Suburban Heat

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A headcanon featuring husbands Satoru and Suguru finally dicking down their neighbour.

Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru/Itadori Yuuji


AU in which Omega Yuuji lives in a suburban area and is neighbours with Alpha-Alpha couple, Satoru and Suguru.

Although the two are married, it's no secret between themselves that they want to mount Yuuji and fuck the teacher full with their cum and pups.

Due to how friendly he is, Yuuji tends to visit them now and then, sometimes bringing them dinner and eating with them. Sometimes they visit him instead, bringing snacks and gifts.

Yuuji sees them as his friends, even though he wants the both of them to fuck him at the same time until he couldn't walk or passes out from cumming countless times on their cocks.

Yuuji has no idea that his peach and honey Omegan scent drives Satoru and Suguru WILD.

One time, when Yuuji visited them whilst in Pre-Heat, the two Alphas had to fight down their instincts from just grabbing Yuuji and fucking him bareback on the dinning table. When he finally left, his lingering scent had Satoru going feral and Suguru bore the burnt of it all, having his very soul fucked out by his husband on that same dinning table. It didn't take long for Suguru to loose his coherence as well, and the two had a go at each other all night. The two woke up the next morning sore, fucked out yet unsatisfied. 

They honestly want to fuck that Omega so much.

Satoru and Suguru try so hard to reign in their dark desires, but it's a little thing that makes a man break.

As usual, Yuuji, who's already in Pre-Heat, pays them a visit, bearing dinner, to inform them that he'd be incapacitated for the next five days (Yuuji's Heat is worse than most Omegas and it tends to be longer).

Satoru is the one answers the door, and the sight of Yuuji dressed in an Omegan gown that riding down his shoulder, showing off that luscious fair skin of his, and having a bright flush on his cheeks has Satoru's mouth going dry and his fangs threatening to come out.

Dinner is a tensed affair, seeing as the two Alphas are trying everything in their power not to jump Yuuji and have their way with him there and then.

Yuuji's about to leave when a half feral Suguru slams the door shut and cages him against the door.

"Su- Suguru san?" Yuuji looks up at the Alpha in confusion.

"You don't know what you do to us, do you?" Suguru lets out with a rumbling growl.

"I-" Yuuji makes a move to talk, but he ends up just whimpering when Suguru buries his nose in Yuuji's neck.

Suguru literally inhales his scent, his eyes flickering Alpha red for a second. "Gods, I wanna fuck you so bad." He says with a rough, husky voice, the words coming out like a growl.

Yuuji rasps out, his legs almost giving out from under him at the combination of that voice and Suguru's pine and cinnamon scent assaulting his senses. He lets out a loud gasp as Suguru's hands grab hold of his plump cheeks and give them a firm squeeze.

"Ryuu." Satoru lays a hand on his husband's shoulder, making him to stop in his fondling.

Suguru turns his head and growls at him, but Satoru returns the gesture even louder. 

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