Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Samantha POV

I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder; I opened my eyes to see Hunter with his arm stuck through the bars of his cell. His face was pale, very pale, I looked down to his leg remembering what had happened to him yesterday. Or at least I think it was yesterday, his leg was still red and bleeding slightly

"Sam? You awake?" he whispered, I guess something bad had happened I nodded groaning as I sat up crunching my neck to get the stiffness out of it. "It's bad news, Theo the guy they sent after Adri to send her a warning, reported back last night. Turns out she's real pissed and is trying everything to find us, well you anyway." Hunter trailed off then looked down guiltily, he was hiding something from me.

"What are you hiding from me?" he just shook his head "Just tell me Hunter, I'm not a little kid anymore. I can handle it" he sighed

"Just remember you asked, she tortured him that's all I'm going to say about it" hunter half laughed half scoffed "she messed him up ok, not as bad as what she used to do." I gasped

"What! And what do you mean not as bad as she used to?" Hunter shushed me as the sound of footsteps came closer "No, don't you shush me. Tell me, what do you mean not as bad as she used to?" I yelled not noticing the thug standing outside the door of my cell. Hunter laughed, a cold deadly laugh. I looked at him like he was a crazy person as he calmed down his face hardened.

"Why don't you tell her Gavin? You were once in the chair after you betrayed us" he snarled

"Shut up Hunter," I turned to face the thug I gasped when I saw that his right eye was scarred badly. His iris was lighter than his other eye and scarred tissue surrounded his whole eye.

"Adri, Adri did that!?" I stuttered I couldn't believe it, I wouldn't

"Yeah she did, what's it to you?" he smirked suddenly "Maybe I should do the same to you, yeah send her a message" Hunter banged himself against the bars separating our cells making a loud noise vibrate through the prison

"Adri, wouldn't care if you did it to her, it'll send a better message if you did it to me." Hunter said I could literally reach out and touch the hostility that was gathering in a heavy cloud in the room.

"Gavin, out of there, boss no want you talk to prisoners" Gavin grunted then turned on his heel slamming the door of the prison on the way out.

Adri POV

When Kyle had gotten a fair distance from the mansion he reached over with one hand and chucked my duffel bag into the back. I sat up stretching my cramped up back, "When did you get so good?" I asked playfully punching his arm

"I'll never tell" he looked over at me cheekily, I leant over towards him as if I were going to kiss him but pulled away as I realised he had gone onto the wrong side of the road.

"Eyes on the road Kyle" I murmured

"Do I have to?" he whined

"Yes, Kyle!" I yelled as we went round the corner and had a near miss with another car "how much further?"

"It's not far, we take a left in about 200meters" and we did to. Straight into the forest on the side of the highway that looked like a dead end but at the last second the trees seemed to open up and embrace us. Kyle drove through trees to a clearing known as turtle neck cove, he parked the car and I started to get out when Kyle stopped me. "Adri, no matter what happens now please know that I have not gone behind your back with anyone." I raised an eyebrow

"Why would you tell me that?"

"Mandi is part of the team, not my choice but she thinks that we're an item -"

"Are you?" I cut him off

"No, no way of course not and you can read me all you want I'm not lying." He leant forward so that we were only an inch apart "I would never do that, and you know that, right?" I nodded I was still wondering where he was going with this. He leaned forwards and kissed me "let's get going then," he said as he got out of the car while I sat dazed at the scene that had just unfolded. "Oh and A please don't kill anyone." Oh that's where he was going with it

"I've told you before. DON'T CALL ME THAT!!" I yelled leaping out the car and launching myself at Kyle but before I reached him I was knocked out the way by a guy with black hair he landed ontop of me with a knife held to my throat he looked over his shoulder at Kyle, bad idea he should know to never take his eyes off his prey

"Kyle this girl was about to attack you what should I do with her?" Kyle turned around hurriedly

"Don't -" Kyle never got to finish his sentence because I had already punched him twice and flipped him over grabbing his arm and twisting it till the knife that was in his hand was at his own throat, I think I may have dislocated his arm in two places, oh well.

"Who are you? How do you know Kyle?" I hissed in his ear leaning over him

"Adri, get off him he's a new recruit, his name's Rikki Gomez and no he is not related in any way to Selena Gomez. He's harmless." I glanced over at Kyle quickly who was advancing towards me along with two other males following behind him

"That's what we thought about Gavin. Look where that got us" I pulled the guy up and ripped the knife out of his hand holding him up in front of me placing the knife on the front of his neck. "Maybe I should just slit his throat right now, save us the trouble of losing everyone!"

"Oh please oh please" the guy, Rikki, whimpered

"SHUT UP!" I yelled shaking him "All of them, just gone; Casey, Merida, Matt," I paused it still hurt too much "and, Hunter. They took HUNTER!!! My own Bro-" I stopped no one needed to know "gone because I made the stupid mistake of trusting the newbie!" Kyle's face was scrunched up I knew he was remembering.

"Adri that was his choice, yes he was a traitor but there was no way you could have known that." He took a step closer and I applied more pressure on Rikki's neck with the blade of the knife drawing some blood. "Adriana, just let him go." I shoved him to the ground

"Do you not care!?" Rikki started to shuffle away from me as Kyle came closer

"Of course I care" he murmured

"They took him, why? Why?" My voice broke and the grief consumed me and I couldn't stand I fell forwards crying, not the cute sobbing kind but full on bawling. Kyle caught me and I started to hit him not hard, but not soft either. He wrapped his arms around me and patted my hair.

"Shhh It's ok, It's ok" I nodded then shook my head I felt Kyle kiss my forehead "let's go see Brodie ok?" He started to lead me off, we were almost at Brodie's old tent when a young girl with bleach blonde hair, obviously died came up to Kyle

"Kye, I've missed you" she made a fake pouting face then kissed him.

****Oh my!!! what do you think is going to happen?? Is Adri going to freak? or not? What do you think of Rikki? What's going to become of him? and new info coming to light, ooh what do you think Gavin did? and did Adri really almost cut out his eye?? Tell me what you think in the comments below!!


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