Chapter Two

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As I walked out customs I was pounced on from behind; I immediately grabbed the persons arm and threw them over my shoulder then manoeuvring myself so I would sit on top of them so they couldn't escape, I reached for my gun - but of course it wasn't there. I looked down at my 'attacker' and thought she looked oddly familiar. Seeming to forget all that had just happened the attacker looked up at me and squealed

"Adri!!" she threw her arms around me, I froze shocked; who the hell was this chick. Looking up a middle aged couple came up to our weird embrace, I recognized them as my Aunt and Uncle. So that means . . . Oops.

"Samantha!?" I looked down, o great "I'm so sorry if I had known it was you. . ."

"It's ok" She smiled "I'm fine. Plus I should have known better than to attack you from behind"

I nodded weakly and stood up quickly pulling Sam up with me, I looked her up and down slowly. "Where's the young mischievous girl I know gone!" I said surprised Sam's Blonde hair had straightened out and she had grown taller and more tanned must be all the Cali sun. Her chocolate brown eyes, that were identical to mine had been stripped of their glasses and where now instead surrounded by natural toned make up.

"She still in here." Sam smiled wickedly tapping the side of her head

"It's more like she's grown up to be a rebel; parties and everything!" My uncle said, I switched my gaze to him with shocked eyes everything. "No not drugs or anything like that" he said quickly. Looking at him I noticed his black hair had more prominent grey hairs streaking through it and his face was slightly crinkled but his brown eyes that most of our family have where still warm and inviting. I then looked at my Aunt her blonde hair had lightened to a more blonde-grey colour and like my uncle had a slightly crinkled face she had sparkling blue eyes though; one of the few in our family to have them. I walked over to her and hugged her gently then encased my uncles hand in a greeting that he pulled into a hug. "We've missed you." He whispered in my ear

"We're so glad you've come home dear." My aunt said "tomorrow we are taking you out shopping so that you can get some new furniture for your room!"

"We're having room makeovers." Sam chuckled in my ear, I grimaced knowing what was still to come.


I woke up in a strange room, looking around I didn't see anything familiar I slid out of bed and walked to the window. Unlatching it quietly I looked over my shoulder sighing quietly in relief as I saw no one else in the room with me. I poked my head out the window I was three stories up, no way I was going to jump that! I turned my head to see a drainage pipe about a meter away from the window maybe . . . I sat on the edge of the ledge and reached over. It was too far out, I stood up and threw my self lightly across to the pipe and slid down slowly. Once on the ground I ran towards the gardens shuffling through the trees I saw a metal gate this was it my chance to escape this place I climbed a nearby tree and jumped over the fence. Landing lightly I saw a security guard come running over crud I was caught. The guard came up to me as I was leaning on the gate

"Hey! You!" He yelled I rolled my eyes I was the only one other than him out here. "This is private property." He reached for me I suddenly grabbed his arm and twisted it around his back so that he was no longer facing me.

"I have no idea where the hell I am." I hissed in his ear "So you're going to show me the way out of here. If you try to call anyone for help I'll kill you and we both know that we both don't want that to happen" I said as I pressed the barrel of the gun I had grabbed from his holster to his spine at his lower back. He nodded quickly and took a step forward

"This way he whispered" I followed him as he led me out the grounds, at the gate a few other security guards came out to meet him.

"Hey Joe!" the tubby one called "Where you been? You missed out on seeing Adri coming home!" What how the hell did he know me?? He fell silent when he saw the look on his comrades face "you ok Joe?"

"Tell him to open the gate and let us through" I whispered

"Open the gate and let us through!" He yelled with a pleading look in his eyes. Tubby looked confused but sobered up as I came into view behind his fellow security guard the skinny one rushed inside the booth and open the gate. Tubby just stood there staring in shock as we walked out. As soon as we got to the other side I let the guard - Joe - go and turned and sprinted shoving the gun into the back of my jeans in the process.

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