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A short headcanon featuring Serial Killers Yuuji, Sukuna and Gojo.

Ryoumen Sukuna/Itadori Yuuji/Gojo Satoru.


Modern AU where Sukuna and Yuuji are serial killers. Their victims are killed in gruesome ways, and like the Kings they were, they would even fuck in the presence of their bleeding and trembling victims.

One day, they targeted Gojo, who Yuuji seduced in the night and over to a deserted park. Sukuna, who had a curved blade in hand, was waiting in the trees.

It proved difficult to kill Gojo, seeing as the white haired man not only evaded them but also handed their asses over to them.

Whilst they were on thir knees panting for breathe, sweating as well as glaring up at a grinning Gojo, the man with shades asked if they were the Canvas Nightmare - a moniker gotten from their way of killing and using their victims corpses as artworks - and they replied with an affirmative. After all, Gojo had earned it.

Gojo introduced himself and told them that he had been looking for them. He told them that not only was their skills wasted on weak sheep, he could also make them better. 

It didn't surprise them too much when Gojo told them that he was an Assassin. But what did shock them was that he was THE Phantom Cutthroat, the most wanted serial killer in the world. 

Not wanting to let the opportunity slip by, the twin teens accepted his offer.

For the next few years, the three terrorised Japan with no mercy. Almost 20 bodies or so drop dead with their signature moves every month. When it became too tight for them, they moved to a different country.

The three grew close and it was no surprise when they started fucking each other. For his small, yet toned, size, Yuuji was the one who controlled the other two. Gojo and Sukuna practically WORSHIPPED the ground he walked on. 

The mixture of their dark sides created a decade of blood and tears. Not that they cared.

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