Chapter Twenty-Five

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****Hi my lovely readers ;) I am soooooooooooo sorry for the long wait I just have not been writing for ages I don't know why. But anyway I'm back at it and here is the long awaited chapter 25!!!. I'd just like to say thanks to everyone who has stuck with this book. and thanks for 1.4K!!!!!!!****

Kyle's POV

One second she was there, sitting in the car beside me, then she was gone, I pulled out my dart gun from under the seat and made sure I had a spare gun under my shirt. I got out the car and saw a buff man with his back to me I looked at his feet and saw Adri's trainers, immediately I shot him three times in the middle of the back with the darts and watched as he turned around startled then fell to the ground asleep. Adri was just standing there not moving, I ran to her and hugged her 

"He's going to kill Sammy, and it's all my fault" she just stood there like she did after a mission when she had, had to kill someone. Blank letting her emotions drain away, so that she didn't have to feel anything. We were all taught to do it, but I think Adri was the only one who ever used it. I led her to the car and locked her in, then went and fetched the man shoving him in the back, that was kind of like a boot. Ha. I've always wanted to boot one of Nigel's men, I guess I got the chance to do it – literally. 

The drive to the underground prison (made by the CIA) was silent, when we got to the place I dumped the guy in the cells Adri had followed me down here and was now holding a knife. After tying the man to a chair Adri perched stiffly on the edge of the other chair in the cell, every now and again lightly running the blade of the knife over her finger. When the guy woke he complied pretty well up to the question that Adri would cut out of him if she had to, it turned out he was a new recruit and had been sent to tell Adri that the boss would kill Sam if she didn't comply to what he wanted. After that he clamped up, Adri got up and towered over him the little crease between her eyebrows appearing.

Adri POV

I looked at the man opposite me in anger, he knew where Sam was. And I was going to get that information no matter what. I shut my eyes for a brief second and took a deep breath letting everything slide away, I put up the wall that divides humanity and savages and opened my eyes. I looked at the man again not taking my eyes off him. I felt nothing; for him or anything. He complied pretty well up till the only question I wanted answered. I stood up and towered over him, "Where is she?" I asked he just shook his head I backhanded him twice, one on each side of the face so he wouldn't feel uneven his head lolled to the side a little and I saw a hint of fear in his eyes. I tried again "Where is she!" I growled

"Like I ever tell you," he said spitting blood onto my shirt. I pulled out my knife and in an instant Kyle was standing in front of me

"Adri, think about what you're doing" he pleaded but I felt nothing for him for anyone.

"Get out of my way I don't want to have to hurt you as well" my voice was monotone no emotion whatsoever Kyle moved to the side. Stepping forward I held the knife up near the man's face "If I'm going to do this you might as well tell me your name" I said when he didn't respond I yelled "Tell me your name!"

"Theo," he muttered

"Now Theo, I know you don't want me to do this as much as I don't want to" lie such a lie "so I'll give you one more chance, tell me where the girl is." Theo lifted his chin defiantly

"No. I cannot tell you" I dropped my arm with the knife down and the blade sunk into his thigh, he screamed slightly and started to shake "you crazy, he kill me if I tell"

"tell me, where she is" Theo pursed his lips trying not to show fear but I could see it clearly in his eyes he didn't answer I twisted the knife the pulled it out his leg and dragged it along his bicep, he passed out after that. Kyle dragged me out the prison and locked me in the car.

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