Of Familiar Love

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Ryoumen Sukuna/Itadori Yuuji


Ryoumen and Sukuna will be THOSE cousins who gets touchy feely with the angel of the family, which in this case is Yuuji.

Cute, little Yuuji - full of bright smiles and warm energy. It's no wonder the dark wolves of their already dark family are drawn to his warm radiance. Even his parents and brothers are blinded by his light.

As a Mafia family,five generations in, they have seen their fair share of wird shits. So when Ryoumen and Sukuna, age 15, started getting too close to 8 year old Yuuji, one one was even bothered.

The twins, when they visited, had Yuuji close to them at all times - either on their laps or lying in between them. They always have their hands running down the cute child's body, showering him with their attention.

When Yuuji turns 10, the two ask their aunt and uncle for his hand in marriage. The two just heave sighs of exasperation as they stare at their nephews in amusement.

In the end, they state that it's all up to Yuuji, and the boy happily agrees to be their bride.

After all, he loves his uncles Ryo and Suku so much and wants to be with them forever.

The weeding day is a small family affair, and Yuuji looks beautiful with a custom made traditional wedding kimono. One could hear Jin and Chouso wailing about how their precious Yuuji look so beautiful on his big day.

Like the shy boy he is, he gives his uncles chaste kisses on their lips to seal their vows, blushing and giggling when the two grin at him, him being held in Uncle Ryoumen's arms.

Yuuji learns to be a cute housewife, welcoming his husbands with large smiles and pampering them after a hard day of having to deal with morons. Of course, he's pampered as well, being the apple of his uncles eyes.

All in all, the cute boy loves his calm and happy life.

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