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A short headcanon featuring Megumi as a creepy professor and Yuuji as his unfortunate prey💖

Fushigoro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji

Day 1 of FushiIta Week 2021. Prompt: ABO || Breeding


Ever since he got a whiff of that heavenly peach and honey scent when the Omega first walked into his class, Megumi knew that Itadori Yuuji was his and HIS alone.

He watched from afar as his student became the apple of everyone's eyes. His angel was so bright that his radiance drew in everyone. And Megumi didn't like that.

He took to stalking Yuuji, getting to know where the Omega lived, what he did when he wasn't in school, his hobbies, and so much more. 

Megumi learnt that Yuuji lived alone, and that two months ago, his grandfather passed away, making him the last of his family name. He always learnt that although the bubbly personality Yuuji had, the Omega had little to no friends.

That made the Alpha frown a little, displeased by this revelation. But at the same time, it made things easier for his plans to be carried out smoothly.

Megumi proceeded in kidnapping Yuuji on a day the boy had his night classes. Of course his angel put up a fight, but the tranquilliser dart did its work.

The Alpha took Yuuji to one of his safe houses and chained the Omega up in the ensuite bedroom. The chain allowed free movement around the room, and it was made from strong steel.

Yuuji woke up frightened and confused, his scent going rotten with his emotions.

"Fu- Fushigoro sensei?" Yuuji whispered out, looking at his sitted professor in shock and confusion.

"Ah. Good morning, Itadori kun. How are you feeling?" Megumi asked, a small smile on his lips. His smile just put Yuuji more on the edge.

"What is going on?" The Omega looked around. "What am I doing here? Where is HERE?"

"We're in one of my house situated close to the woods, Yuuji kun." Megumi stated matter of factly.

"Wha- what?" Yuuji whispered out, looking at his professor in horror. 

Megumi stood up and started making his way over to Yuuji, which made the Omega to scurry away - or tried to. He fell down on the tiled floor with a yelp, his sight dizzy and unfocused. 

"Careful there." Megumi knelt before him, taking Yuuji's face into his hands and lifting it up so that the dizzy Omega would stare up at him. "The drugs haven't fully left your system."

"Dru- drugs?" Yuuji whispered out, fear in his wide eyes.

Megumi just hummed, his face still impassive. The man moved to pick up Yuuji, and the teen flinched back, looking at his professor in fear. Megumi still picked him up and he took the stiff Omega back to the bed, lying him gently on the cloud for a mattress.

Yuuji watched with terrified eyes as Megumi tucked him into bed before going around making sure nothing dangerous is in place. The Alpha turned to him and stated that he had to go out and get somethings for Yuuji's use such as new clothes and toiletries - all the while looking calm and collected, as if he didn't kidnap Yuuji and Yuuji was his guest.

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