Chapter Twenty-One

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****Oh my gosh!!! 1K!!!!! AND 42 VOTES!!!THANK YOU GUYS SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! The next update will be a double or possibly even a triple I'm so grateful to anyone who is reading this. The fact that you've stayed with this story means a lot to me ;) Thanks guys!!! Love you to bits!!****

Kyle POV

I heard a commotion further down the hallway in the direction Adri had gone, I thought nothing of it as high schools normally have fights between the popular groups. I mentally kicked myself as realisation struck me in a rush, the popular kids like to pick on the new people I.E Adri I sprinted down the hall shoving people aside as I got closer to the fight. When I got to the front I couldn't help but laugh there was Adri straddling this blonde chick with obviously dyed hair and fake nails, and three buff guys trying to pull her off of her prey. I looked around the outer edge of the formed circle and saw two other buff guys with nose bleeds obviously from trying to separate the two girls. I walked up to one of them "What's going on? Other than what I can see" I asked not taking my eyes off what Adri was doing I thought I'd let her have some fun "Dude you know she is injured right?" the guy looked at me

"You mean Chantelle?"I shook my head

"No the brunette, she literally just got out of a cast."

"Seriously!"the guy said I nodded "What she do?" 

"Stepped in a gin trap, the idiot" when I said that his mouth hit the floor I looked at him and as if I hadn't already known about his nose bleed I asked "what happened to you man?!"

"She elbowed me in the face" I started to laugh that was Adri alright "Dude it isn't funny no one can separate them" I scoffed

"I bet I can get them apart, single handed but I might need one of you to hold blondie when I do get them away from each other."

"Dude if you manage to pull that off I'll give you ten bucks" I nodded saying that I would do it "Hey guys get over here" he called obviously to the group of buffs trying to separate Adri and Chantelle —was that her name? — they walked over "This guy thinks he can separate them single handed" The guys laughed and I peered over their shoulders Adri was getting a bit more violent

"Yeah I'll prove it" I said walking over to them and tried the thing that normally works "Adrianna Cole get up right now!! Ray's coming" but it didn't work I could see the blondie fighting back scratching at her with her fake nails, The guys started to laugh behind me and I realised I was going to have to physically get her off of  blondie as she threw her 'ice breaker' punch  and a clear snapping sound echoed down the halls everyone cringed. I pounced on Adri who tried to shove me off I used her change in weight shift and used my legs in a choke hold to move her flipping her over me onto the ground away from blondie.  As I rounded the corner I saw Adri and Clement rolling around on the floor surrounded by a few other members of our class they rolled around both of them trying to gain the upper hand. Then Adri was straddling Clement, and was trying to free her pinned hands, when she did she punch him square on in the face and we heard the sound of his nose breaking then without mercy Adri began the real damage, she broke multiple bones and Clement ended up hospitalized for four months: half of which he couldn't move at all.

Adri was furious at me for pulling her off of her victim so she started on me. Twisting my arm round until I felt a pop, it was agony but I had to keep her down. I pinned her down with my arm against her shoulders she pushed her chin down and looked up at me through her eyelashes uh-oh that face meant something — felt her teeth digging into my arm and I used my injured arm to force her head back violently onto the floor causing her to pass out. By this time the principle had finally arrived and started yelling when she saw the scene in front of her.

I looked up to the guy who I was talking to before "You owe me ten,"

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