Chapter Fourteen

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"I will shoot him Nigel!” I warned, he nodded and two of his men started to advance towards me from my left. I turned and fired a shot; one of them fell to the ground in front of the other blood slowly trickling onto the floor. Everyone froze.


“Ok, ok.” Nigel said “I will let you say your goodbyes” he pushed Sam forward towards me she came closer to me but hesitated before standing next to me. I pushed the guard away from me and I gathered Sam into a hug.

“We are going to get out of this and both you and me are going to live” I whispered into her ear “I don’t have to long to tell you but if I say The password get  behind me and against the wall” she nodded slowly obviously remembering our fort we had built when we first met;

“Adri sweetie come downstairs your cousin is here.” I quickly ran down the stairs and hid in my mother’s skirts as the people came in the door. There in the doorway stood a man and a woman and in the woman’s skirt hid a girl slightly younger than me. The girl and I were left in the living room as  our parents went into the kitchen to cook.

“Hi, I’m Adri” I said smiling she just ducked her head shyly her blonde hair shining slightly in the light

"Samantha.” She said before smiling and saying “Lady Adri how may I be of service”

“Let us build a fort so that we can live in a safe place” I said we ran around the living room after that giggling and gathering materials that we could use. Half an hour later Samantha and I were sitting in the fort.

“We need a password.” She said “so that no one strange could get in” I agreed

“how about Lollypop?” I said “cause I like lollypops” Samantha nodded her head

“Blueberry Lollypops!” she said “Cause I like Blueberries and you like lollypops”

“Ok Blueberry lollypops it is”  

I heard a slight noise outside in the hallway and knew it was time but before I could say anything one of Nigel’s men hit me over the head and grabbed Sam.

“Don’t worry princess she be fine. As long as we can come to an agreement” Nigel sneered, that was the last thing I saw as I passed out.

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