand. 

Satoru and Suguru felt themselves twitch in interest. Satoru started breathing heavily, a bright blush on his face and his crystal blue eyes glowing behind his shades. Suguru managed to look calm, but the light blush on his cheeks, the way he was breathing, as well as the glint in his narrowed eyes said otherwise. 

"Ah, you finally came." Toji's smug voice broke the two from their trance and they settled their eyes on the grinning assassin.

Satoru's aura turned oppressive and he snarled, baring his teeth at the man. 

"I was hopping you'd delay your arrival. Me and Kitten here were having so much fun~" Toji cooed out, his grin widening. He tugged at the chain, making Yuuji to fall on his side with a muffled yell.

In a flash, Satoru was behind Toji, looking demonic and menacing, his hand angled as if to impale the Toji in his chest. He was met with thin air, seeing as Toji hurriedly got up and dogged his attack. Said attack split the chair into two, as well as create a tiny shock wave.

Toji did a series of somersaults out of their vicinity, giving him room to attack as well as defend himself. He skidded to a stop, his worm already procuring his sword for him. It was then he realised that a portion of Yuuji's chain was in his hand. He looked back at the bound teen, summarising that Gojo's attacked severed the chain. 

Suguru and Shoko ran over to Yuuji, calling out to him in worry. Suguru took him into his arms and made the pinket lean on him while Shoko removed the gag, then the blindfold next.

Yuuji blinked his eyes, focusing on the sudden light. He first stared at Shoko before settling his eyes on Suguru. When the dark haired man smiled warmly at him, he burst into tears and pressed his body against Suguru's.

The black haired teen made quick work of realising Yuuji from his bondage. The ropes fell to the floor, after being cut by Suguru haphazardly. He removed his jacket and wore it on the teen, giving him a little modesty.

Satoru was basically seeing red at that point. Half of his attention was on his sobbing Kohai and the other on Toji. 

"Ma~ Are you taking Kitten away already?" Toji cooed out, tossing away the broken chain in his hand.

Suguru tsked under his breathe when Yuuji flinched at the voice of the Assassin, increasing the grip he had on Suguru's shirt. 

"Oi, Satoru-"

"Go." Satoru said with a cold voice. "I'll take care of him." His eyes were solely on Toji, who was slowly twirling his sword with that smug smirk of his. 

Suguru gave a curt nod. He glanced at Toji one last time, his grip on Yuuji tightening a little. He bidded good luck to the white haired teen before he and Shoko retreated, running away from the warehouse in high speed. 

Toji moved to attack but Satoru blocked his way, repelling him back.

Yuuji closed his eyes and heaved a shaky sigh of relief when they made it out of the warehouse and into the car. The teen didn't know when he passed out, but when he woke up, it was to see himself in between his Senpais on a large bed.

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