Chapter Twelve (Part 1)

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***Dedecated to omegaleonidas - thanks for voting ***

Kyle’s POV

Watching Sam was so funny, The look on Adri’s face was priceless and at that moment  I wished I had a camera. Her face was bright red and the little crease she gets between her eyes when she was confused was soo cute, it took all I had not to burst out in fits of laughter. Earlier Sam had caught me sneaking out, I told her that I was assigned to look after Adri – which is true – and that she would have to ask Adri herself for more information. So we took it as an opportunity to prank her and I honestly haven’t seen her that scared since our mission in Australia when she was seconds from being killed for ‘smuggling weapons’. I couldn’t help myself anymore I went up to her and wrapped my arms around her

“Got you” I whispered in her ear, she froze I kissed her cheek as she said

“ I will get you back for this” she took a deep breath calming herself, “Ok sam what do you want to know?” she asked leaning back into me, Sam furrowed her eyes as if thinking although I could probably guess what her first question would be.

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