Alpha & Omega

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A short headcanon featuring Alpha!Sukuna and his twin Omega!Yuuji.

Ryoumen Sukuna/Itadori Yuuji.


Modern AU where Sukuna and Yuuji are the last of the Ryoumen clan - unknown to everyone else. Their family members were brutally killed, but luckily for them when it went down they were with their Uncle Chouso - who is their mother's first son that was hidden from the world. The two go by their mother's maiden name, Itadori. Until they are old enough to protect themselves, they won't be going by Ryoumen for a while.

The two became so close after that day. It wasn't surprising to see the other when one twin was around. Sometimes, people found it weird with how close they were. Holding hands, bring too touchy feeling, Yuuji feeding Sukuna like a partner would. But they just kept their suspicions to themselves, not wanting to earn the wrath of the twins, especially Sukuna, who was the delinquent of the two. 

When Sukuna presented as an Alpha when he reached 15, no one was surprised. At all. The teen was already tall, buff, built and downright SCARY and INTIMIDATING from the get go.

But Yuuji presenting as an omega shocked them. Sure, there were omegas with strong physics such as his, but Yuuji being different from his twin WAS shocking. But then again, they thought back about how caring the teen was. Unlike Sukuna, he was bubbly and calm to be with.

He was the sun to Sukuna's moon, the light to the teen with marks darkness. 

After their presentation, Sukuna got more protective of his twin. If one were to try to fuck with Yuuji  - figuratively and literally - Sukuna won't hesitate to KILL them.

Everyone one in school knew how two Alphas disappeared after bad mouthing Yuuji, only to be found dead and tortured in a park two days later. Sukuna of course was seen as a suspect, seeing as he promised to end them in front of so many others.

He was later written out as a susoect when his twin, their friends, Megumi, Nobara, Mahito and Maki, vouched for him, thereby solidifying his alibi. It didn't help matters when two of Shibuya's best policemen and detcetives, Gojo Satoru and Getou Suguru, backed him up.

The case went cold. 

People in school learnt to keep their mouths shut about Yuuji after that day. They all KNEW that Sukuna was the one who killed those Alphas, and they had suspicions that those who vouched for him were in on it. But they kept that to themselves.

Life moved on and Sukuna and his twin were still the same. Until they weren't. 

It was during the last year of High school that things got... weird. 

Everyone noticed that the atmosphere between the two teens changed that year the Alphas were murdered.

Yuuji's scent changed and one or two whispered to have seen a mating mark on Yuuji's neck. No one was brave enough to ask. And seeing as the teen always wore high collared shirts - yes, even in gym - they just kept mute.

The last session of High school, Yuuji came back from the holidays with a surprise. 

The Omega was pregnant.

Now that had people gaping, because who in their right mind will have the BALLS to impregnate Itadori SUKUNA'S twin? Let's not even go to his Uncle, who others came to find out was INSANE and OBSESSED  with Yuuji and his health. 

Whosoever the ballsy motherfucker was, people want to shake their hands in respect.

For some reason, the teachers and the school authorities didn't make a huge deal out of it - which was odd. The school was a pinnacle of prim and proper, and such a thing as wedlock was frowned upon. But there was not a sound of disapproval from them. From the looks of things, they all looked to be frightened by Yuuji's presence and walked on eggshells around him.

When their exams finally reached, Yuuji was 8 months in. He had to write his exams at home, seeing as he looked to be due any day.

They saw him on graduation day, holding a cute babe in his arms, wrapped up in a red blanket. He and Sukuna took turns in carrying the babe. The two 18, almost 19, year old looked content and happy, both showing the babe with attention.

Seven years later, the news that there were remaining members of the main Ryoumen clan hit the news. Who they saw on the TV shocked them.

Sukuna and Yuuji stood looking regal in their red and black suits. Yuuji had a small boy's hand in his whilst a girl was perched on his hips. The omega looked more breathtaking than he did those years ago. Sukuna looked rougish as ever, his sexiness reaching the roof.

When the world learnt that the owners of one of the biggest technological empire were mated together, they lost it. People were disgusted and called them perverts, screaming that their children should be taken away from them. But who the fuck had the balls will do that?

Sukuna and Yuuji didn't show mercy in raining law suits on the bastards who crossed the line, Yuuji more so than Sukuna. The omega didn't show sympathy in ruining the lives of people who made threats concerning his children. He had a warm smile in court whenever those who ran their mouths start crying and pleading for mercy. He had this look in his eyes when he stared down at the kneeling, wailing figures at his feet. The money they paid as compensation for their stupidity was used for charities.

The Ryoumen twins were soon flaged as not to be messed with and after a few years with dealing with idoitic morons, the two went to living a peaceful, but busy life.

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