Chapter Three

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*** photo on the side of how i see Adri during her flash back***

Someone shouted my name and I glanced backwards to the mansion that I had escaped and tripped, Tripped. In all my years I had never tripped why now?  I landed heavily and felt an excruciating pain shoot up my left leg hearing the snapping of bone I knew I had broken my leg. I looked down and saw my foot stuck in a gin trap; I heard an alarm set off in the mansion then heard the shuffling of footsteps through the foliage a few seconds later my Uncle appeared from around the corner.

“Adri!” he yelled rushing towards me eye’s widening as he took in my leg that had the white of my snapped bone stained slightly red by the blood that had leaked from my ripped flesh that had been torn as I fell. He bent down by the trap and took a key from around his neck and unlocked it from the chain holding it to the ground, pulling out a portable radio from the inside of his jacket he told the security guards to call an ambulance to La Lune Crescent forest. After that we sat in silence, my leg bleeding and my uncle just sitting there looking a little pale. Soon enough I heard the sirens coming closer, they reminded me of the bomb warnings I closed my eyes as the first wave of drowsiness from the blood loss hit me. I heard the sirens I looked round for the lost girl, I couldn’t see her anywhere. I stayed rooted to the spot despite the constant push of people rushing to the bomb shelters, then I saw her she was across the street hiding in a small alleyway looking scared. I pushed towards the girl, when I got there the majority of people had gotten into the shelter. I crouched and looked her in the eye “Ok.” I said holding her shoulders “We are going to go underground to stay safe ok?” She nodded slightly indicating she understood me. I picked her up and placed her on my hip running towards the shelter entrance. I saw the doors start to close I was only a few meters away but knew we weren’t going to make it, “I’m going to throw you now, ok?” I said to the girl. Instead of waiting for her to reply I threw her yelling out “Catch her!” as I fell to the ground from the force I put behind the throw. I saw a surprised man catch her as the bombs started to fall shaking the ground. A bomb landed 4 kilometres away and I saw the doors closing just before my eyes shut as another bomb landed closer.  I was screaming as my uncle tried to calm me, a man and woman walk into the clearing. Realising I was no longer on the streets of London I sighed and tried to slow my rapid heartbeat. The woman walked over to me as the man walked over to my uncle leading him closer to the edge of the clearing away from the trap that my leg was caught in.

She crouched down next to me as I started to sit up “you don’t have to sit up stay lying down if it’s more comfortable” she said, I nodded but sat up because that was more comfortable anyway. I felt another sharp pain as I moved but didn’t wince this was nothing compared to what I’ve had before. “Can you tell me your name?”

“Agent Cole ma’am” I said shifting my weight onto my right side and held up my left for her to shake. She looked at my hand in shock before shaking it timidly seemingly very aware of my injured leg.

“Um, what is your full name?” she asked again

“Adriana Shila Cloe ma’am” I said realising my mistake she wrote something down at the top of the clipboard in her hands.

“How old are you?” she asked not looking up

"17” I replied

“Date of birth?”


“Do you have any allergies?”


“Ok then” she looked up finally “We are going to be moving you the ambulance waiting outside the trees-“ I don't remember what happened after that i think they must have given me something for the pain, or I might have passed out from the loss of blood.

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