Chapter Four

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I woke up with a throbbing head, groaning I put my hand to my forehead. There was an IV in my arm, and then the events from the night before came back to me. My leg, I gasped and sat up looking down I saw my foot still firmly attached to my leg. Well not entirely; my whole leg up to about mid-thigh was encased in white plaster. Hey I wasn't complaining I got to keep my foot and to be honest the way it was trapped I thought I was going to lose it.

I saw a police officer in a light blue shirt outside my door talking to my uncle who was shaking his head furiously red in the face with rage. I strained my ears to try and hear what he was angry at but the walls must have been sound proofed. After a few minutes the officer turned slightly and I saw his face, it was Kyle. I sighed happy that I had seen him again but what was he doing here? As if feeling my gaze he turned fully towards me and looked me straight in the eye. He reached for the door handle and opened the door as he said "She's up" he walked into the doorway and just stood there as my uncle, aunt and Sam walked into the room. Sam rushed to my side

"What on earth were you thinking!" she started

"You could have died out there!" my Aunt added

"If I hadn't set alarms to the traps" my uncle interjected

"We don't know what we would have done" my aunt finished. I let out a small giggle as they looked at me with identical looks of anger, worry and fear.

"I'm fine" I managed to say although me voice was weak

"Ok Adriana, officer Makenzie would like to ask you a few questions. About what I don't know, so don't ask" My uncle said to me as the others left the room, I nodded and he followed the others out shutting the door behind him.

"What do you want?" I said as soon as the door was shut

"I'm the one asking questions here." Officer Makenzie said stoutly

I scoffed "Ha, Kyle if you really believe I'm coming back it's a no. I can't not after what happened." I looked down tears starting to pool in my eyes, I felt Kyle's arm rap around me and hold me close. Turing towards him I buried my face in his chest. After 5 minutes I looked up into his eyes he leaned down and pressed his lips against mine

"It's going to be alright, I promise. I'll protect you" He whispered against my lips before pulling me impossibly closer and deepening the kiss, not even thinking how wrong it was that we were in a hospital that he was an officer supposed to question me. A knock sounded on the door and Kyle pulled away "Ok Ms Cole I am going to be your guard from now on to prevent any future attempts at harming yourself or others around you." I cocked my head ever so slightly to the left Kyle noticed and winked letting me know that he would fill me in later. I stayed in the hospital for a month, a very long month. The only happy thing about my stay was Kyle it turned out that he was appointed to guard me after my accident with the gin trap; my uncle had explained that to me, later on I asked kyle to expand that and he told me that the military spy agency had sent him under cover. Not much happened at my time in the hospital.
Tomorrow was my final morning here they were finally letting me go home, I fell asleep thinking of going home.

It was dark; I looked around hoping to see where I was. No luck I heard the crying of a small child and felt something grab my hot hand cooling it down. Then I heard shouting "Is anyone a doctor!" I heard a man's foot falls come closer someone leant over me and took my wrist pressing down slightly.

"She's still alive" a gruff voice said

"Adri!" Kyle yelled I whimpered not know where he was. I heard Kyle's gear thump against his chest as he ran towards me. The next thing I knew he had my head on his lap stroking my hair. "It's ok baby, it's ok" He whispered as we waited for the medics to arrive he kissed my forehead and I started to drift off further into a grey light. I felt a muted sensation on my wrist probably Kyle checking my pulse again. "Open your eyes, Adri, for once in your life follow an order!"

"Wake up, come on." Kyle persuaded me to open my eyes; I was sticky, drenched in sweat, I started to shake as the memory replayed in my head "it's ok, it's ok. It's over" he rocked me back and forth soothingly. When I had calmed down he pulled away and sat in the chair next to the bed I lay in. "Want to tell me?" I knew he was talking about the nightmare I had just had, I nodded weakly

"It was the bomb raid in London." I paused "the one when I didn't make it to the shelters" I ended in a whisper, tracing some of the scars that ran down my right side. I looked up at Kyle to see that he was staring into space, he broke free of the trance he was in as a nurse burst into the room to check how I was she looked over the heart rate monitor
"You had an increased heart rate for a while are you feeling ok?" she asked

"Yep I'm good." I put on a fake smile, the last thing I needed was to be stuck here for another few months.

"All right then. Pack up your things your Uncle will be here at 8 to pick you up." The nurse walked out leaving me to pack the small amount of my belongings that I had here plus millions of flowers that my aunt and Sam had brought me. I packed up my toiletries and some cards and gifts I had received. Changed out of the hospital gown with help from Kyle and took some of the fresh flowers to acquaintances I had made in the hospital, again with the help of Kyle. By 7.45 I was downstairs waiting for my uncle, I know I was early but that was just a habit from my training.

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