Sister's Love

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A short headcanon featuring female Sukuna and Yuuji.

Female!Ryoumen Sukuna/Female!Itadori Yuuji.


Sukuna took her time in eating her twin sister out, smirking against her quivering cunt as the smaller pinket let out a loud moan.

Yuuji's legs were shaking and she had a strong grip of Sukuna's hair.

Sukuna closed her eyes and hummed, getting a squeal from Yuuji at her action.

"Suku-nee!" Yuuji moaned out. "Stop! I'll cum!"

Sukuna paused and looked up at her sister. Her lips stretched into a feral grin and she said, "That's the point brat." And she went back down, devouring Yuuji's cunt harder this time.

The two didn't care if they wake up the other students in the other room, not giving a fuck that their voices resounded in the room and could be heard through the paper thin walls.

Sukuna added two of her fingers into her mission, and that had Yuuji's back arching.

Sukuna was relentless in her action, and soon, Yuuji came. The smaller of the two squirted all over her sister's face, who just closed her eyes and relished in the water works with a wild grin.

When Yuuji had finally calmed down, her legs and body still twitching, Sukuna drew her into a soft kiss.

Whilst Yuuji tried to recovery, Sukuna headed into the bathroom and got a towel as well as a bowl filled with warm water. She gently cleaned her twin, pampering her with kisses. With a grunt, she carried the naked teen over to the couch and laid her there. She then removed the sheets and set new ones.

Sukuna took a quick shower and headed back into the, taking her twin sister back to bed and falling asleep alongside her.

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