Of Princes & Dragons

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A short headcanon featuring Dragon!Sukuna and Prince!Yuuji.

Ryoumen Sukuna/Itadori Yuuji


AU in which Ryoumen is the fearsome dragon known as the King of Curses, and Yuuji's a young Prince tasked with the mission to kill Ryoumen in order to take his father's throne.

Yuuji knows that the reason the council gave him the mission was that he'd get killed in the process, but Yuuji's confident that he'd succeed. 

He joined to the dragon's lair, and there he met Ryoumen in his dragon form resting in the horde of his gold.

The battle is fierce. Yuuji dodges fire and claws, his sword clashing with Ryoumen's tough dragon hide. In the end, he loses to Ryoumen. Battered and bruised, he collapses to the floor, but doesn't give up.

Ryoumen is fascinated by the mortal who looks an inch to death, standing with the help of his sword. Not threatened by Yuuji and finally satisfied with playing with the Prince, Ryoumen lies on the floor, resting his head on his front legs.

"Oi, gaki."

Yuuji flinches at the loud and deep voice of Ryoumen, his eyes going wide in shock, disbelief and AWE.

"You... you can talk?" Yuuji whizzes out. His breath comes out wet and heavy, having a rib pressing against his lungs.

Ryoumen hums. "Why are you fighting me, kozo?"

"What- what do you mean?"

If he could, Ryoumen would have rolled his eyes. "I mean why are you fighting against me, gaki. You don't look like the killing type, much less a battle fit one."

Yuuji splutters in indignation. He stumbles over his words, but in the end, he couldn't deny Ryoumen's words.

Ryoumen, with that his baritone voice of his, chuckles in amusement. "I thought so." He drops his head down on the ground, staring at Yuuji face to face. "So, you wanna explain why the Crown Prince of the Tora Kingdom, a Kingdom which I stay far away from and never trespassing into their domain, trying to kill me?"

Yuuji tries to reply, but he gasps out wetly. With a sigh, Ryoumen heals the Prince, getting a bow and a loud word thanks from the boy.

Yuuji takes a sit on the floor and explains everything to Ryoumen. From how his grandfather died suddenly and how the Councilmen made a rule that if Yuuji doesn't kill Ryoumen, the crown will be passed over to his distant cousin, Naoya, and Yuuji - no matter how much he hates the throne and would rather live a peaceful life up in the hills than rule a Kingdom - would rather die than see his kingdom, the land which his parents, his grandparents and ancestor have dedicated their lives and sweat to see rise up from the ruins they were, to go back into a complete state of chaos with the Zenin in power.

Ryoumen reaches a compromise with Yuuji. The dragon states that if he kills Yuuji, his people will come to disturb his peace, and if he doesn't help Yuuji, his peace will surely be disrupted by the offhanded chaos a wrong leadership will bring.

"Besides, I own your grandfather, Wasuke, a debt." Ryoumen adds, getting a wide eyed look from Yuuji. "It's time I repay that debt."

Before his very eyes, Ryoumen starts to shrink, covered in a red glow so bright that Yuuji has to cover his eyes with his forearm. When the light dies down, in the dragon's place is a huge humanoid who towers over Yuuji. He has on a kimono and has tattoos on his face, wrists and legs. He's roguishly handsome, with faint pink hair like Yuuji's and beautiful blue eyes. What make sone know that this is a being of old is the pair of long ears and the fangs. 

"What... what are your conditions for your help?" Yuujo asks,  a look of nervous hesitation on his face. Let's face it, there has to be a catch. Even he isn't dumb to not realize that.

"Condition." Ryoumen corrects
 "And it's just one simple thing to be honest." The dragon's lips stretches into a large grin.

".... which is?" 

"Become my bride."

Yuuji chokes on thin air, looking up at tge dragon in pure shock. "Wha- what?!" The Prince squeaks out.

"If you become mine, not only will I help you to take back what's rightfully yours, I'll also stay to ensure that it remains yours."

"But-!" Yuuji stutters out.

"Don't worry about kids. There're... other ways for both of us to have spawns." Here, Ryoumen's grin widens and his fangs glint in the treasure filled room.

The hungry look in the dragon humanoid's eyes has the Prince blushing, his eyes darting everywhere but Ryoumen's face.

Yuuji contemplates Ryoumen's offer. One one hand he's skeptical and wants to get the hell out of there, but on the other hand, he'd need someone of Ryoumen's backing. He couldn't go against the council alone. Him becoming allies with Ryoumen will actually see his people being in awe of him at being the first person to make a move with Ryoumen.

With his mind made up, Yuuji steels his back and addresses Ryoumen. 

"I have my own conditions as well." The Prince says with a loud and strong voice.

Ryoumen cocks a brow, and Yuuji takes that as the sign to go ahead.

"While married to me, you will NOT cause destruction to either mine or other kingdoms. I know that dragons feed on human flesh once in a while, so I will be the one personally to hand over your human... delicacies over to you. No eating my people behind my back."

Ryoumen chuckles at his wording. What a sly minx.

"Also, you will protect me and my people at all cause. If any kingdom tries to start a war, I want you to end it. Immediately and permanently."

And ruthless as well. Ryoumen's eyes glow with lust.

"As for our children... we'll get to that later." Here, Yuuji's face gets red, the Prince mumbling the last part.

"These I can agree on." Ryoumen says with a chuckle.

The dragon flickers over to Yuuji and the Prince grunts in surprise at his sudden appearance. Before he could step back, Ryoumen bendd his upper body and pulls the short teen into a passionate and possessive kiss.

Yuuji struggles at first, but he goes limp as his breath is stolen away by Ryoumen devouring his mouth. The dragon maps the Prince's mouth with his long, split long. Ryoumen fights the urge to sink his tongue down Yuuji's throat, taking pleasure in mapping his mouth instead.

Above their heads, a red seal activates, disappearing after some seconds.

If it isn't for Ryoumen's hands on his waist keeping him standing, Yuuji would have collapsed - seeing as his legs feel like jelly in his light headed situation.

Ryoumen licks his lips, his still glowing eyes devouring Yuuji's debauched face. "And that seals our deal, gaki."

Without further ado, Ryoumen picks Yuuji up and carries him bridal style, getting weak splutters from the blushing teen. Large leathery wings manifest from his back and large, curly horns materializes from his skull, getting a gasp of shock and a look of awe from Yuuji.

Ryoumen stares down at Yuuji in his arms and grins dangerously, filled with sharp, shark like teeth. "Lets go conquer a Kingdom, my Queen."

And with that, Ryoumen leaps into the air and flies off with his prize in his arms, on their way to cause chaos and most likely end some unfortunate souls.

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