Chapter Twenty (Part 2)

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I heard my alarm clock buzzing and I walked out the bathroom toothbrush stuck in my mouth to turn it off. I had woken up before my alarm yet again, when I had tamed my wild morning state caused by my constant tossing and turning and forgetting to tie my hair back. I dressed in some mid-thigh black shorts, a collared light navy singlet and black converse. I went downstairs while tying my hair in a side braid; Kyle was sitting at the counter staring into space. I walked past him and put 4 slices into the toaster, when they popped out I put two on a plate in front of Kyle and buttered mine joining him on the other side of the counter I started to eat. I nudged him with my shoulder and he started to eat snapping out of his dreamlike state. When he was finished he got up, not saying a word took my plate and poured us both a glass of water. His fingers brushed mine as he handed me the cup and his hand lingered longer than necessary as if he was debating his next move. He leaned in slightly and my breathing hitched, but before Kyle could do anything else my uncle walked in. I leant over the counter and started to fiddle with the rim of my cup,

"let's get going, we don't want to be late." Kyle said grabbing his keys off the bench, I downed the water and got up grabbing my bag from next to the couch were I had put it yesterday. Following him out the house I yelled a quick goodbye to my uncle, as soon as the door of the car closed Kyle took my hand in his and kissed the back of it "I'm sorry I'm lying to you, but if I told you and he found out I don't even want to know what he will do" a few tears slipped out his eyes, I furrowed my eyebrows

"Hey, hey, look at me I'm right here it's ok, I'm fine no one is going to take me away from you again ok," he turned his head away from me and pulled his hand out of mine and started the engine. I turned his head so that he was looking at me, and pressed my forehead against his. "I mean it ok," I said he nodded still not making eye contact, I sighed letting it go as he pulled away from the mansion and onto the driveway. The drive to Cali-Street high was silent the only sound

was our breathing, a little creepy I know. Kyle pulled into a parking spot and

turned to look at me for the first time this morning

"You ready

to do this?" he asked

"Not really, but at least we ain't being shot at this time" I muttered, opening my door and stepping out the car. Kyle locked the car and we made our way towards the office we got our timetables and made our way to our allocated lockers. When I got to my locker I saw some bimbo chick leaning on it

"Excuse me" she didn't turn round "Can you move out the way please" She turned around

"Are you talking to me?" she said pointing one manicured finger at me then herself.

"Um yes I'm talking to you, you're the only one around here, and your leaning on my locker so please can you move," I was getting irritated at her stupidity.

"Watch your tone," a girl with brown curls said stepping next to Blondie

I scoffed "And why would I do that?"

"do you not know who she is!?" she sounded shocked

"No I don't and I don't really care, can you please just move out the way so I can use my locker?"

"I don't think so, who do you think you are coming here and bossing us around," I sighed

"I asked you nicely twice" I said "this time I am not asking MOVE OUT THE WAY NOW!" I yelled they seemed shocked and the brunette moved but Blondie stayed where she was,

"why should I move for you?" she acted tough but in her eyes I could see a hint of fear

"because if you don't I'll move your skinny manicured ass for you" I glared at her, she huffed then shoved off the locker

"come on girls, " she said as she walked past the brunette and two others I hadn't noticed before "let her have her fun, for now" she muttered "we'll get her for that later" she muttered  and her accompany giggled I don't really remember what happened but I must have flipped as I felt the anger bubble up my body and seep out my pores I whirled round and pulled Blondie's hair, everything was a blur after that and I ended up outside the principal's office. Kyle as usual was with me having pulled me off Blondie before I could do any serious damage

"So in the principal's office even before your first school day begins," Kyle chuckled and I sent him a death glare

"Shut up," I growled Kyle just laughed. Getting mad again I pounced on him knocking him backwards I kneed him in the gut then push his head back off me he bent down as if trying to catch his breath then launched forward tackling me to the ground my head hit the ground with a loud Crack and Kyle leaned over me his face centimetres from mine.

"Adri, what has you so uptight?" he asked even though he knew perfectly well what was wrong.

"Get off me," Kyle stayed put I flipped him over so that I was straddling him them got up putting my foot on him throat with enough pressure to say 'don't move and this will end nicely' but not enough to choke him. At that time the principal decided to let us in her office letting out a younger kid who was scared to death by the scene in front of him

"Adrianna Cole Duncan get off him at once and both of you get into my office" I took my foot off Kyle's throat and looked down at him he had his eyes shut and was feigning unconsciousness. Seeing him not move the principal went a little pale "Is he ok? We should call the nurse,"

"he's fine Ms watch, get up" I yelled kicking him in the side where he is seriously ticklish his hand shot up and grabbed my ankle pulling me down and got up, thankfully I managed to catch myself before I faced planted Kyle was laughing and I couldn't help but smirk myself but the principle didn't find it funny at all.

"Get in my office now" she held open the door and we filed into her office. Hearing the door slam behind us I knew we were in deep poop.

****If you were wondering, Adri has not got a cast anymore instead she has  a bandage used by special agents when they hurt themselves on missions, this allows the person wearing the bandage to move normally as if they do not have a bad injury****

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