Not So Soulmate

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A short headcanon featuring Gojo fucking up fellasA short headcanon featuring Gojo fucking up fellas.

Gojo Satoru/Itadori Yuuji.


Soulmate AU in which Gojo rejects his soulmate, Yuuji. His excuses being that Yuuji's too young, he's (Gojo) to young to settle down or that he's not interested in Yuuji.

Waltzing into Yuuji's life is Gojo's friend, Getou. He helps Yuuji pick up the pieces after his best friend rejects the teen in a crowd of curious college kids. One thing soon leads to another and before they know it they begin to date.

Gojo doesn't know why he feels so betrayed by Getou's decision in dating Yuuji. Whenever he sees the two smiling and being all so affectionate with each other, a certain HATE blossoms wells up in his chest.

He tries so hard to forget about them by fucking around. His activities get so dangerous that Getou has to intervene.

Gojo being Gojo blows up at Getou's face and the two get into a fight. Yuuji has to intervene and Gojo, all bloody and messed up, grabs the pinket and pulls him into a kiss.

More fighting ensures and Yuuji is frozen still in shock.

Shoko and Toji, Getou's and Gojo's housemates, have to come into the matter and separate them.

At this point, Yuuji says fuck it and blesses Gojo with a punch to the face. With tears in his eyes, the pinket shouted at Gojo for the white haired man to stop fucking with his head. One minute says he doesn't want Yuuji, the next he's kissing him. The pinket tells Gojo that he hates him and that fate never cursed him with such a heartless Soulmate, before running out, Getou running after him.

Gojo never sees Yuuji after that day. Such, he feels the soulbond they have between themselves - Gojo's kiss created it - but Yuuji's end of the bond is closed. Only bits and pieces of emotions could be felt once in a while.

Getou moves out, and Gojo only sees him in the classes they share. Even then, Getou ignores his very presence.

After college, Gojo never heard nor saw the two. He takes after his father's company and that gives him access to resources.

When Yuuji and Getou married, he was there in the hotel, standing from afar off and watching. When Yuuji gave birth to his and Getou's twins, he brought flowers from them in secret. He sent gifts to his friend and soulmate during their hard times, helping them anonymously.

For years Gojo stayed in the shadows and watched how his soulmate found happiness and gave life to the one who brought it to him.

If he wasn't so self centered and stupid, it would have been him in Getou's place. Gojo couldn't help but wonder how he messed up so badly.

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