Of Demons & Witches

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A short headcanon featuring Witch Yuuji bringing back his boo❣

Ryoumen Sukuna/Itadori Yuuji


Witch Yuuji behind the strings of missing people.

The pinket had kidnapped sixteen people, sacrificed them on his alter, locked their souls in the amulet on his neck, before discarding their corpses like trash.

When the villagers finally found out about his not so sunny hobbies, they went in a moband barged into his compound. They soon found the sun room he used for his rituals and ceremonies and came upon a gruesome sight.

They came too late.

Yuuji just finished sacrificing the 16th victim, their blood running along the circle they lay upon.

"Ahh~ You guys came~" Yuuji had a warm smile on his lips; a smile that also managed to be sharp and deadly as well as promise pain. He held the amulet in his bleeding hand. "Perfect~ He'd like a snack or two."

"What nonsense are you spewing, Witch?!" Someone yelled.

The men with the weapons started approaching the naked pinket, who raised his hand up, the amulet still in his clutches.

"Time to wake up, Beloved. Nap time's over." And with that, Yuuji let go of the ornament and it fell onto the stomach of the bleeding corpse.

The mob watched in horror as the corpse gave a sharp jerk and started convulsing. The amulet sunk into their stomach, becoming one with them. The mob all moved back in fear, watching as the corpse was levitated into the air by an unknown force.

Horrified and frightened mortals watched as the corpse's skin tore open, its bones breaking at an odd angles and its head turning back and forth twice. The corpse began to grow in body mass, tattoos appearing on their new thick skin and it gained two extra pair of arms. The now muscled stomach tore open and a long tongue emerged from it, a mark similar to the one on the now missing amulet.

"Welcome back, Sukuna." Yuuji said with a happy smile, his luminous amber eyes sparkling with joy.

Four eyes snapped open and the mob gave various screams of fear. Some were frozen still, some were slowly backing away and others were praying. 

The demon with his massive horns got up from his kneeling position and stood at his full height. He towered over everyone.

Sukuna gave the mob a glance before turning his head to regard Yuuji. "Gaki. I see you ran into some trouble."

Yuuji shrugged with a grin. "When have I never?" The naked man sashayed over to the demon and glued himself to him - Sukuna wrapping a lower arm around him.

"It's been long, Suku~" Yuuji sighed out. "I've missed you." He moved back a little and gave Sukuna's tummy mouth a chaste kiss. Said mouth opened and the tattooed tongue gave his face a quick lick. Yuuji giggled at the action.

"Mo- monster!"

Sukuna and his consort but turned their heads and faced the idiot who screamed that.

"A devil's whore!" The fool continued. "You're literally an abomination! Consulting with a-!"

With the snap of his fingers, Sukuna made the man explode. His blood, organs and whatnots splattered at a high velocity, drenching those closer to him and some speckles getting onto others. A woman lets out a shrill scream but she was silenced immediately by Sukuna flicking his fingers and cutting her head into two.

The others took that as their cue to leave. They dropped down their weapons and touches and started scrambling away. Some tripped because of the blood and viscera but they quickly picked themselves up.

With a flick of his wrist, Yuuji closed the doors and locked them in. They banged on the doors, trying and failing to get them to open.

"More sacrifices?" Sukuna cocked a brow at him. "Who else are you trying to resurrect?"

"They, along with everyone else in this miserable town, are your snacks, Suku." Yuuji gave his stomach a gentle pat before moving away from the grinning demon. "Enjoy." He gave Sukuna a warm smile.

Yuuji watched with a smitten expression as his Lord and Husband tore into the crowd, killing and ripping them apart with a handsomely demented look on his face. Sukuna's stomach mouth was chewing rapidly, bones crunching and flesh tearing as it consumed limbs and organs.

The naked Witch sighed in happiness as Sukuna's cackled filled the sun room, not minding the blood staining his home.

Now then, which of his lovers will he awaken next?


AN: I've reached the maximum of chapters I can put in this minna san~ You can find the rest on AO3💖

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