Ice Cream Shenanigans

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A short headcanon featuring Omega!Yuuji trying to off Alpha!Sukuna because he ate Yuuji's Ice Cream💀💀

Day 3 of Sukuita Week 2021. Prompts: Fluff || Marriage

Ryoumen Sukuna/Itadori Yuuji


Ryoumen looked at her brothers, most specifically Sukuna, in exasperation. Her twin was sweating under the heavy glare and oppressive energy of Yuuji - and he was doing a banged up job hiding the fact that Yuuji's devilishly look of rage jostled him a little.

The Omega looked one step away from murdering his ass. Said Omega was seven months pregnant and looked ready to explode. With rage as well.

"Why, in God's fucking green earth, did you take my ice cream, Sukuna?" Yuuji hissed out, his garnet eyes shining with Omegan rage.

Oh dear. First names. Yeah... he'sa goner.

"Of all the fucking ice creams in the fucking fridge, you took MINE?!"

"Oi, calm down Gaki." Sukuna tried to placid the Omega but Yuuji's glare just increased tenfold. If looks could kill, Sukuna would have been rendered to mere ashes by now.

"Do NOT tell me to calm down, you fucking Knothead!" Yuuji spat out. Sukuna spluttered at the insult, looking at the rage consumed Omega in shock. "You took my ice cream!"

Out of nowhere, Yuuji burst into tears, making Sukuna to fuss over him more. Still crying, their husband grabbed a couch pillow and started hitting Sukuna with it. The Alpha just let him, not feeling a thing.

"I hate you, Suku-nii!" Yuuji wailed out.

Sukuna heaved a sigh before he reached out and grabbed Yuuji's hand, pulling his Omega to him - although Yuuji's large stomach made it hard for him to fully embrace the short man. He tossed the pillow on a couch before placing a hand Yuuji's waist while the other started caressing his back, calming the sniffling Omega.

"I'm sorry for being a... Knothead, Love." Sukuna said, his face grimacing at the unsavory word. "When I'm coming back from work today, I'll get you ten tubs of your ice cream, even with different flavors."

Yuuji sniffed again, looking up at his brother with tear filled eyes. "Promise?"

Sukuna melted at the cute sigh, and his Inner Alpha purred at how beautiful their Omega glowed with their children.

"Promise." Sukuna placed a kiss on his forehead, making Yuuji to giggle. "Now, stop stressing yourself. It's not good for the brats." He carrassed Yuuji's stomach, getting a kick from one of the kids in there.

Yuuji nodded, giving Sukuna a bright smile. And just like that, the Omega's mood change once more.

Pregnant Yuuji was a constant whiplash and his siblings couldn't help but massage their temples and groan at his IMPOSSIBLE mood swings.

The two Alphas watched with flat expressions as their little husband waddled over to the fridge once more, muttering about snacks and weird combinations of food. Sukuna heaved a sigh, realizing that he'd have to restock the fridge again.

Ryoumen, who was working on her laptop whilst sprawled on their large couch, heaved a sigh of her own when she saw Yuuji waddling over to her direction. She saved her work and sat her laptop down on the side glass table, before reaching down and pushing a button that turned the couch into a mini bed.

With jars of pickles, mayonnaise and mustard nestled in his arms and swollen pecs, Yuuji crawled on the bed. He sat on her legs and settled his head under her bountiful bosoms and began to eat his disgusting concoction whilst snuggled up against his big sister/Alpha. 

The two elder Itadoris gave each other flat looks before they simultaneously sighed as one.

They honestly couldn't wait for the brats to be born.

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