The One Where Toji Finger Fucks Yuuji

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A short headcanon featuring Toji finger fucking Fem!Yuuji.

Fushigoro Toji/Itadori Yuuji.


Toji using his thick fingers to fuck into Yuuji's soul, massaging her g spot with a smirk of glee. The teen has her back arched and is moaning and mewling, her eyes wide.

Suddenly, she throws her head back and her pussy clinches around Toji's fingers for a second before she's squirting with a wail. Toji continues thrusting in his fingers into her pussy, getting screams from her and making her toes curl as she fists the sheets.

"To- Toji san!" Yuuji moans out, trying to close her legs shut. "Please! Sto- ah!"

Toji uses his other hand to pry her legs open, adding one more finger. She's soon trembling and crying out in pleasure. It isn't long before she comes again with a strangled cry. She squirts on Toji again, twitching and sobbing.

Toji licks his lips, his eyes shining with amusement and pride. He lies on her, his naked chest pressing against her ample breasts, her nipples going hard at the close contact. He drops his hands besides her head, and he grins down at the panting teen, who looks up at him with teary eyes and a heavy blush on her cheeks.

"Oh baby doll," Toji says in his deep, husky voice that's rough with want. "We're not yet done." He rubs his clothed cock against her wet cunt, getting a whimpering moan from her.

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