Chapter Nine

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Sam POV (when Adri was in hospital)

I woke up to my mum shaking my shoulder

“what’s happening?” I asked groggily my head still heavy from sleep

 “Adri’s in the hospital” I was so shocked I didn’t move for a second then I lept into action, jumping out of bed and firing questions while getting dressed

“what happened? is she ok? Oh my gosh.” I stopped turning to face my mum “She’s still alive right!?” My mum chuckled

“Yes she’s still alive, she ran out the window and got her foot trapped in one of the traps your father put out.” I gasped and started to run down the corridor

“Well hurry up then mum we need to get to the hospital!” I yelled over my shoulder

“I’m coming Samantha but don’t run down the stairs we don’t need both of you in the hospital thank you very much!” I slowed down to a brisk walk as I reached the stairs.


I jumped into the cab my father had called and waited for my parents, a minute later my mum and father came out of the house and bundled into the cab as well, silence descended on the cab as we hurtled down the drive and onto the main road. When we got to the hospital my father asked for Adri they said she was just going into surgery now and that they would tell us when they allocated her a room. My Mum was pale “George she’s going to make it right?” My father had a grim look on his face which I knew meant he had absolutely no idea

“I’m sure she will Shelly, she has to” After that it was silent between us, each of us lost in our own thoughts. An hour later a dark haired male in a long white coat came into the waiting room

“Anyone here for Miss Cole?” He asked we stood up “Follow me” we followed him through a maze of corridors and into a white room where Adri was. Her urban hair slightly duller than normal, her normally glowing skin tainted a pale shade her left leg securely encased in plaster. The doctor started to ramble away to my parents hurriedly as if he had somewhere else to be or maybe he sounded a little nervous.

From outside we heard a gruff voice asking about Adri we went outside and there stood a police officer he was dressed in a light blue shirt and dark navy pants with dark hair and dull green eyes. I wonder who was asking for Adri, he walked up to us “George and Shelly? I presume.” He said how did he know who we were? “I would like to speak to you about Adriana” My father’s guard immediately went up

“Why what is going on?”

“Nothing I can assure you she has done nothing wrong. We have been informed that Adriana has recently come home from a military job. And due to the fact that she still seems to think she is in a war zone. I have been assigned to watch over her and protect her and those around her from harm.” My uncle didn’t seem very pleased about it but agreed grumpily, a while later Adri woke up; we all barged into the room and I even helped my parents when they were telling her off. When we had all finished yelling at her my father introduced Adri to the police officer saying he wanted to ask her a few questions. I don’t remember him saying anything about questions. As my father shut the door I heard Adri’s icy voice say

“What do you want?” almost as if she knew the officer, but that was impossible she couldn’t know him. Unless he was lying . . . I went to the blinds that were open slightly and peeked in, my cousin was looking down and I saw tears in her eyes my anger rose at the fact that he had made her cry  I  was about to walk in there when he walked up to her and pulled her into a hug. After a while Adri lent back and looked up at him, he bent down and kissed her my eyes widened and I couldn’t look away he paused for a moment obviously saying something then kissed her deeply. I looked away quickly embarrassed I felt like a little kid who walked in on their parents kissing. My father knocked on the door and the officer jumped away from Adri as the door opened I heard officer McKenzie say

“Ok Ms Cole I am going to be your guard from now on to prevent any future attempts at harming yourself or others around you.” Adri cocked her head ever so slightly to the left a movement so slight I wasn’t even sure if I had seen it but when officer McKenzie winked I knew he wasn’t who he said he was. And i was going to find out the truth no matter what

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