Of Sugar Babies and Daddies

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A short headcanon featuring Omega Sugar Baby!Shotadori being fucked by Alpha Sugar Daddy!Nanami.

This is part of the Shotadori Fest.

Nanami Kento/Itadori Yuuji.


In which Shotadori is the sugar baby of Nanami. The man showers the pink haired omega with love, affection and money. Lots and lots of money. Yuuji is living his best life, and after a year into their relationship, he decides to start living with the Alpha in his penthouse.

Currently, Yuuji is dressed in a light pink virgin killer sweater and dark blue thigh stirring stockings. He's on his knees worshipping Nanami's cock, lapping at it with licks and kisses before deep throating it and massaging it with his throat and moans. Yuuji's groans around Nanami's dick sends shivers down the Alpha's spine and his hands tightens in Yuuji's hair.

The two are on the balcony, overlooking the city in all its night beauty.

"Enough." Nanami commands and uses Yuuji's hair to pull him away from his cock.

Yuuji let's go with a loud lewd sound, a string of saliva connected to Nanami's cock head. The teen has his tongue out and his eyes are filled with lust. 

Nanami groans at the sexy sight and his dick twitches in want.

"Come here, Baby." Nanami taps his clothed tigh and Yuuji does as ordered.

He sits on Nanami's laps, the Alpha's dick pressed against the back of his clothed ass.

Nanamia raises up Yuuji's short dress and grabs those soft, plump globes of his. He spanks them making them jiggle and their owner to let out a loud moan.

Nanami unclasps Yuuji's g-string panties and he throws the gold colored underwear to the side, not caring where it landed. He grabs Yuuji's cheeks again and kneads them. He spread them, showing off Yuuji's hole which was dripping with slick. 

The Omega moans out as Nanami inserts his fingers and starts fucking him open. He looks down at Nanami with lust filled amber eyes.

With a cuss, Nanami removes his fingers and grabs hold of Yuuji's hips. He raises the Omega up and and hovers his ass over his dick. 

Nanami let's go of Yuuji's hips and spreads his arms on the head of the couch. With a deep voice, he say, "You know what to do, don't you Baby?"

Yuuji nods. "Yes, Daddy."

With his hands on Nanami's strong broad shoulders, he slowly lowers himself on Nanami's cock. 

The thick head goes in with a wet squelch and Yuuji releases a deep moan as Nanami's cock starts to spread and stretch his hole. Due to his Omegan slick, Nanami goes in smoothly. 

Yuuji bottoms out, the head of Nanami's cock hitting deep. He pauses, thighs shaking as he tries to catch his breathe.

Gods above, even up till now he hasn't yet adjusted to Nanami's large cock. Yuuji doesn't know if it had to do with him being small in statue, or Nanami was just too endowed to get used to. Whichever the case, Yuuji honestly doesn't care. He loves it when that cock was fucking him open and senseless. 

Nanami cants his hips up a little, drawing Yuuji from his thoughts with a moan.

"Come on, Baby." Nanami coos out.

"Yes, Daddy~" Yuuji pants out. He slowly slides up Nanami's cock, making the Alpha to grunt out a moan. He makes sure to tighten his ass more, making Nanami to hiss out a cuss. Once it's only the head of Nanami's cock that's in, he falls back down, making Nanami to throw his head back with a groan as his cock fucks in deeper.

Yuuji repeats this move so many times and it isn't long before Nanami reaches his limits.

With a grit out "Fuck it", Nanami grabs Yuuji's hips once again and brings the pinket down on his cock with a loud slap.

He starts fucking the pinket with abandon, thrusting into the pinket's womb as he chase after his release. 

Yuuji, who's trembling and has his head buried in Nanami's chest, keeps on screaming and moaning out the word "Daddy" like a prayer.

"I'm cumming!" Yuuji gasps out. "Nanamin! Daddy! I'm-!" Yuuji throws his head back with a wail as he cums on his and Nanami's stomachs. 

The blond haired Alpha grits his teeth with a cuss as Yuuji tightens more around his dick. He manages to thrust one, two, three, four, then five times into that lovely, twitching warm heat of Yuuji's before he comes with a loud groan. He floods Yuuji's inside, painting him with his warm essence. 

Yuuji collapses on Nanami's chest and the two try to catch their breathe.

The blond Alpha wraps his arms around the small Omega, purring in the back of his throat as the small teen lets out pleased Omegan pheromones. Yuuji's peach and sakura scent makes his inner Alpha pleased that he has satisfied his Omega.

Once the two have fully rested, Yuuji gets up and heads over to prepare dinner.

Nanami's cock drags down a handful of his cum and it along with slick tickle down Yuuji's gaping hole.

As the Omega walks away, he makes sure to swing his hips, knowing that Nanami is watching. He halts and turns his upper body and gives Nanami a sluty wink before walking away.

Nanami lets out a loud groan, throwing his head back on the couch.

Gods, he loves this small vixen.

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